198 research outputs found

    Importance of Poorvakarmas in Shodhana therapy - A Revi

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    In recent era Panchakarma has got prominent place in the management of the diseases through Ayurveda, because Panchakarma is only hope in patients who are bushed after all the Shamana treatments. Panchakarma expels the Doshas from their causative roots so diseases cannot revert after; like tree cannot grow without its root. Without proper Poorvakarma physician cannot get truly result though Shodhana procedure (like Vamana/Virechana) performed well, because without Poorvakarmas Doshas cannot be changed in particular forms through which they can be expelled out from the body. The present paper is focused on explanation of the principle that how Poorvakarma is essential for Shodhana therapy, how they change Dosha’s form and elucidate the Kala and Matra of Poorvakarma particular in Snehapana

    Concept of Nabhi – A Review Study

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    The central point of body in between Amashaya (location of undigested food) and Pakvashaya (location of digested food) is termed as Nabhi. In classical texts of Ayurveda; scattered references regarding Nabhi are available like Nabhi is mentioned as a vital spot (Marma) of body. Nabhi is also included among the fifteen Koshthangas of body. In Sharirasthana of Sushruta Samhita; Acharya Sushruta mentioned that Sira and Dhamani are originated from Nabhi. Acharya Vagbhatta has quoted Nabhi as a dominant place of Pitta Dosha. Nabhi is an abode of Pranas (vital energy). Available literature and commentary on Nabhi interprets it as a Navel but practically it doesn’t make a sense to stick with this interpretation. Therefore; it is need to review classical texts of Ayurveda and contemporary literature to get clear and unambiguous meaning of the word “Nabhi” now a day. After thoroughly reading and interpreting the literature available regarding Nabhi; core of physiological process would be considered by the term Nabh

    Importance of Samsarjana Krama

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    Panchakarma are unique procedures, with help of these procedures one can cure patient as well as help individual to maintain his health. So for proper manifestation of these Karma one should follow all the instruction mention by Acharya. Paschata Karma of Panchakarma is as important as Pradhana Karma because if Paschata Karma, particular Samsarjana Krama, is not done properly patient cannot recover his health properly and his Agni gets disturbed. Here Krutanna Kalpna like Peya, Vilepi, Yusha, Mamsa Rasa etc. play important role to restore patient health and increase the Agni. Here an attempt has been made to explain the importance of Samsarjana Krama

    Genome-wide identification and expression profile analysis of nuclear factor Y family genes in Sorghum bicolor L. (Moench)

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    Members of the plant Heme Activator Protein (HAP) or NUCLEAR FACTOR Y (NF-Y) are trimeric transcription factor complexes composed of the NF-YA, NF-YB and NF-YC subfamilies. They bind to the CCAAT box in the promoter regions of the target genes and regulate gene expressions. Plant NF-Ys were reported to be involved in adaptation to several abiotic stresses as well as in development. In silico analysis of Sorghum bicolor genome resulted in the identification of a total of 42 NF-Y genes, among which 8 code for the SbNF-YA, 19 for SbNF-YB and 15 for the SbNF-YC subunits. Analysis was also performed to characterize gene structures, chromosomal distribution, duplication status, protein subcellular localizations, conserved motifs, ancestral protein sequences, miRNAs and phylogenetic tree construction. Phylogenetic relationships and ortholog predictions displayed that sorghum has additional NF-YB genes with unknown functions in comparison with Arabidopsis. Analysis of promoters revealed that they harbour many stress-related cis-elements like ABRE and HSE, but surprisingly, DRE and MYB elements were not detected in any of the subfamilies. SbNF-YA1, 2, and 6 were found upregulated under 200 mM salt and 200 mM mannitol stresses. While NF-YA7 appeared associated with high temperature (40ËšC) stress, NF-YA8 was triggered by both cold (4ËšC) and high temperature stresses. Among NF-YB genes, 7, 12, 15, and 16 were induced under multiple stress conditions such as salt, mannitol, ABA, cold and high temperatures. Likewise, NF-YC 6, 11, 12, 14, and 15 were enhanced significantly in a tissue specific manner under multiple abiotic stress conditions. Majority of the mannitol (drought)-inducible genes were also induced by salt, high temperature stresses and ABA. Few of the high temperature stress-induced genes are also induced by cold stress (NF-YA2, 4, 6, 8, NF-YB2, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, NF-YC4, 6, 12, and 13) thus suggesting a cross talk among them. This work paves the way for investigating the roles of diverse sorghum NF-Y proteins during abiotic stress responses and provides an insight into the evolution of diverse NF-Y members

    Evaluation of QTLs for Shoot Fly (Atherigona soccata) Resistance Component Traits of Seedling Leaf Blade Glossiness and Trichome Density on Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) Chromosome SBI-10L

