6 research outputs found

    Vascular Regeneration by Local Growth Factor Release Is Self-Limited by Microvascular Clearance

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    Background— The challenge of angiogenesis science is that stable sustained vascular regeneration in humans has not been realized despite promising preclinical findings. We hypothesized that angiogenic therapies powerfully self-regulate by dynamically altering tissue characteristics. Induced neocapillaries increase drug clearance and limit tissue retention and subsequent angiogenesis even in the face of sustained delivery. Methods and Results— We quantified how capillary flow clears fibroblast growth factor after local epicardial delivery. Fibroblast growth factor spatial loading was significantly reduced with intact coronary perfusion. Penetration and retention decreased with transendothelial permeability, a trend diametrically opposite to intravascular delivery, in which factor delivery depends on vascular leak, but consistent with a continuum model of drug transport in perfused tissues. Model predictions of fibroblast growth factor sensitivity to manipulations of its diffusivity and transendothelial permeability were validated by conjugation to sucrose octasulfate. Induction of neocapillaries adds pharmacokinetic complexity. Sustained local fibroblast growth factor delivery in vivo produced a burst of neovascularization in ischemic myocardium but was followed by drug washout and a 5-fold decrease in fibroblast growth factor penetration depth. Conclusions— The very efficacy of proangiogenic compounds enhances their clearance and abrogates their pharmacological benefit. This self-limiting property of angiogenesis may explain the failures of promising proangiogenic therapies.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R01 GM 49039

    Calcified plaque modification alters local drug delivery in the treatment of peripheral atherosclerosis

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    Background: Calcific atherosclerosis is a major challenge to intraluminal drug delivery in peripheral artery disease (PAD). Objectives: We evaluated the effects of orbital atherectomy on intraluminal paclitaxel delivery to human peripheral arteries with substantial calcified plaque. Methods: Diagnostic angiography and 3-D rotational imaging of five fresh human lower limbs revealed calcification in all main arteries. The proximal or distal segment of each artery was treated using an orbital atherectomy system (OAS) under simulated blood flow and fluoroscopy. Explanted arterial segments underwent either histomorphometric assessment of effect or tracking of [superscript 14]C-labeled or fluorescent–labeled paclitaxel. Radiolabeled drug quantified bulk delivery and fluorescent label established penetration of drug over finer spatial domain in serial microscopic sections. Results: were interpreted using a mathematical model of binding-diffusion mediated arterial drug distribution. Results Lesion composition affected paclitaxel absorption and distribution in cadaveric human peripheral arteries. Pretreatment imaging calcium scores in control femoropopliteal arterial segments correlated with a log-linear decline in the bulk absorption rate-constant of [superscript 14]C-labeled, declining 5.5-fold per calcified quadrant (p = 0.05, n = 7). Compared to controls, OAS-treated femoropopliteal segments exhibited 180 μm thinner intima (p < 0.001), 45% less plaque calcification, and 2 log orders higher paclitaxel bulk absorption rate-constants. Correspondingly, fluorescent paclitaxel penetrated deeper in OAS-treated femoropopliteal segments compared to controls, due to a 70% increase in diffusivity (p < 0.001). Conclusions These data illustrate that calcified plaque limited intravascular drug delivery, and controlled OAS treatment of calcific plaques resulted in greater drug permeability and improved adjunct drug delivery to diseased arteries.Peripheral artery disease Keywords: Drug coated balloons, Drug eluting stents, Atherectomy, Orbital atherectomy, calcified plaque, PaclitaxelNational Institute of Mental Health (U.S.) (Grant R01 GM-49039

    Renal artery anatomy assessed by quantitative analysis of selective renal angiography in 1,000 patients with hypertension

