1,460 research outputs found

    Study of Wood Sawdust with Addition of Plantation Wastes as a Growth Medium on Yields and Quality of White Oyster Mushroom

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    The study aimed to investigate the use of wood sawdust as a medium for growth and the optimum addition ratio of plantation wastes that can increase the yields and quality of white oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus). This research used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of 7 levels of treatment ratio of wood sawdust and plantation wastes. The data analysis involved one way ANOVA followed by Duncan's 5%. The results showed that the wood sawdust can be used as growing medium, and the addition of plantation wastes can increase the yields and the quality of white oyster mushroom. The addition of cocoa and coffee wastes with a ratio 25% was the optimum ratio treatment which increased the number of fruiting bodies, caps diameter, production weight, Biologycal Eficiency Ratio (BER) and protein, fats, carbohydrates and fiber content in white oyster mushrooms. It is recommended to be applied because both treatments would increase the yield and quality of white oyster mushroom

    Proses Berpikir Reflektif Siswa Kelas X Man Ngawi Dalam Pemecahan Masalah Berdasarkan Langkah Krulik Dan Rudnick Ditinjau Dari Kemampuan Awal Matematika

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    The aim of this research was to describe reflective thinking process of 10th grade MAN Ngawi students with different initial mathematics capability (high, normal, low) in solving problems based on Krulik and Rudnick steps. This research was a kind of qualitative research on a case study. The collecting data in this study used task-based on interview method. The analyzed of the data in this study did with reducing the data, presenting the data, and conclusing the data. The results of this research were: 1) on reading and thinking step, students with normal and low initial mathematics capability convince what they read and thought correctly by reading repeatedly. Students with high initial mathematics capability did it by reading and understanding each question sentences repeatedly; 2) on exploring and planing step, selecting and considering information, both students with high and normal initial mathematics capability did these steps by information identification and analysis of main problems and conditions; to convince that initial problem solving planning was right, they did it by organizing problem and deciding the initial steps planned; 3) on selecting a strategy step, to consider confidently the problem solving step based on information obtained, students with high initial mathematics capability did the step by exploring initial problem solving strategy and using representation result by trial-error and guessing test, concerning problem solving pattern, and recheck every step done. Students with normal initial capability did it by exploring initial problem solving strategy and using representation result by trial-error step, making proper initial plan by question stimulation. 4) on finding an answer step, to understand each steps based on selected problem solving strategy, both students with high and normal initial mathematics capability did it by (a) ascertain formula that used for the area of that shapes, triangle area if known two sides which flank an angle, and comparing trigonometry on special angle correctly (students with normal capability used question stimuly); (b) trying repeatedly using selected patterns and recheck every step and calculation done; and (c) aware of each mistakes (computation, formula, way, and writing) and fixed them (students with normal capability needed question stimuly and wrong answering strategy). Student with high initial capability combined the process by paying attention and rechecking every steps and calculation by step back process. 5) on reflecting and extending step, to considering results and problems, students with high initial mathematics capability did it by reflection to get solution and rechecking by verification process. Students with normal capability did it by rechecking and looking back the problem and result obtained. In every steps, students with high initial mathematics capability always used intuition and self-questioning to convince the step done. 10th grade MAN Ngawi students with low initial mathematics capability did not use reflective thinking in problem solving based on Krulik and Rudnick

    Peningkatan Website Ranking Exist-club Pada Pb Exist Jakarta

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    One of the technologies developed in the increasingly computerized world of information technology is the website. The website is an information media offers a range of up to date information and the existence of a good maintenance process, evena role in website ranking positions should be also of note because it is one of thenecessities in the present information especially in the sport of badminton. This has been the rationale for how to improve the position of web rank significantly in order topopularize a Website Exist-Club which is the official website of PB Exist a badminton clublocated in Jakarta so that it can affect the visitor traffic of visitors is high. The speed andconvenience of a positive value in a website with so will make it easier to access by anyone and anywhere. To accomplish the intended, there are 17 step strategyimplemented for the purpose of improving the web rank Websites Exist-Club which willdirectly account for direct pembuktiannya on a measuring instrument using the Alexa and Google Analytics

    Coverage of hospital-based cataract surgery and barriers to the uptake of surgery among cataract blind persons in nigeria: the Nigeria National Blindness and Visual Impairment Survey.

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    PURPOSE: To determine cataract surgical coverage, and barriers to modern cataract surgery in Nigeria. METHODS: Multistage stratified cluster random sampling was used to identify a nationally representative sample of 15,027 persons aged 40+ years. All underwent visual acuity testing, frequency doubling technology visual field testing, autorefraction, and measurement of best corrected vision if <6/12 in one or both eyes. An ophthalmologist examined the anterior segment and fundus through an undilated pupil for all participants. Participants were examined by a second ophthalmologist using a slit lamp and dilated fundus examination using a 90 diopter condensing lens if vision was <6/12 in one or both eyes, there were optic disc changes suggestive of glaucoma, and 1 in 7 participants regardless of findings. All those who had undergone cataract surgery were asked where and when this had taken place. Individuals who were severely visually impaired or blind from unoperated cataract were asked to explain why they had not undergone surgery. RESULTS: A total of 13,591 participants were examined (response rate 89.9%). Prevalence of cataract surgery was 1.6% (95% confidence interval 1.4-1.8), significantly higher among those aged ≥70 years. Cataract surgical coverage (persons) in Nigeria was 38.3%. Coverage was 1.7 times higher among males than females. Coverage was only 9.1% among women in the South-South geopolitical zone. Over one third of those who were cataract blind said they could not afford surgery (36%). CONCLUSIONS: Cataract surgical coverage in Nigeria was among the lowest in the world. Urgent initiatives are necessary to improve surgical output and access to surgery

