38 research outputs found

    QualitĂ€tsvergleich von Regenbogenforellen aus konventioneller und ökologisch zertifizierter Aufzucht als Voraussetzung fĂŒr eine Verbesserung der WettbewerbsfĂ€higkeit von Bioforellen

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    Die Studie umfasste die Untersuchung der Aufzuchtsbedingungen sowie Futterversuche und vergleichende Untersuchungen zur ProduktqualitĂ€t. Es wurden 2 ökologisch zertifizierte und 3 konventionelle Forellenzuchtbetriebe verglichen. TagesgĂ€nge verschiedener wasserchemischer Parameter an Zu- und Ablauf der Teiche umfassten die Bestimmung von Temperatur, Sauerstoff, pH-Wert, Ammonium-, Nitrit-, Gesamt- und ortho-Phosphatgehalt sowie CSB- und Feststoffgehalt. In zwei Futterversuchen wurden Ökofutter fĂŒr Forellen mit konventionellen Futtern hinsichtlich Wachstum, Futterverwertung und Proteinausnutzung verglichen. Die zwei untersuchten ökologischen Futtermittel zeigten im Vergleich ein schlechteres Protein-/EnergieverhĂ€ltnis, das sich in niedrigeren Rohfettgehalten ausdrĂŒckte. ZusĂ€tzlich wurden futterbedingte Stickstoffexkretionsmuster von Forellen im Tagesgang untersucht. Im Ergebnis zeigte sich, dass die Ökofutter im Vergleich zu den konventionellen Futtern zu einer stĂ€rkeren Umweltbelastung und einem geringerem Wachstum bei schlechterer Futterverwertung fĂŒhrten. Die QualitĂ€tsuntersuchungen der Forellen beinhalteten die Erfassung der biologischen Para-meter, die mikrobiologische und sensorische Beurteilung der Ware, Farb- und Texturmessun-gen, die Bestimmung der chemischen Zusammensetzung einschließlich der RĂŒckstĂ€nde sowie bildverarbeitende Methoden und die Aufnahme des Aromaprofils. Insgesamt waren die ProduktqualitĂ€t und der mikrobiologische Status aller untersuchten Forellen sehr gut. In ihrer chemischen Zusammensetzung unterschieden sich die Fische vor allem im Fettgehalt. Alle ermittelten RĂŒckstandsgehalte lagen weit unter den zulĂ€ssigen Höchstwerten. Ein Zusammenhang zwischen der Aufzuchtsform und der QualitĂ€t konnte nicht festgestellt werden. Bei den Projektergebnissen handelt es sich um eine AbschĂ€tzung der Situation ausgewĂ€hlter Forellenzuchtbetriebe, reprĂ€sentative Aussagen können aus den Ergebnissen nicht abgeleitet werden

    Biofisch – QualitĂ€tsvergleich zwischen konventionellen und ökologisch produzierten Forellen

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    Die Studie umfasste die Untersuchung der Aufzuchtsbedingungen sowie Futterversuche und vergleichende Untersuchungen zur ProduktqualitĂ€t an Portionsforellen. Es wurden 2 ökologisch zertifizierte und 3 konventionelle Forellenzuchtbetriebe verglichen. In dieser Arbeit werden nur die Ergebnisse der QualitĂ€tsuntersuchungen wiedergegeben. Die Untersuchungen der Portionsforellen beinhalteten die Erfassung der biologischen Parameter, die mikrobiologische und sensorische Beurteilung der Ware, Farb- und Texturmessungen, die Bestimmung der chemischen Zusammensetzung einschließlich der RĂŒckstĂ€nde sowie bildverarbeitende Methoden und die Aufnahme des Aromaprofils. Insgesamt waren die QualitĂ€t und der mikrobiologische Status aller untersuchten Forellen sehr gut. In ihrer chemischen Zusammensetzung unterschieden sich die Fische vor allem im Fettgehalt. Alle ermittelten RĂŒckstandsgehalte lagen weit unter den zulĂ€ssigen Höchstwerten. Unterschiede zwischen den Aufzuchtsformen wurden nicht gefunden

