81 research outputs found

    AMPA receptor inhibition by synaptically released zinc

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    Ionotropic glutamate AMPA receptors (AMPARs) play a fundamental role in normal function and plasticity of the brain, and they are also involved in many brain disorders. Despite the central role of AMPARs in neurobiology, the modulation of synaptic AMPA responses by endogenous modulators remains not well understood. Here, in three synapses found in two different brain areas, we provide the first evidence, to our knowledge, that endogenous zinc is coreleased with glutamate and modulates the strength of synaptic AMPAR responses. Because in many neocortical areas more than 50% of excitatory presynaptic terminals contain zinc within their glutamatergic vesicles, our findings establish zinc as a general neuromodulator that allows for fine-tuning and plasticity of glutamatergic fast synaptic transmission in the brain.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (R01-GM065519)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (F32- DC013734)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (F32-GM109516)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (R01-DC007905

    Cell-specific activity-dependent fractionation of layer 2/3→5B excitatory signaling in mouse auditory cortex

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    © The Author(s), 2015. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Journal of Neuroscience 35 (2015): 3112-3123, doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0836-14.2015.Auditory cortex (AC) layer 5B (L5B) contains both corticocollicular neurons, a type of pyramidal-tract neuron projecting to the inferior colliculus, and corticocallosal neurons, a type of intratelencephalic neuron projecting to contralateral AC. Although it is known that these neuronal types have distinct roles in auditory processing and different response properties to sound, the synaptic and intrinsic mechanisms shaping their input–output functions remain less understood. Here, we recorded in brain slices of mouse AC from retrogradely labeled corticocollicular and neighboring corticocallosal neurons in L5B. Corticocollicular neurons had, on average, lower input resistance, greater hyperpolarization-activated current (Ih), depolarized resting membrane potential, faster action potentials, initial spike doublets, and less spike-frequency adaptation. In paired recordings between single L2/3 and labeled L5B neurons, the probabilities of connection, amplitude, latency, rise time, and decay time constant of the unitary EPSC were not different for L2/3→corticocollicular and L2/3→corticocallosal connections. However, short trains of unitary EPSCs showed no synaptic depression in L2/3→corticocollicular connections, but substantial depression in L2/3→corticocallosal connections. Synaptic potentials in L2/3→corticocollicular connections decayed faster and showed less temporal summation, consistent with increased Ih in corticocollicular neurons, whereas synaptic potentials in L2/3→corticocallosal connections showed more temporal summation. Extracellular L2/3 stimulation at two different rates resulted in spiking in L5B neurons; for corticocallosal neurons the spike rate was frequency dependent, but for corticocollicular neurons it was not. Together, these findings identify cell-specific intrinsic and synaptic mechanisms that divide intracortical synaptic excitation from L2/3 to L5B into two functionally distinct pathways with different input–output functions.This work was supported by National Institutes of Health grants DC013272 (T.T. and G.M.G.S.), DC007905 (T.T.), NS061963 (G.M.G.S), R03DC012585 (J.W.M.), T32DC011499 (C.T.A.), and F32DC013734 (C.T.A), and by the Albert and Ellen Grass Faculty Award (T.T. and G.M.G.S.) and Charles Evans Foundation Award (T.T. and G.M.G.S.).2015-08-1

    Reaction-Based Probes for Imaging Mobile Zinc in Live Cells and Tissues

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    Chelatable, or mobile, forms of zinc play critical signaling roles in numerous biological processes. Elucidating the action of mobile Zn(II) in complex biological environments requires sensitive tools for visualizing, tracking, and manipulating Zn(II) ions. A large toolbox of synthetic photoinduced electron transfer (PET)-based fluorescent Zn(II) sensors are available, but the applicability of many of these probes is limited by poor zinc sensitivity and low dynamic ranges owing to proton interference. We present here a general approach for acetylating PET-based probes containing a variety of fluorophores and zinc-binding units. The new sensors provide substantially improved zinc sensitivity and allow for incubation of live cells and tissue slices with nM probe concentrations, a significant improvement compared to the μM concentrations that are typically required for a measurable fluorescence signal. Acetylation effectively reduces or completely quenches background fluorescence in the metal-free sensor. Binding of Zn(II) selectively and quickly mediates hydrolytic cleavage of the acetyl groups, providing a large fluorescence response. An acetylated blue coumarin-based sensor was used to carry out detailed analyses of metal binding and metal-promoted acetyl hydrolysis. Acetylated benzoresorufin-based red-emitting probes with different zinc-binding sites are effective for sensing Zn(II) ions in live cells when applied at low concentrations (∼50–100 nM). We used green diacetylated Zinpyr1 (DA-ZP1) to image endogenous mobile Zn(II) in the molecular layer of mouse dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN), confirming that acetylation is a suitable approach for preparing sensors that are highly specific and sensitive to mobile zinc in biological systems.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH grant GM065519)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH grant R01-DC007905)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH Fellowship (F32- EB019243))National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH Fellowship (T32-DC011499))National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH Fellowship (F32-DC013734)

