15 research outputs found

    Self-consistent Spectral Function for Non-Degenerate Coulomb Systems and Analytic Scaling Behaviour

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    Novel results for the self-consistent single-particle spectral function and self-energy are presented for non-degenerate one-component Coulomb systems at various densities and temperatures. The GW^0-method for the dynamical self-energy is used to include many-particle correlations beyond the quasi-particle approximation. The self-energy is analysed over a broad range of densities and temperatures (n=10^17/cm^3-10^27/cm^3, T=10^2 eV/k_B-10^4 eV/k_B). The spectral function shows a systematic behaviour, which is determined by collective plasma modes at small wavenumbers and converges towards a quasi-particle resonance at higher wavenumbers. In the low density limit, the numerical results comply with an analytic scaling law that is presented for the first time. It predicts a power-law behaviour of the imaginary part of the self-energy, Im Sigma ~ -n^(1/4). This resolves a long time problem of the quasi-particle approximation which yields a finite self-energy at vanishing density.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figure

    Nuclear Alpha-Particle Condensates

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    The α\alpha-particle condensate in nuclei is a novel state described by a product state of α\alpha's, all with their c.o.m. in the lowest 0S orbit. We demonstrate that a typical α\alpha-particle condensate is the Hoyle state (Ex=7.65E_{x}=7.65 MeV, 02+0^+_2 state in 12^{12}C), which plays a crucial role for the synthesis of 12^{12}C in the universe. The influence of antisymmentrization in the Hoyle state on the bosonic character of the α\alpha particle is discussed in detail. It is shown to be weak. The bosonic aspects in the Hoyle state, therefore, are predominant. It is conjectured that α\alpha-particle condensate states also exist in heavier nαn\alpha nuclei, like 16^{16}O, 20^{20}Ne, etc. For instance the 06+0^+_6 state of 16^{16}O at Ex=15.1E_{x}=15.1 MeV is identified from a theoretical analysis as being a strong candidate of a 4α4\alpha condensate. The calculated small width (34 keV) of 06+0^+_6, consistent with data, lends credit to the existence of heavier Hoyle-analogue states. In non-self-conjugated nuclei such as 11^{11}B and 13^{13}C, we discuss candidates for the product states of clusters, composed of α\alpha's, triton's, and neutrons etc. The relationship of α\alpha-particle condensation in finite nuclei to quartetting in symmetric nuclear matter is investigated with the help of an in-medium modified four-nucleon equation. A nonlinear order parameter equation for quartet condensation is derived and solved for α\alpha particle condensation in infinite nuclear matter. The strong qualitative difference with the pairing case is pointed out.Comment: 71 pages, 41 figures, review article, to be published in "Cluster in Nuclei (Lecture Notes in Physics) - Vol.2 -", ed. by C. Beck, (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2011

    Theory of errors of the internal standard in X-ray spectrometry

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    Thomson scattering from near-solid density plasmas using soft X-ray free electron lasers

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    We discuss a collective Thomson scattering experiment at the VUV free electron laser facility at DESY (FLASH) to diagnose warm dense matter at near-solid density. The plasma region of interest marks the transition from an ideal plasma to a correlated and degenerate many-particle system and is of current interest, e.g., in ICF experiments or laboratory astrophysics. Plasma diagnosis of such plasmas is a longstanding issue which is addressed here using a pump-probe scattering experiment to reveal the collective electron plasma mode (plasmon) using the high-brilliance radiation to probe the plasma. Distinctive scattering features allow one to infer basic plasma properties. For plasmas in thermal equilibrium the electron density and temperature are determined from scattering off the plasmon mode. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved