8 research outputs found

    D6.2 Workplan for transfer of knowledge and experience

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    This document represents the ‘Workplan for transfer of knowledge and experience’ (deliverable D.6.2) for the EXCELSIOR project. It focuses on the scope and activities of WP6 ”Knowledge Transfer and Capacity Building”. The main objective of WP6 is to coordinate and manage the knowledge transfer and capacity building that will take place during the EXCELSIOR project with Strategic Partners. The document will provide a workplan of how knowledge transfer and capacity building will take place between the Strategic Partners via workshops, seminars and secondments. This plan relies heavily on the extensive work done at the preparation of the project in defining the seminars, workshops and secondments that will take place between the Strategic Partners. This deliverable focuses on the initial workplan developed for Capacity Building Scheme A, which runs from M26 to M44. The deliverable includes the capacity building and knowledge transfer activities that will be conducted by the Strategic Partners DLR, NOA and TROPOS. The course description and program for selected trainings can be found in the appendices. The present document constitutes the ‘Workplan for transfer of knowledge and experience’ for Capacity Building Scheme period ‘A’ in the framework of the EXCELSIOR project, dedicated to Task T6.1 ‘Personnel Mobility Scheme’ under work package WP6 ‘Knowledge Transfer and Capacity Building’. D6.2 focuses on the trainings that will take place during the Capacity Building Scheme A of the project. This document provides a guideline of the knowledge transfer activities, but it is not limited to the activities that will take place during Capacity Building Scheme A. The Strategic Partners suggested that a flexible workplan is needed in order to identify the gaps and needs of the researchers of the ECoE, especially during the first Capacity Building Scheme and adjust the workplan as needed in order to facilitate more effective knowledge transfer and capacity building. The secondments will be selected by the Strategic Partners as needed, during the knowledge transfer activities, parallel to the demonstration projects in WP7. Selected descriptions of knowledge transfer activities are featured in Appendix A and Appendix B

    D10.1 Report on the dissemination activities and Conference organisation

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    This deliverable provides an extensive analysis of the dissemination activities and workshops organisation of the EXCELSIOR H2020 Teaming Project. The analysis starts with the report on our participation in conferences (11) and how the project was promoted through it. Then, we explain about the participation of our team members in talks (17), workshops (7) and seminars (12) as invited speakers. The deliverable continues with a thorough presentation of the lectures by invited speakers (8), the webinar (1) and the workshops (2) organized by our team. Additionally, we document about our participation in other events (i.e., European Researcher’s Night 2021 and SpaceUPCyprus 2021 Live). The last chapter provides the publications, journal papers, conference papers, and book sections for the reporting time period. The deliverable concludes by providing information on the outcome of the reported activities and how they have contributed to the progress of the EXCELSIOR H2020 Teaming Project. It is concluded that there is a strong need to establish links in the EMMENA region and connect with them. This has not been achieved yet, but a strategy was prepared to raise awareness about the EXCELSIOR Project in the EMMENA region and establish partnerships, starting with targeted stakeholders’ workshop in autumn 2021, where selected stakeholders from the region will be invited to be informed them about the project and provide them the space to discuss their needs and identify common scientific interests and ways of collaboration

    D1.15 Impact Assessment Report for RP 2

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    This deliverable provides the impact assessment report for RP2 (M16-M30). It provides an update on the overall and specific objectives of the EXCELSIOR project that have been achieved within RP2. This task undertakes the establishment of a methodology for the yearly monitoring of the impact of the different activities carried out by Eratosthenes Centre of Excellence (ECoE) and its partners through EXCELSIOR against a set of quantified targets. The list of Key Performance Indicators established in D1.12 has been revised based on the comments received by the EXCELSIOR project reviewers on 23 June 2021 following the first project review. This list is hereby updated to reflect the activities of RP2. By monitoring the impact for the RP2, it will provide direction of the activities needed to fulfil the KPIs for the following reporting periods. The impact assessment report will be used to assess the implementation of the work plan and adjust the activities in agreement with WP and task Leaders to ensure the achievement of the Project’s strategic objectives. WP1 provides the KPI monitoring framework and general quality processes, while the WP3 defines concrete actions affecting all other WPs for meeting the Impact KPIs. This task’s activities will be coordinated with WP3 activities on strategy definition as a continuous process, in order to update the human resources, infrastructure acquisition and overall work plan and to meet new priorities identified. The analysis outputs will update the Project Action Plan of Task 1.1. The following activities were examined and assessed according to the KPIs. These activities include proposals, dissemination events, publications, academia, networks, etc. The impact for each activity was also included

    The "Excelsior" H2020 Widespread Teaming Phase 2 Project: ERATOSTHENES: EXcellence Research Centre for Earth SurveiLlance and Space-Based MonItoring Of the EnviRonment

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    The EXCELSIOR project aims to upgrade the existing ERATOSTHENES Research Centre established within the Cyprus University of Technology into a sustainable, viable and autonomous ERATOSTHENES Centre of Excellence (ECoE) for Earth Surveillance and Space-Based Monitoring of the Environment. The ECoE for Earth Surveillance and Space-Based Monitoring of the Environment will provide the highest quality of related services both on the National, European and International levels through the ‘EXCELSIOR’ Project under H2020 WIDESPREAD TEAMING. The vision of the ECoE is to become a world-class Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) for Earth observation and Geospatial Information becoming the reference Centre in the Eastern Mediterranean, Middle East and North Africa (EMMENA) within the next 7 years. The ECoE will lead multidisciplinary Earth observation research towards a better understanding, monitoring and sustainable exploitation and protection of the physical, built and human environment, in line with International policy frameworks. Indeed, the scientific potential of the new upgraded ECoE focusing on the integration of novel Earth observation, space and ground based integrated technologies for the efficient systematic monitoring of the environment. Furthermore, ECoE aims to excel in five domains: i) Access to energy; ii) Disaster Risk Reduction; iii) Water Resource Management; iv) Climate Change Monitoring and v) Big Earth observation Data Analytics. This will be achieved through research and innovation excellence in the respective scientific and technological disciplines and working together with other Earth observation industries, whereby the ECoE will develop a pool of scientific expertise and engineering capability as well as technical facilities. The partners of the EXCELSIOR consortium include the Cyprus University of Technology as the Coordinator, the German Airspace Center (DLR), the Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS), the National Observatory of Athens (NOA) and the Department of Electronic Communications, of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works of Cyprus