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    Shoot fly is a major insect pest of sorghum damaging early crop growth, establishment and productivity. Host plant resistance is an efficient approach to minimize yield losses due to shoot fly infestation. Seedling leaf blade glossiness and trichome density are morphological traits associated with shoot fly resistance. Our objective was to identify and evaluate QTLs for glossiness and trichome density using- i) 1894 F2s, ii) a sub-set of 369 F2-recombinants, and iii) their derived 369 F2:3 progenies, from a cross involving introgression lines RSG04008-6 (susceptible) × J2614-11 (resistant). The QTLs were mapped to a 37–72 centimorgan (cM) or 5–15 Mb interval on the long arm of sorghum chromosome 10 (SBI-10L) with flanking markers Xgap001 and Xtxp141. One QTL each for glossiness (QGls10) and trichome density (QTd10) were mapped in marker interval Xgap001-Xnhsbm1044 and Xisep0630-Xtxp141, confirming their loose linkage, for which phenotypic variation accounted for ranged from 2.29 to 11.37 % and LOD values ranged from 2.03 to 24.13, respectively. Average physical map positions for glossiness and trichome density QTLs on SBI-10 from earlier studies were 4 and 2 Mb, which in the present study were reduced to 2 Mb and 800 kb, respectively. Candidate genes Glossy15 (Sb10g025053) and ethylene zinc finger protein (Sb10g027550) falling in support intervals for glossiness and trichome density QTLs, respectively, are discussed. Also we identified a sub-set of recombinant population that will facilitate further fine mapping of the leaf blade glossiness and trichome density QTLs on SBI-10

    Biotechnological Approaches to Evolve Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) for Drought Stress Tolerance and Shoot fly Resistance

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    Sorghum is a model tropical grass that uses C4 photosynthetic activity. But its yield is affected by many abiotic stresses likeheat, drought, cold, salt and also biotic stresses such as shoot fly, midges, and stem borerfromseedling stages to maturity. This article summarizes the terminal drought stress tolerance mechanism with staygreen phenotype expression during postflowering and also mechanisms of early shoot fly resistance during seedling stages of crop growth. The trait stay-green is extensively studied and its correlation to yield makes the stay-green trait more special for research and in marker assisted back cross programs. Under terminal drought stress conditions, stay-green trait is expressed with a complex mechanism involving many transcription factors, chlorophyll retention and nitrogen remobilization from leaves to maintain longer photosynthetic activity. Shoot fly resistance on the other hand, involves manyphysico-chemical, biologicaland morphological traits. Out of the many morphological traits, seedling leaf blade glossiness and trichome density are well characterized at genetic level and can assist as shoot fly resistance sources in marker-assisted breeding programs as they are highly negatively correlated with shoot fly dead heart formation. However, quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping studies and candidate genes identified for the stay-green and shoot fly component traits need to be further validated with fine mapping, gene cloning and expression level studies. Pyramiding these two traits into a high yielding sorghum variety may lead to multiple stress resistance which could ultimately benefit the marginal farmers in India

    Fine-Mapping of Sorghum Stay-Green QTL on Chromosome10 Revealed Genes Associated with Delayed Senescence

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    This study was conducted to dissect the genetic basis and to explore the candidate genes underlying one of the important genomic regions on an SBI-10 long arm (L), governing the complex stay-green trait contributing to post-flowering drought-tolerance in sorghum. A fine-mapping population was developed from an introgression line cross—RSG04008-6 (stay-green) J2614-11 (moderately senescent). The fine-mapping population with 1894 F2 was genotyped with eight SSRs and a set of 152 recombinants was identified, advanced to the F4 generation, field evaluated with three replications over 2 seasons, and genotyped with the GBS approach. A high-resolution linkage map was developed for SBI-10L using 260 genotyping by sequencing—Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (GBS–SNPs). Using the best linear unpredicted means (BLUPs) of the percent green leaf area (%GL) traits and the GBS-based SNPs, weidentified seven quantitative trait loci (QTL) clusters and single gene, mostly involved in drought-tolerance, for each QTL cluster, viz., AP2/ERF transcription factor family (Sobic.010G202700), NBS-LRR protein (Sobic.010G205600), ankyrin-repeat protein (Sobic.010G205800), senescence-associated protein (Sobic.010G270300), WD40 (Sobic.010G205900), CPK1 adapter protein (Sobic.010G264400), LEA2 protein (Sobic.010G259200) and an expressed protein (Sobic.010G201100). The target genomic region was thus delimited from 15 Mb to 8 genes co-localized with QTL clusters, and validated using quantitative real-time (qRT)–PCR
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