    An SK3 Channel/nWASP/Abi-1 Complex Is Involved in Early Neurogenesis

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    BACKGROUND: The stabilization or regulated reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton is essential for cellular structure and function. Recently, we could show that the activation of the SK3-channel that represents the predominant SK-channel in neural stem cells, leads to a rapid local outgrowth of long filopodial processes. This observation indicates that the rearrangement of the actin based cytoskeleton via membrane bound SK3-channels might selectively be controlled in defined micro compartments of the cell. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We found two important proteins for cytoskeletal rearrangement, the Abelson interacting protein 1, Abi-1 and the neural Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome Protein, nWASP, to be in complex with SK3- channels in neural stem cells (NSCs). Moreover, this interaction is also found in spines and postsynaptic compartments of developing primary hippocampal neurons and regulates neurite outgrowth during early phases of differentiation. Overexpression of the proteins or pharmacological activation of SK3 channels induces obvious structural changes in NSCs and hippocampal neurons. In both neuronal cell systems SK3 channels and nWASP act synergistic by strongly inducing filopodial outgrowth while Abi-1 behaves antagonistic to its interaction partners. CONCLUSIONS: Our results give good evidence for a functional interplay of a trimeric complex that transforms incoming signals via SK3-channel activation into the local rearrangement of the cytoskeleton in early steps of neuronal differentiation involving nWASP and Abi-1 actin binding proteins

    Temporomandibular Joint Disorder Complaints in Tinnitus: Further Hints for a Putative Tinnitus Subtype

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    OBJECTIVE: Tinnitus is considered to be highly heterogeneous with respect to its etiology, its comorbidities and the response to specific interventions. Subtyping is recommended, but it remains to be determined which criteria are useful, since it has not yet been clearly demonstrated whether and to which extent etiologic factors, comorbid states and interventional response are related to each other and are thus applicable for subtyping tinnitus. Analyzing the Tinnitus Research Initiative Database we differentiated patients according to presence or absence of comorbid temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder complaints and compared the two groups with respect to etiologic factors. METHODS: 1204 Tinnitus patients from the Tinnitus Research Initiative (TRI) Database with and without subjective TMJ complaints were compared with respect to demographic, tinnitus and audiological characteristics, questionnaires, and numeric ratings. Data were analysed according to a predefined statistical analysis plan. RESULTS: Tinnitus patients with TMJ complaints (22% of the whole group) were significantly younger, had a lower age at tinnitus onset, and were more frequently female. They could modulate or mask their tinnitus more frequently by somatic maneuvers and by music or sound stimulation. Groups did not significantly differ for tinnitus duration, type of onset (gradual/abrupt), onset related events (whiplash etc.), character (pulsatile or not), hyperacusis, hearing impairment, tinnitus distress, depression, quality of life and subjective ratings (loudness etc.). CONCLUSION: Replicating previous work in tinnitus patients with TMJ complaints, classical risk factors for tinnitus like older age and male gender are less relevant in tinnitus patients with TMJ complaints. By demonstrating group differences for modulation of tinnitus by movements and sounds our data further support the notion that tinnitus with TMJ complaints represents a subgroup of tinnitus with clinical features that are highly relevant for specific therapeutic management

    Gradients and Modulation of K+ Channels Optimize Temporal Accuracy in Networks of Auditory Neurons