    The ERATOSTHENES Centre of Excellence (ECoE) as a digital innovation hub for Earth observation

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    The "EXCELSIOR" H2020 Widespread Teaming Phase 2 Project: ERATOSTHENES: EXcellence Research Centre for Earth SurveiLlance and Space-Based MonItoring Of the EnviRonment is supported from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 857510 for a 7 year project period to establish a Centre of Excellence in Cyprus. As well, the Government of the Republic of Cyprus is providing additional resources to support the establishment of the ERATOSTHENES Centre of Excellence (ECoE) in Cyprus. The ECoE seeks to fill the gap by assisting in the spaceborne Earth Observation activities in the Eastern Mediterranean and become a regional key player in the Earth Observation (EO) sector. There are distinct needs and opportunities that motivate the establishment of an Earth Observation Centre of Excellence in Cyprus, which are primarily related to the geostrategic location of the European Union member state of Cyprus to examine complex scientific problems and address user needs in the Eastern Mediterranean, Middle East and Northern Africa (EMMENA), as well as South-East Europe. An important objective of the ECoE is to be a Digital Innovation Hub and a Research Excellence Centre for EO in the EMMENA region, which will establish an ecosystem where state-of-the-art sensing technology, cutting-edge research, targeted education services, and entrepreneurship come together. It is based on the paradigm of Open Innovation 2.0 (OI2.0), which is founded on the Quadruple Helix Model, where Government, Industry, Academia and Society work together to drive change by taking full advantage of the cross-fertilization of ideas. The ECoE as a Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) adopts a two-axis model, where the vertical axis consists of three Thematic Clusters for sustained excellence in research of the ECoE in the domains of Atmosphere and Climate, Resilient Societies and Big Earth Data Management, while the horizontal axis is built around four functional areas, namely: Infrastructure, Research, Education, and Entrepreneurship. The ECoE will focus on five application areas, which include Climate Change Monitoring, Water Resource Management, Disaster Risk Reduction, Access to Energy and Big EO Data Analytics. This structure is expected to leverage the existing regional capacities and advance the excellence by creating new programs and research, thereby establishing the ECoE as a worldclass centre capable of enabling innovation and research competence in Earth Observation, actively participating in Europe, the EMMENA region and the global Earth Observation arena. The partners of the EXCELSIOR consortium include the Cyprus University of Technology as the Coordinator, the German Aerospace Center (DLR), the Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS), the National Observatory of Athens (NOA) and the Department of Electronic Communications, Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy

    Cyprus Activities in Space

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    D9.1 Communication Action Plan, WP9

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    This report represents the Communication Strategy and Action Plan for the project EXCELSIOR, Deliverable D9.1. The Communication Action Plan aims to produce a strategic communication roadmap for the ECoE Communication and Dissemination activities to ensure maximum visibility and awareness has been developed and reached targeted audiences. It aims to highlight the different communication target audiences, the tools, methodologies and expected impacts utilised towards their effective involvement in the project’s activities. Thus, the communication tools (e.g. website, brochure, events) and strategic communication priorities are tailored considering the diverse nature of the different stakeholder groups. The present document constitutes the first issue of ‘Communication Action Plan’ in the framework of the EXCELSIOR project, dedicated to Task 9.1 ‘Communication strategy and action plan’ under the work package WP9 ‘Communication, Engagement and Networking’. The Communication Action plan will be updated according to the needs of the communication strategy. D9.1 is delivered on Month 02 of the project and focuses on the first 15 months of the project, up to the first reporting period of the project. This document will be updated twice, one in Month 32 and one in Month 70 of the project, shared with partners in order to adopt a common policy related to any communication, branding and outreach activities implemented under the auspices of the ECoE

    D9.1 Communication Action Plan, WP9

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    This report represents the Communication Strategy and Action Plan for the project EXCELSIOR, Deliverable D9.1. The Communication Action Plan aims to produce a strategic communication roadmap for the ECoE Communication and Dissemination activities to ensure maximum visibility and awareness has been developed and reached targeted audiences. It aims to highlight the different communication target audiences, the tools, methodologies and expected impacts utilised towards their effective involvement in the project’s activities. Thus, the communication tools (e.g. website, brochure, events) and strategic communication priorities are tailored considering the diverse nature of the different stakeholder groups. The present document constitutes the first issue of ‘Communication Action Plan’ in the framework of the EXCELSIOR project, dedicated to Task 9.1 ‘Communication strategy and action plan’ under the work package WP9 ‘Communication, Engagement and Networking’. The Communication Action plan will be updated according to the needs of the communication strategy. D9.1 is delivered on Month 02 of the project and focuses on the first 15 months of the project, up to the first reporting period of the project. This document will be updated twice, one in Month 32 and one in Month 70 of the project, shared with partners in order to adopt a common policy related to any communication, branding and outreach activities implemented under the auspices of the ECoE