43 research outputs found

    A quantitative mass spectrometry-based approach to monitor the dynamics of endogenous chromatin-associated protein complexes.

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    Understanding the dynamics of endogenous protein-protein interactions in complex networks is pivotal in deciphering disease mechanisms. To enable the in-depth analysis of protein interactions in chromatin-associated protein complexes, we have previously developed a method termed RIME (Rapid Immunoprecipitation Mass spectrometry of Endogenous proteins). Here, we present a quantitative multiplexed method (qPLEX-RIME), which integrates RIME with isobaric labelling and tribrid mass spectrometry for the study of protein interactome dynamics in a quantitative fashion with increased sensitivity. Using the qPLEX-RIME method, we delineate the temporal changes of the Estrogen Receptor alpha (ERα) interactome in breast cancer cells treated with 4-hydroxytamoxifen. Furthermore, we identify endogenous ERα-associated proteins in human Patient-Derived Xenograft tumours and in primary human breast cancer clinical tissue. Our results demonstrate that the combination of RIME with isobaric labelling offers a powerful tool for the in-depth and quantitative characterisation of protein interactome dynamics, which is applicable to clinical samples

    Ibex as indicator of hunter-gatherer mobility during the late Palaeolithic and Mesolithic

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    The present research concerns some sites within two different areas in Italy: on the one hand the Cilento Region (Salerno – southern Italy), with caves occupied during the final Epigravettian, and on the other, the valley bottom of the Adige River (Trento – Bolzano, northern Italy), with rockshelters frequented by Sauveterrian groups. The sites of both areas, at a little distance from each other and occupied in the same periods, show different frequency of ibex in the faunal record. As this species lives exclusively on mountains and hills with open environments, the observation of its quantity jointly with topographic analysis of the territories allow to examine hunters’ range of action in relation to the different opportunities of tracing Capra ibex

    MesoLife. A Mesolithic perspective on Alpine and neighbouring territories ​

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    The papers published in this volume represent the first part of the conference proceedings “MesoLife. A Mesolithic perspective on Alpine and neighbouring territories” which took place at the Museo “Vittorino Cazzetta” of Selva di Cadore (Belluno, Italy) from 11th to 14th June 2014. The event was organized by the Universities of Ferrara and Siena, the Soprintendenze Archeologia of Veneto and Tuscany, the Municipality of Selva di Cadore and the Association “Amici del Museo” of Selva di Cadore

    Collaborazione della Soprintendenza Archeologia della Toscana all’organizzazione del Convegno Internazionale MesoLife, Selva di Cadore (BL)

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    Dall’11 al 14 Giugno 2014 si è svolto a Selva di Cadore (Belluno) il convegno internazionale MesoLife. A Mesolithic Perspective on Alpine and Neighbouring Territories. Organizzato dalle Università degli Studi di Ferrara e di Siena, dalle Soprintendenze Archeologiche del Veneto e della Toscana, dal Comune di Selva di Cadore e dall'Associazione Amici del Museo di Selva di Cadore, l'evento ha riunito numerosi studiosi europei che conducono ricerche sul Mesolitico. La discussione, prevalentemente incentrata sul popolamento mesolitico del territorio alpino ha interessato anche le dinamiche di adattamento degli ultimi cacciatori-raccoglitori ai contesti geografici ed ambientali delle aree limitrofe, grazie alla partecipazione di ricercatori attivi anche in altre regioni europee

    MesoLife. A Mesolithic perspective on Alpine and neighbouring territories.

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    The conference focuses on Mesolithic research in the area which extends from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea and the Danube Basin, with the Alps representing its core region. Particularly, it aims at highlighting adaptation dynamics to different environments both from synchronic and diachronic viewpoints, and to investigate the role played by the Alpine chain in favouring and unfavouring contacts and cultural exchanges. The MesoLife conference thus revitalises in part the tradition of the Mesolithic conferences organised in the 1990s’ and 2000s’ by different institutions in some of the involved countries

    MesoLife. Una prospettiva mesolitica sulle Alpi e i territori limitrofi.

