521 research outputs found

    Inhibitory effect of LY 255283 on the synthesis of leukotriene B4 and thromboxane A2 in human peripheral blood polymorphonuclear leukocytes and monocytes

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    LY 255283 [(1-(5-ethyl-2-hydroxy-4-(6-methyl-6-)1H-tetrazol-5-yl)-heptyloxy) phenyl)ethanone], a specific leukotriene B4 (LTB4) receptor antagonist, inhibited the production of LTB4 in human peripheral blood polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNL) and in monocytes activated by calcium ionophore A23187. In human monocytes activated by ionophore it inhibited also the production of thromboxane B2 (TXB2). The effect of LY 255283 on 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO) and LTA4 hydrolase activities which catalyse the production of LTB4 and LTA4 has not been studied yet. It is thought that LY 255283 may inhibit the production of LTB4 and TXA2 by antagonising the effect of ionophore-induced LTB4 on 5-lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase in human peripheral blood PMNL and monocytes

    Vakıf Eserlerinde Hat Restorasyonu

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    Mimar Sinan'ın Eserlerinde Hat San'atı

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    Optimization of morphological data in numerical taxonomy analysis using genetic algorithms feature selection method

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    Studies in Numerical Taxonomy are carried out by measuring characters as much as possible. The workload over scientists and labor to perform measurements will increase proportionally with the number of variables (or characters) to be used in the study. However, some part of the data may be irrelevant or sometimes meaningless. Here in this study, we introduce an algorithm to obtain a subset of data with minimum characters that can represent original data. Morphological characters were used in optimization of data by Genetic Algorithms Feature Selection method. The analyses were performed on an 18 character*11 taxa data matrix with standardized continuous characters. The analyses resulted in a minimum set of 2 characters, which means the original tree based on the complete data can also be constructed by those two characters

    Evaluation of Seismic Performance of Steel Lattice Transmission Towers

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    The electricity transmission systems are an important lifeline for modern societies. They are used for overhead power lines as supporting structures. Transmission towers are designed to meet electrical and structural requirements. They are designed according to the weight of conductors and environmental effects such as wind and ice loads. They also considered other extraordinary stresses such as cable breakage and ice-breaking effects. Because of a common perception that transmission line (TL) towers show low sensitivity to earthquakes, the effects of the earthquake in TL tower construction are not considered. For this reason, TL towers are investigated with regard to the seismic performance in this study. The principal objectives of this research are: i) to assess the sensitivity of typical TL towers to earthquake loads, ii) to retrofit an existing steel lattice tower using a new section Centre To Center (CTC). In this study, a finite element model of a representative 154 KV transmission tower in Turkey was performed using a set of 10 recorded earthquake ground movements. The four-legged square TL tower has been analyzed and designed for Turkey, Eskisehir seismic zone considering 42.95 m height using finite element (FE) software. Therefore, a new section Centre To Center (CTC) type has been designed and the failed sections have been replaced with a designed section using the SAP2000 section designer. The results show that the load of failure increased after retrofitting. The retrofitting method was effective and easily conducted in fields. Doi: 10.28991/cej-2020-03091600 Full Text: PD

    Evaluation of trabecular bone microstructure of mandibular condyle in edentulous, unilateral edentulous and fully dentate patients using cone-beam computed tomography

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    Background: The aim of this study was to compare the trabecular bone microstructure of the mandibular condyle in edentulous, unilateral edentulous (Kennedy Class II), and fully dentate patients.Materials and methods: The study used the cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images of 17 fully dentate (34 condyles), 16 edentulous (32 condyles), and 17 unilateral edentulous patients (34 condyles) aged 19 to 80 years. The trabecular bone microstructure of the mandibular condyle was evaluated on 8 consecutive cross-sectional images of these patients. In the microstructure analysis, structural model index (SMI), ellipsoid factor (EF), bone volume fraction (BV/TV), trabecular thickness (Tb.Th) and trabecular seperation (Tb.Sp) were measured.Results: There was no significant difference between the mean SMI, BV/TV, EF and Tb.Th microstructure values of each group (p = 0.243, p = 0.095, p = 0.962, p = 0.095, respectively). However, there was significant difference in terms of mean Tb.Sp between the groups (p = 0.021). The trabecular structure in all three groups was more rod-shaped. No correlation was found between age factor and microstructure values.Conclusions: Considering the in vivo microstructure analysis of CBCT images, it can be said that teeth loss does not have a significant effect on the microstructure parameters excluding Tb.Sp of mandible condyles and does not affect mandibular condyle trabecular endurance

    The integer-antimagic spectra of a disjoint union of Hamiltonian graphs

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    Let A be a nontrivial abelian group. A simple graph G = (V,E) is A-antimagic, if there exists an edge labeling f: E(G) → A\{0} such that the induced vertex labeling (Formula Presented) is a one-to-one map. The integer-antimagic spectrum of a graph G is the set IAM(G) = {k: G is Zk-antimagic and k ≥ 2}. In this paper, we determine the integer-antimagic spectra for a disjoint union of Hamiltonian graphs

    An Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Bank Credit Chanel in the Inflation Targeting Period in Turkey

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    Enflasyon hedeflemesi döneminde banka kredi kanalının Türkiye ekonomisindeki etkinliği, açık enflasyon hedeflemesi döneminin başladığı 2006 yılı Ocak ayı ile 2017 yılı Şubat ayı arasındaki dönem için analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmada aylık veri seti kullanılmış olup ekonometrik analiz VAR Metodolojisi yardımıyla tahmin edilmiştir. Çalışmada para politikası stratejisini temsilen Bankalar Arası Gecelik Faiz Oranı serisi, aktarım yollarını temsilen Bankacılık Sektöründeki Toplam Krediler, Bankacılık Sektöründeki Toplam Mevduatlar ve Bankacılık Sektörü Menkul Değerleri, üretimi temsilen Sanayi Üretim Endeksi ve enflasyon oranını temsilen Tüketici Fiyat Endeksi kullanılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda Türkiye'de banka kredi kanalının kısmen etkin olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştırIt is analyzed in this paper that, if bank credit channel works efficiently on Turkish economy in the period which is from January of 2006, the beginning of open inflation targeting period, to February of 2017. Monthly data is used as the data set and VAR Model is used as methodology. Interbank overnight interest rate represents monetary policy, total bank loans, total bank deposits and total stocks of banks are represents transmission ways, industrial production index represents production and consumer price index represents inflation. It is found from our study that bank credit channel works limitedly and has a poor effect on Turkish econom

    Effects of Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Field on the Lens of the Rats

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    The present aim of the study is to evaluate the effects of extremely low frequency magnetic field (ELF MF) on lens epithelial cells. Twenty adult female Spraque Dawley rats were divided into two groups, each containing 10 rats. The experimental group received magnetic field 2 hours/day for 7 days. The second group receiving standard laboratory care, was used as a control. The specimens were evaluated for cataractogenesis alteretion of lens and histological changes in lens epithelial cells.On biomicroscopic examination, no pathological damage to the lens was detected. In addition, on microscopic examination of materials in the controls, there were also no changes in lens fibrils and lens epithelial cells. In experimental group, however, only a slight pleomorphism was determined at the surface of epithelial cells.In the study, it is cocluded that ELF MF exposure do might not lead to histopathological alterations of the lens fibrils and lens epithelial cells