    On the constraints violation in forward dynamics of multibody systems

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    It is known that the dynamic equations of motion for constrained mechanical multibody systems are frequently formulated using the Newton-Euler’s approach, which is augmented with the acceleration constraint equations. This formulation results in the establishment of a mixed set of partial differential and algebraic equations, which are solved in order to predict the dynamic behavior of general multibody systems. The classical resolution of the equations of motion is highly prone to constraints violation because the position and velocity constraint equations are not fulfilled. In this work, a general and comprehensive methodology to eliminate the constraints violation at the position and velocity levels is offered. The basic idea of the described approach is to add corrective terms to the position and velocity vectors with the intent to satisfy the corresponding kinematic constraint equations. These corrective terms are evaluated as function of the Moore-Penrose generalized inverse of the Jacobian matrix and of the kinematic constraint equations. The described methodology is embedded in the standard method to solve the equations of motion based on the technique of Lagrange multipliers. Finally, the effectiveness of the described methodology is demonstrated through the dynamic modeling and simulation of different planar and spatial multibody systems. The outcomes in terms of constraints violation at the position and velocity levels, conservation of the total energy and computational efficiency are analyzed and compared with those obtained with the standard Lagrange multipliers method, the Baumgarte stabilization method, the augmented Lagrangian formulation, the index-1 augmented Lagrangian and the coordinate partitioning method.The first author expresses his gratitude to the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology through the PhD grant (PD/BD/114154/2016). This work has been supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology with the reference project UID/EEA/04436/2013, by FEDER funds through the COMPETE 2020 – Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) with the reference project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006941.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Maternal Behavior is Impaired in Female Mice Lacking Type 3 Adenylyl Cyclase

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    Although chemosensory signals generated by mouse pups may trigger maternal behavior of females, the mechanism for detection of these signals has not been fully defined. As some odorant receptors are coupled to the type 3 adenylyl cyclase (AC3), we evaluated the role of AC3 for maternal behavior using AC3−/− female mice. Here, we report that maternal behavior is impaired in virgin and postpartum AC3−/− mice. Female AC3−/− mice failed the pup retrieval assay, did not construct well-defined nests, and did not exhibit maternal aggression. Furthermore, AC3−/− females could not detect odorants or pup urine in the odorant habituation test and were unable to detect pups by chemoreception. In contrast to wild-type mice, AC activity in main olfactory epithelium (MOE) preparations from AC3−/− female mice was not stimulated by odorants or pheromones. Moreover, odorants and pheromones did not evoke electro-olfactogram (EOG) responses in the MOE of AC3−/− female mice. We hypothesize that the detection of chemical signals that trigger maternal behavior in female mice depends upon AC3 in the MOE

    Determination of carotinoids in different commercial salmon samples

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    WOS: 000223324900004In this study, carotinoid levels and varieties were determined in 16 different processed commercial salmon samples. For quantitative determination of total carotinoid in salmon samples a spectrophotometric method and for qualitative determination thin layer chromatography were used. Total carotinoid amounts and varieties were determined in the flesh of wild, traditionally and ecologically farmed salmon. The highest carotinoid concentration in commercial samples (1018 +/- 13 mug/100 g filet) was determined in graved cultured salmon, the lowest carotenoid concentration (473 +/- 15 mug/ 100g filet) was measured in smoked cultured salmon. In some salmon samples, canthaxanthin was determined in trace amounts in addition to astaxanthin. The highest carotinoid concentration in processed wild salmon samples (799 +/- 16 mug/100 g filet) was lower than the highest carotinoid concentration (1018 +/- 13 mug/100 g filet) in cultured salmon samples. In all wild salmons only astaxanthin was determined. The highest carotinoid concentration (739 +/- 18 mug/100 g filet) in ecologically farmed salmon samples was lower than the highest carotinoid level in traditionally cultured salmon (1018 +/- 13 mug/100 g filet)

    Determination of carotinoids in different commercial salmon samples [Bestimmung der carotinoide in verschiedenen handelsĂŒblichen lachsproben]

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    In this study, carotinoid levels and varieties were determined in 16 different processed commercial salmon samples. For quantitative determination of total carotinoid in salmon samples a spectrophotometric method and for qualitative determination thin layer chromatography were used. Total carotinoid amounts and varieties were determined in the flesh of wild, traditionally and ecologically farmed salmon. The highest carotinoid concentration in commercial samples (1018 ± 13 ”g/100 g filet) was determined in graved cultured salmon, the lowest carotenoid concentration (473 ± 15 ”g/ 100g filet) was measured in smoked cultured salmon. In some salmon samples, canthaxanthin was determined in trace amounts in addition to astaxanthin. The highest carotinoid concentration in processed wild salmon samples (799 ± 16 ”g/100 g filet) was lower than the highest carotinoid concentration (1018 ± 13 ”g/100 g filet) in cultured salmon samples. In all wild salmons only astaxanthin was determined. The highest carotinoid concentration (739 ± 18 ”g/100 g filet) in ecologically farmed salmon samples was lower than the highest carotinoid level in traditionally cultured salmon (1018 ± 13 ”g/100 g filet)