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    Dall’11 al 14 giugno 2014 si è svolto a Selva di Cadore, presso il Museo V. Cazzetta il convegno internazionale intitolato “MesoLife. A Mesolithic perspective on Alpine and neighbouring territories”, che ha riunito studiosi e ricercatori che si occupano di Mesolitico nell’area alpina e nelle regioni circostanti

    MesoLife. A Mesolithic perspective on Alpine and neighbouring territories

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    The conference focuses on human occupation of the Alpine chain and the neighboring areas in the Mesolithic period (9,600-6,000 cal BC). MesoLife is an international European conference addressed especially to researchers working in the territory extending from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea and the Danube Basin, with the Alps representing its core region. The conference addresses a specific topical issue which had never before been the object of an international meeting and it is aimed to encourage discussion on the Mesolithic within an area—the central and south-western regions of Europe—where the debate has never been so much developed as in the Northern part of the continent

    Site formation processes of a Mesolithic rockshelter at GalgenbĂĽhel / Dos de la Forca (Adige Valley, South Tyrol, Italy)

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    Archaeological excavations at the rockshelter GalgenbĂĽhel/Dos de la Forca, located in the Adige Valley at Salurn (Bozen/Bolzano, Italy), allowed us to investigate a site occupied from 9.2 to 8.5 ka BP by Mesolithic Sauveterrian groups. The site was used mainly for the exploitation of freshwater fish and other aquatic resources. The aim of the paper is to reconstruct the palaeo-environmental setting, the site formation processes and the stratigraphic architecture. The interdisciplinary approach was carried out through geomorphological, stratigraphic, sedimentological and micromorphological analyses. The site is located under a rockshelter inside a debris talus. The roughly 2.5 m thick stratigraphic sequence is made up of coarse grained debris interfingered with anthropic layers. Hearths and pits are present, usually located in proximity of the overhang. The excavation of these features caused an accumulation of reworked mixed sediments. The site was most probably abandoned when the sedimentation reached the top of the shelter

    Le faune dell'Eneolitico e dell'età del Bronzo della Buca del Leccio (Cetona – SI)

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    Nonostante il basso numero di elementi determinabili, il campione faunistico della Buca del Leccio, un sito all’aperto ubicato a Belverde, sulle pendici del Monte Cetona (Provincia di Siena), permett e di fare alcune osservazioni sull’economia dei suoi abitanti. Durante le varie fasi di frequentazione risalenti a diversi momenti tra l’Eneolitico e il Bronzo medio iniziale, il campione mostra una generale predominanza degli animali domestici. Sono più frequenti i resti di ovicaprini, seguiti da suini e bovini. I resti degli animali selvatici, rappresentati per lo più dal cinghiale, sono più numerosi nei primi periodi di frequentazione del sito. Summary - Within the limit of the small size of the assemblage, the study of the animal bones and teeth fr om Buca del Leccio, an open-air site located at Belverde on the slopes of Monte Cetona (province of Siena, Italy), aims to provide information on the economy of the sett lement. Th e assemblage come fr om all phases of its continuous occupation fr om the Copper Age to the early Middle Bronze Age. Domestic species are more fr equent than wild ones. Using the number of identifi ed specimens as a quantifi cation system, sheep and goat are the most numerous taxa in all phases, followed by pigs and catt le. Th e remains of wild animals, mainly represented by wild boar, are most numerous during the fi rst period of occupation

    What Differences in Production and Use of Aurignacian and Early Gravettian Lithic Assemblages? The Case of Grotta Paglicci (Rignano Garganico, Foggia, Southern Italy)

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    The aim of the present research is a techno-functional comparison of two lithic assemblages from Grotta Paglicci located at Rignano Garganico (Apulia). Level 24A1 is attributed to the Aurignacian and dated to 29,300± 600 BP and layer 23 is referable to the early Gravettian and dated to 28,100 ± 400 BP. They are in stratigraphical continuity. Through the analysis of the production schemes and the use of the lithic material, the elements of continuity and change between both assemblages have been identified in order to contribute to a better definition of the distinctive features of the early Gravettian. The research shows no evidence of an eventual transition between the Aurignacian and the Gravettian technocomplex at this site