    Rancang Bangun “Chomical”: Game Tower Defense Dengan Menerapkan Eksperimen Kimia Menggunakan Kerangka Kerja LibGDX

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    Game simulasi merupakan game yang menerapkan suatu aktivitas nyata ke dalam permainan komputer. Perangkat lunak pada tulisan ini mengaplikasikan konsep simulasi sebagai media pembelajaran untuk bidang kimia. Sasaran pengguna adalah siswa sekolah menengah atas. Aturan permainannya yaitu pemain harus melakukan eksperimen kimia untuk membuat peluru. Peluru tersebut digunakan untuk menyerang musuh pada pertempuran yang merupakan tower defense game. Dengan mengalahkan musuh, pemain dapat menemukan zat kimia baru untuk eksperimen selanjutnya. Pengembangan dilakukan dengan kerangka kerja libGDX. Game dikembangkan dengan bahasa pemrograman Java dan implementasi kode dilakukan pada perangkat lunak lingkungan pengembangan Eclipse. Uji coba dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah perangkat lunak dapat berjalan sesuai yang diharapkan. Melalui pengujian fungsional, didapatkan hasil yang menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi dapat berjalan dengan baik. Pengujian kepada responden menunjukkan bahwa game diterima dengan baik dan membantu pemain dalam mempelajari berbagai percobaan kimia

    Lama Fermentasi Terhadap Mutu Cocoghurt Menggunakan Enterecoccus Faecalis Up-11 Yang Diisiolasi Dari Tempoyak

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    Coconut milk is usually used as condiment for production various Indonesia traditional cuisine coconut milk can be also used as raw material for making cocoghurt because of it is high nutrional value. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of fermentation time on the quality of cocoghurt . The research used a Completely Randommized Design with five treatments, T1 (duration of fermentasi in three hours), T2 (duration of fermentation in six hours), T3 (duration of fermentation in nine hours), T4 (duration of fermentation in twelve hours) and T5 (duration of fermentation in fifteen hours) with three replication. The data was analyzed using ANNOVA, if any influence continued with DNMRT test at 5%. Results show that fermentation time significantly (P0.05) total solids, ash content, protein content, total lactid acid bacteria, test organoleptik of flavor, and taste. It was concluded that the best quality of cocoghurt. Was obtained in the fermentation time of six hours (T2), that meets the Indonesian yoghurt standard (SNI 102981: 2009) as total lactid acid, fat content, total solids, ash content, and protein content

    Karakterisasi Cap Rock dan Reservoir Area Geotermal X Berdasarkan Studi Seismisitas dengan Metode Sed

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    X geothermal area is located in the western Indonesia with high seismicity. Microearthquake (MEQ) data in geothermal exploration usually used as one of tools for approximating permeable structure in geothermal reservoirand for determining boundaries of reservoir.Five seismic recording stations recorded the earthquake in the period October 2011 to December 2011. From 34671 records data stored on the period, only 68 events microearthquake (MEQ) are inverted to obtain the hypocenter with Single Event Determination method (SED).Result inversion of the method show that permeable zone at X geothermal area is located at 10000 to 22000 X axis and 5000 to 12000 Y axis. Depth distribution shows that cap rock is located about 580 meter to 1100 meter mean sea level and the reservoir is located at altitude about 600 meter to -2000 depth

    Aplikasi Belajar Menulis Aksara Jawa Menggunakan Android

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    Aksara Jawa atau yang lebih dikenal dengan nama Hanacaraka merupakan salah satu dari sekian warisan budaya leluhur bangsa Indonesia. Dengan seiring perkembangan zaman, Aksara Jawa seolah menjadi salah satu warisan budaya yang terlupakan. Sebagai generasi muda Indonesia, sudah seharusnya kita melestarikan budaya bangsa yang merupakan peninggalan dari leluhur kita. Atas dasar itulah pada penelitian ini dikembangkan suatu media sekaligus alat bantu berupa aplikasi belajar menulis Aksara Jawa pada perangkat Android. Penelitian ini dimulai dengan melakukan perancangan terhadap kebutuhan-kebutuhan yang akan diintegrasikan pada aplikasi Android. Pengembangan dan pembuatan aplikasi menggunakan teknologi bahasa pemrograman Java dan XML. Proses uji coba dilakukan dengan proses memasukkan data ke berkas pustaka yang berupa coretan pada bidang layar sentuh pada perangkat Android. Kemudian uji coba dilakukan dengan proses menghapus data dan yang terakhir yaitu proses uji coba mencocokkan data antara bentuk aksara yang dituliskan pada bidang layar sentuh dengan daftar aksara yang sudah tersimpan pada berkas pustaka. Dalam penelitian ini dapat diketahui bahwa perangkat genggam Android dapat digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran menulis Aksara Jawa. Pola-pola yang digunakan pada proses uji coba dapat dikenali oleh aplikasi Aksara Jawa dan pola-pola tersebut dapat dicocokkan dengan daftar Aksara Jawa yang terdapat pada berkas pustaka