1,055 research outputs found

    The European Market for Organic Products: Growth and Development

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    The European Market for organic food has been growing rapidly in terms of both supply and demand during the 1990s. However, national markets develop in many different directions. In some countries the market share ist quiet high while in others a market for organic farming products nearly does not exist. This book detects and compares the national markets of the main organic products in 18 European countries - the 15 EU countries plus Switzerland, Norway and the Czech Republic - on the basis of the most comprehensive collection of data ever presented covering the period 1993 - 1997/1998. It is shown that European demand is far from being satisfied and the major efforts in organising a transparent international market and developing marketing strategies is necessary to realise this potential. This book is aimed at policy makers, the private sector, researchers and students in the field of economics and politics of organic farming


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    Farmer Consumer Partnerships

    Consumer Willingness-To-Pay for Different Organic Certification Logos in Turkey

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    Using data from focus group discussions with consumers and a choice experimentconducted in some of Turkey’s major cities, this study investigates whetherTurkish consumers prefer certain organic labelling schemes over others attemptsand to elicit their willingness to pay (WTP) for different organic certificationlogos. Although the level of awareness regarding organic certification logos waslow, consumers’ perceptions of the logos were generally positive. The results ofthe random parameter logit models indicated a positive WTP for the presence ofone of the three tested certification body logos in addition to the mandatorygovernmental logo. Given the low level of certification logo awareness, theconclusion is that both purchasing decisions and perceptions regarding logoswere affected by subjective criteria. Both the government and certification bodiesshould develop measures to increase consumer awareness of their logos and formconsumer perceptions and attitudes regarding the quality of the certificationimplied by the logo

    Factors influencing the perception of organic certification logos in Turkey

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    Consumers’ perceptions on organic certification logos and the factors influencing these perceptions were explored. Data from surveys conducted in major cities of Turkey revealed that organic food consumers had little knowledge about logos, although the declared level of trust in organic logos was high. According to ordered logit models, consumer’s perceptions on organic certification logos were influenced by purchasing frequency and weight of organic foods in total food consumption. Dummy variables representing additional private certification company logos as well were generally found to have a significant effect on logo perception. This result suggests that consumers’ attitudes towards these logos and towards the governmental logo are not the same. Female and older people were more sceptical about the trustworthiness of the logos. While the credibility of the logos and the standards and control systems underlying the logos increased as frequency of purchasing organic food increased, those consumers who prefer organic open markets for buying organic food were hesitant to trust the credibility of the organic certification logos. The mandatory governmental logo and the underlying standards are trusted more than the private company logos. However, the difference of the attitudes toward logos decreases when the control system is in question. When a comparison between perceptions towards labels including different additional certification companies’ logos is made, the additional logo was found to affect the stated preferences more negatively when the companies were foreign. Enhanced interest and trust in the organic certification logos among consumers would foment the development of the organic sector, and the findings of this paper serve as an input for the achievement of this aim

    GemüseSelbstErnte: Weiterentwicklung und Transfer sowie Ermittlung des Beitrags zur Gesundheitsförderung

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    Ziel des Projekts „GemüseSelbstErnte – Weiterentwicklung und Transfer sowie Ermittlung des Beitrags zur Gesundheitsförderung“ war es das Konzept der GemüseSelbstErnte bekannt zu machen und weiter zu entwickeln (Transfer). Zusätzlich wurden die Verbundeffekte für die Direktvermarktung quantifiziert und die Auswirkungen auf das Ernährungsverhalten der Nutzer überprüft (Forschung). Transfer Der Kenntnisstand von Erzeugern, Beratern und Verbrauchern über die GemüseSelbstErnte konnte mit einer intensiven Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, die zwei Messeauftritte (u.a. auf der IGW 2004), acht Vorträge, elf Fachartikel und drei Workshopangebote mit insgesamt 36 Teilnehmern umfasste, deutlich verbessert werden. 170 Personen forderten Informationsmaterial an. Außerdem wurden verschiedene Materialien erstellt: - ein Leitfaden für Erzeugerbetriebe, - ein zehnminütiger Schulungsfilm und drei Internetclips, - eine Beschreibung des Konzepts im Internetportal oekolandbau.de und - ein Handbuch für Nutzer mit Informationen zu jeder Gemüsekultur Angestoßen durch das Projekt starteten zwei neue Betriebe eine GemüseSelbstErnte in 2003, denen sich weitere sechs Betriebe in 2004 anschließen wollen. Forschung Mit der Einschränkung, dass es sich um ein einjähriges Vorhaben handelte, lassen sich folgende Ergebnisse festhalten: Der zusätzliche Umsatz in der Direktvermarktung während der GemüseSelbstErnte-Saison betrug auf zwei untersuchten Betrieben durchschnittlich 3.900 €. Dabei bestehen Potenziale zur Ausweitung dieser Umsätze. Bei den Untersuchungen zum Ernährungsverhalten der Nutzer wurde deutlich, dass diese sich oftmals bereits vor dem Einstieg in die GemüseSelbstErnte mit einem überdurchschnittlich hohen Gemüseanteil ernährten. Durch die Teilnahme steigt jedoch die Vielfalt der verzehrten Gemüsearten. Ausschlaggebende Motive für eine Teilnahme an der GemüseSelbstErnte sind die Versorgung mit frischem Gemüse in guter Qualität und die Kontrolle der Erzeugung

