960 research outputs found

    Screening the risk factors of type 2 diabetes mellitus in minor ethnic Bishnupriya Manipuri community in Bangladesh

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    Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) development involves various interrelated risk factors, including age, gender, obesity, and inactivity. However, research lacks insights into the risk factors within the minor ethnic Bishnupriya Manipuri community in Bangladesh. This study aimed to identify T2DM risk factors within this community. Methods: This survey-based prospective observational study was conducted in different villages of Kamalgonj Upazila under the Moulvibazar district in Bangladesh from March 2023 to June 2023 enrolled 280 individuals using purposive sampling. Data collection involved a questionnaire, verbal agreement, and diagnostic documentation. Analysis utilized Microsoft Office and the student’s t-test. Results: Participants exhibited a 1:1.2 male-female ratio, with 64% aged 36-65. 43% were housewives, 55% engaged in moderate work, 15% smoked, and 41% had a family history of diabetes. Diabetic cases accounted for 39%, with an average age of 57.39±11.99 years, significantly higher than non-diabetic cases (46.79±17.93 years). Diabetic cases also showed significantly higher waist circumference (94.11±6.63 cm versus 84.71±14.76 cm) and body mass index (BMI) (26.12±7.61 kg/m2 versus 21.44±6.97 kg/m2). Conclusions: T2DM predominantly affects older individuals in the Bishnupriya Manipuri community. Increased waist circumference, overweight, and obesity emerged as significant risk factors for T2DM within this population

    Friedel phases and phases of transmission amplitudes in quantum scattering systems

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    We illustrate the relation between the scattering phase appearing in the Friedel sum rule and the phase of the transmission amplitude for quantum scatterers connected to two one-dimensional leads. Transmission zero points cause abrupt phase changes ±π\pm\pi of the phase of the transmission amplitude. In contrast the Friedel phase is a continuous function of energy. We investigate these scattering phases for simple scattering problems and illustrate the behavior of these models by following the path of the transmission amplitude in the complex plane as a function of energy. We verify the Friedel sum rule for these models by direct calculation of the scattering phases and by direct calculation of the density of states.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure


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    Two hundred seventy two rectal swabs were examined from diarrhoeic and nondiarrhoeic pet dogs and cats. Out of 240 samples from dogs, 131 (54.58%) and out of 32 samples from cats, 15 (46.87%) were positive for E. coli by cultural characteristic, gram staining, motility,biochemical reactions and sugar fermentation tests. Out of 146 total positive isolates, only 12 isolates were pathogenic. Out of 12 pathogenic isolates of E. coli 6 isolates were O group non- typable and rest 6 E. coli strains were O25, O86a, O44 and O1 from dogs and O36 and O8 from cats. Out of 12 isolates 9 were sensitive to ceftriaxone, 8 were sensitive to ciprofloxacin and gentamicin, 4 were sensitive to amikacin, neomycin and norfloxacin, 2 were to Co-trimoxazole and 1 was sensitive to lomefloxacin. None of the isolate was sensitive to amoxyclav & cephotaxime

    Učinci dodatka kvasca (Saccharomyces cerevisiae tipa boulardii CNCM I-1079) na rast i metabolita krvi jaradi crne bengalske pasmine

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae type boulardii CNCM I-1079) supplementation on growth performance and blood metabolites in Black Bengal goat kids. The experiment was performed on eight growing Black Bengal goat kids divided into a control diet (CD) group without yeast and yeast supplement (YS) group with 1.5% of yeast supplement. The feeding experiment was conducted for 40 days with growth performance measured every ten days, and blood samples were collected on days 0 and 40 of the experiment. The data were analyzed using a mixed model. The results showed that YS had no effect on growth parameters. Moreover, addition of yeast to the diet did not affect the blood parameters (phosphorus (P), cholesterol, triacylglycerol, urea, total protein, glutamate pyruvate transaminase (GPT), and glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (GOT)) except calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg). In the YS group animals, a slight increase in blood level concentration of Ca and Mg was observed compared to the CD group.Cilj rada bio je istražiti učinke kvasca (Saccharomyces cerevisiae tipa boulardii CNCM I-1079) na rast i metabolite krvi kod jaradi crne bengalske pasmine. Eksperiment je proveden na osam jarića podijeljenih u kontrolnu skupinu (KS), koja nije dobivala kvasac, i eksperimentalnu skupinu (ES), kojoj je u obrok dodavano 1,5 % kvasca. Pokus je trajao 40 dana tijekom kojih su učinci rasta mjereni svakih deset dana, a uzorci krvi prikupljeni su nulti i 40. dan eksperimenta. Podaci su analizirani pomoću miješanog modela. Rezultati su pokazali da kvasac nema učinka na pokazatelje rasta. Štoviše, dodavanje kvasca u prehranu nije utjecalo na pokazatelje u krvi (fosfor - P, kolesterol, triacilglicerol, ureju, ukupni protein, glutamat-piruvatnu transaminazu - GPT i glutamat-oksaloacetatnu transaminazu - GOT), uz izuzetak kalcija (Ca) i magnezija (Mg). U eksperimentalnoj skupini životinja opaženo je neznatno povećanje koncentracije Ca i Mg u krvi u odnosu na životinje u kontrolnoj skupini