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    Accurate timing of action potentials is required for neurons in auditory brainstem nuclei to encode the frequency and phase of incoming sound stimuli. Many such neurons express “high threshold” Kv3-family channels that are required for firing at high rates (>∼200 Hz). Kv3 channels are expressed in gradients along the medial-lateral tonotopic axis of the nuclei. Numerical simulations of auditory brainstem neurons were used to calculate the input-output relations of ensembles of 1–50 neurons, stimulated at rates between 100–1500 Hz. Individual neurons with different levels of potassium currents differ in their ability to follow specific rates of stimulation but all perform poorly when the stimulus rate is greater than the maximal firing rate of the neurons. The temporal accuracy of the combined synaptic output of an ensemble is, however, enhanced by the presence of gradients in Kv3 channel levels over that measured when neurons express uniform levels of channels. Surprisingly, at high rates of stimulation, temporal accuracy is also enhanced by the occurrence of random spontaneous activity, such as is normally observed in the absence of sound stimulation. For any pattern of stimulation, however, greatest accuracy is observed when, in the presence of spontaneous activity, the levels of potassium conductance in all of the neurons is adjusted to that found in the subset of neurons that respond better than their neighbors. This optimization of response by adjusting the K+ conductance occurs for stimulus patterns containing either single and or multiple frequencies in the phase-locking range. The findings suggest that gradients of channel expression are required for normal auditory processing and that changes in levels of potassium currents across the nuclei, by mechanisms such as protein phosphorylation and rapid changes in channel synthesis, adapt the nuclei to the ongoing auditory environment

    Bilateral Dorsal Cochlear Nucleus Lesions Prevent Acoustic-Trauma Induced Tinnitus in an Animal Model

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    Animal experiments suggest that chronic tinnitus (“ringing in the ears”) may result from processes that overcompensate for lost afferent input. Abnormally elevated spontaneous neural activity has been found in the dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN) of animals with psychophysical evidence of tinnitus. However, it has also been reported that DCN ablation fails to reduce established tinnitus. Since other auditory areas have been implicated in tinnitus, the role of the DCN is unresolved. The apparently conflicting electrophysiological and lesion data can be reconciled if the DCN serves as a necessary trigger zone rather than a chronic generator of tinnitus. The present experiment used lesion procedures identical to those that failed to decrease pre-existing tinnitus. The exception was that lesions were done prior to tinnitus induction. Young adult rats were trained and tested using a psychophysical procedure shown to detect tinnitus. Tinnitus was induced by a single unilateral high-level noise exposure. Consistent with the trigger hypothesis, bilateral dorsal DCN lesions made before high-level noise exposure prevented the development of tinnitus. A protective effect stemming from disruption of the afferent pathway could not explain the outcome because unilateral lesions ipsilateral to the noise exposure did not prevent tinnitus and unilateral lesions contralateral to the noise exposure actually exacerbated the tinnitus. The DCN trigger mechanism may involve plastic circuits that, through loss of inhibition, or upregulation of excitation, increase spontaneous neural output to rostral areas such as the inferior colliculus. The increased drive could produce persistent pathological changes in the rostral areas, such as high-frequency bursting and decreased interspike variance, that comprise the chronic tinnitus signal

    Induction of endogenous channels by high levels of heterologous membrane proteins in Xenopus oocytes.

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    Xenopus oocytes are widely employed for heterologous expression of cloned proteins, particularly electrogenic molecules such as ion channels and transporters. The high levels of expression readily obtained permit detailed investigations without interference from endogenous conductances. Injection of min K mRNA into Xenopus oocytes results in expression of voltage-dependent potassium-selective channels. Recent data show that injections of high concentrations of min K mRNA also induce a chloride current with very different biophysical, pharmacological, and regulatory properties from the min K potassium current. This led to the suggestion that the min K protein acts as an inducer of endogenous, normally silent oocyte ion channels. We now report that high levels of heterologous expression of many membrane proteins in Xenopus oocytes specifically induce this chloride current and a hyperpolarization-activated cation-selective current. The current is blocked by 4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2-2'-disulphonic acid and tetraethylammonium, enhanced by clofilium, and is pH-sensitive. Criteria are presented that distinguish this endogenous current from those due to heterologous expression of electrogenic proteins in Xenopus oocytes. Together with structure-function studies, these results support the hypothesis that the min K protein comprises a potassium-selective channel