    Time-resolved spectroscopy of the primary photosynthetic processes of membrane-bound reaction centers from an antenna-deficient mutant of Rhodobacter capsulatus

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    The primary photosynthetic reactions in whole membranes of the antenna-deficient mutant strain U43 (pTXA6–10) of Rhodobacter capsulatus are studied by transient absorption and emission spectroscopy with subpicosecond time resolution. Extensive similarities between the transient absorption data on whole membranes and on isolated reaction centers support the idea that the primary processes in isolated reaction centers are not modified by the isolation procedure

    Consumer attitudes towards organic versus conventional food with specific quality attributes

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    This paper describes the findings from a consumer survey conducted as part of the EU-funded research project QualityLowInputFood (QLIF). The objective was to segment occasional organic consumers with regard to their preferences for organic, conventional and conventional-plus products, i.e., conventional products with a specific attribute that also applies to organic products. In other words, these conventional-plus products are placed between organic and conventional food products. In addition, we aimed at analysing differences between consumer segments regarding their price sensitivity and attitudes towards food. The survey used choice experiments to investigate occasional organic consumer preferences for the different types of products. In subsequent standardized face-to-face interviews we collected data on consumer attitudes towards food that could explain the observed preferences. The attitudes were summarized in attitude factors, using factor analysis. The responses from the interviews and choice experiments were analysed by latent class models. These econometric models were used to identify segments within a group of individuals for their preference structure and to relate membership in each segment to consumer characteristics. Two segments of occasional organic consumers were identified. Consumers in segment 1 strongly preferred organic products and were less price sensitive. Furthermore, consumers in this segment showed a significantly higher level of agreement with most of the investigated attitude factors than consumers in segment 2. The latter consisted of consumers who were significantly more price sensitive and preferred conventional-plus and conventional products rather than organic products. Communicating quality attributes represents a promising marketing tool of product differentiation and information for both organic and conventional food marketers. The price sensitivity of parts of occasional organic consumers suggests that the perceived price-performance ratio of organic products needs to be increased by targeted pricing and communication strategies integrating product-relevant information. If not, conventional-plus products, representing a cheaper alternative, might be preferred by parts of the occasional organic consumers

    Entwicklung, Bedeutung und Erfolgsfaktoren von Bio- Vermarktungsinitiativen in der Schweiz, Österreich und Deutschland

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    Problemstellung/Ziele: In Rahmen des EU Projektes "Organic Marketing Initiatives and Rural Development" (OMIaRD; QLK5-2000-01124) wurden in neun verschiedenen Ländern Untersuchungen zur Bedeutung von Vermarktungsprojekten für die Entwicklung des Biomarktes und des ländlichen Raums durchgeführt. Die entsprechenden Projektergebnisse aus den deutschsprachigen Ländern (DE, AT, CH) sollen in diesem Beitrag vorgestellt werden. Fazit: Die Untersuchung zeigt, dass Bio-Vermarktungsinitiativen erfolgreich am Markt operieren können und dies auch bei unterschiedlichem Grad äusserer Benachteiligung (Klima, Boden, Topographie, Marktferne). Als wichtige Faktoren wurden eine strategische und straffe Unternehmensführung, kompetentes Management, eine qualitäts-orientierte Produktpolitik, eine solide und angemessene Finanzstrategie vor allem auch eine vertrauensvolle Kooperation und Koordination mit den Marktpartnern, herausgearbeitet

    Resonance structure in the Li^- photodetachment cross section

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    We report on the first observation of resonance structure in the total cross section for the photodetachment of Li^-. The structure arises from the autodetaching decay of doubly excited ^1P states of Li^- that are bound with respect to the 3p state of the Li atom. Calculations have been performed for both Li^- and H^- to assist in the identification of these resonances. The lowest lying resonance is a symmetrically excited intrashell resonance. Higher lying asymmetrically excited intershell states are observed which converge on the Li(3p) limit.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure, 19 references, RevTeX, figures in ep

    Implications of troponin testing in clinical medicine

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    During the past decade considerable research has been conducted into the use of cardiac troponins, their diagnostic capability and their potential to allow risk stratification in patients with acute chest pain. Determination of risk in patients with suspected myocardial ischaemia is known to be as important as retrospective confirmation of a diagnosis of myocardial infarction (MI). Therefore, creatine kinase (CK)-MB - the former 'gold standard' in detecting myocardial necrosis - has been supplanted by new, more accurate biomarkers.Measurement of cardiac troponin levels constitute a substantial determinant in assessment of ischaemic heart disease, the presentations of which range from silent ischaemia to acute MI. Under these conditions, troponin release is regarded as surrogate marker of thrombus formation and peripheral embolization, and therefore new therapeutic strategies are focusing on potent antithrombotic regimens to improve long-term outcomes. Although elevated troponin levels are highly sensitive and specific indicators of myocardial damage, they are not always reflective of acute ischaemic coronary artery disease; other processes have been identified that cause elevations in these biomarkers. However, because prognosis appears to be related to the presence of troponins regardless of the mechanism of myocardial damage, clinicians increasingly rely on troponin assays when formulating individual therapeutic plans