    Transmission Through Carbon Nanotubes With Polyhedral Caps

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    We study electron transport between capped carbon nanotubes and a substrate, and relate the transmission probability to the local density of states in the cap. Our results show that the transmission probability mimics the behavior of the density of states at all energies except those that correspond to localized states in the cap. Close proximity of a substrate causes hybridization of the localized state. As a result, new transmission paths open from the substrate to nanotube continuum states via the localized states in the cap. Interference between various transmission paths gives rise to antiresonances in the transmission probability, with the minimum transmission equal to zero at energies of the localized states. Defects in the nanotube that are placed close to the cap cause resonances in the transmission probability, instead of antiresonances, near the localized energy levels. Depending on the spatial position of defects, these resonant states are capable of carrying a large current. These results are relevant to carbon nanotube based studies of molecular electronics and probe tip applications

    Spin Fluctuation and Persistent Current in a Mesoscopic Ring Coupled to a Quantum Dot

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    We investigate the persistent current influenced by the spin fluctuations in a mesoscopic ring weakly coupled to a quantum dot. It is shown that the Kondo effect gives rise to some unusual features of the persistent current in the limit where the charge transfer between two subsystems is suppressed. Various aspects of the crossover from a delocalized to a localized dot limit are discussed in relation with the effect of the coherent response of the Kondo cloud to the Aharonov-Bohm flux.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Mesoscopic Fano Effect in a Quantum Dot Embedded in an Aharonov-Bohm Ring

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    The Fano effect, which occurs through the quantum-mechanical cooperation between resonance and interference, can be observed in electron transport through a hybrid system of a quantum dot and an Aharonov-Bohm ring. While a clear correlation appears between the height of the Coulomb peak and the real asymmetric parameter qq for the corresponding Fano lineshape, we need to introduce a complex qq to describe the variation of the lineshape by the magnetic and electrostatic fields. The present analysis demonstrates that the Fano effect with complex asymmetric parameters provides a good probe to detect a quantum-mechanical phase of traversing electrons.Comment: REVTEX, 9 pages including 8 figure

    Current-spin-density functional study of persistent currents in quantum rings

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    We present a numerical study of persistent currents in quantum rings using current spin density functional theory (CSDFT). This formalism allows for a systematic study of the joint effects of both spin, interactions and impurities for realistic systems. It is illustrated that CSDFT is suitable for describing the physical effects related to Aharonov-Bohm phases by comparing energy spectra of impurity-free rings to existing exact diagonalization and experimental results. Further, we examine the effects of a symmetry-breaking impurity potential on the density and current characteristics of the system and propose that narrowing the confining potential at fixed impurity potential will suppress the persistent current in a characteristic way.Comment: 7 pages REVTeX, including 8 postscript figure

    Frozen and Invariant Quantum Discord under Local Dephasing Noise

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    In this chapter, we intend to explore and review some remarkable dynamical properties of quantum discord under various different open quantum system models. Specifically, our discussion will include several concepts connected to the phenomena of time invariant and frozen quantum discord. Furthermore, we will elaborate on the relation of these two phenomena to the non-Markovian features of the open system dynamics and to the usage of dynamical decoupling protocols.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figure

    Evidence for geometry-dependent universal fluctuations of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang interfaces in liquid-crystal turbulence

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    We provide a comprehensive report on scale-invariant fluctuations of growing interfaces in liquid-crystal turbulence, for which we recently found evidence that they belong to the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) universality class for 1+1 dimensions [Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 230601 (2010); Sci. Rep. 1, 34 (2011)]. Here we investigate both circular and flat interfaces and report their statistics in detail. First we demonstrate that their fluctuations show not only the KPZ scaling exponents but beyond: they asymptotically share even the precise forms of the distribution function and the spatial correlation function in common with solvable models of the KPZ class, demonstrating also an intimate relation to random matrix theory. We then determine other statistical properties for which no exact theoretical predictions were made, in particular the temporal correlation function and the persistence probabilities. Experimental results on finite-time effects and extreme-value statistics are also presented. Throughout the paper, emphasis is put on how the universal statistical properties depend on the global geometry of the interfaces, i.e., whether the interfaces are circular or flat. We thereby corroborate the powerful yet geometry-dependent universality of the KPZ class, which governs growing interfaces driven out of equilibrium.Comment: 31 pages, 21 figures, 1 table; references updated (v2,v3); Fig.19 updated & minor changes in text (v3); final version (v4); J. Stat. Phys. Online First (2012