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    Aims: With increasing attention to renovascular causes and targets for hypertension there arises a critical need for more detailed knowledge of renal arterial anatomy. However, a standardised nomenclature is lacking. The present study sought to develop a standardised nomenclature for renal anatomy considering the complexity and variation of the renal arterial tree and to assess the applicability of the nomenclature. Methods and results: One thousand hypertensive patients underwent invasive selective renal artery angiography in nine centres. Further, renovasography was performed in 249 healthy swine as a surrogate for normotensive anatomy. Anatomical parameters were assessed by quantitative vascular analysis. Patients' mean blood pressure was 168/90±26/17 mmHg. The right main renal artery was longer than the left (41±15 mm vs. 35±13 mm, p<0.001), but the left had a greater diameter (5.4±1.2 vs. 5.2±1.2 mm, p<0.001). Accessory renal arteries and renal artery disease were documented in 22% and 9% of the patients, respectively. Other than exhibiting a longer left main renal artery in uncontrolled hypertensives (+2.7 mm, p=0.034) there was no anatomical difference between patients with controlled and uncontrolled hypertension. Main renal artery mean diameter was smaller in patients with impaired kidney function (GFR <90 ml/min, left -0.5 mm, right -0.4 mm, both p<0.001). Conclusions: Renal arterial anatomy differs between sides but shows no difference between patients with and without blood pressure control. Impaired GFR was associated with small main renal artery diameter.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant GM 49039

    Endosomal receptor kinetics determine the stability of intracellular growth factor signalling complexes

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    There is an emerging paradigm that growth factor signalling continues in the endosome and that cell response to a growth factor is defined by the integration of cell surface and endosomal events. As activated receptors in the endosome are exposed to a different set of binding partners, they probably elicit differential signals compared with when they are at the cell surface. As such, complete appreciation of growth factor signalling requires understanding of growth factor–receptor binding and trafficking kinetics both at the cell surface and in endosomes. Growth factor binding to surface receptors is well characterized, and endosomal binding is assumed to follow surface kinetics if one accounts for changes in pH. Yet, specific binding kinetics within the endosome has not been examined in detail. To parse the factors governing the binding state of endosomal receptors we analysed a whole-cell mathematical model of epidermal growth factor receptor trafficking and binding. We discovered that the stability of growth factor–receptor complexes within endosomes is governed by three primary independent factors: the endosomal dissociation constant, total endosomal volume and the number of endosomal receptors. These factors were combined into a single dimensionless parameter that determines the endosomal binding state of the growth factor–receptor complex and can distinguish different growth factors from each other and different cell states. Our findings indicate that growth factor binding within endosomal compartments cannot be appreciated solely on the basis of the pH-dependence of the dissociation constant and that the concentration of receptors in the endosomal compartment must also be considered

    Anatomical and procedural determinants of ambulatory blood pressure lowering following catheter-based renal denervation using radiofrequency

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    Background/purpose: Catheter-based renal sympathetic denervation (RDN) has been introduced to lower blood pressure (BP) and sympathetic activity in patients with uncontrolled hypertension with at best equivocal results. It has been postulated that anatomic and procedural elements introduce unaccounted variability and yet little is known of the impact of renal anatomy and procedural parameters on BP response to RDN. Methods/materials: Anatomical parameters such as length and diameter were analyzed by quantitative vascular analysis and the prevalence of accessory renal arteries and renal artery disease were documented in 150 patients with resistant hypertension undergoing bilateral RDN using a mono-electrode radiofrequency catheter (Symplicity Flex, Medtronic). Results: Accessory renal arteries and renal artery disease were present in 56 (37%) and 14 patients (9%), respectively. At 6-months, 24 h-ambulatory BP was reduced by 11/6 mm Hg (p 4 mm (−19 vs. −10 mmHg; p = 0.038). Neither the length of the renal artery nor the number of RF ablations influenced 24 h-ambulatory BP reduction at 6 months. Conclusions: 24 h-ambulatory BP lowering was most pronounced in patients with smaller renal artery diameter but not related to renal artery length, accessory arteries or renal artery disease. Further, there was no dose-response relationship observed with increasing number of ablations. Condensed abstract: Because little is known of the impact of renal anatomy and procedural parameters on blood pressure (BP) response to renal denervation (RDN), anatomical and procedural data were analyzed in 150 patients undergoing bilateral RDN. BP lowering was most pronounced in patients with smaller renal artery diameter but not related to renal artery length, the presence of renal artery disease or accessory renal arteries. Further, there was no dose-response relationship observed with increasing number of ablations.National Institutes of Health (Grant R01-GM49039