18 research outputs found

    The family as the Foundation of a healthy way of life of the younger generations

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    В статье показаны роль семьи в формировании здорового, безопасного образа жизни ребенка и социализации его. Уникальность воздействия семьи обусловлена многообразием связей родителей и детей (эмоциональных, материально-бытовых, нравственно-правовых, психологических, коммуникативных)The article shows the role of the family in the formation of healthy and safe lifestyle of a child and its socialization. The uniqueness of the family impact is due to the diversity of relations between parents and children (emotional, material and domestic, moral and legal, psychological, communicative


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    Introduction. The system of the Russian education needs highquality education of future teachers. Future teachers should be familiar with age and psychophysiological features of children, be ready to changes, non-standard labour actions, and be able to make independent decisions and to take responsibility for them. It is possible to provide formation of such qualities among modern teachers only through successful social adaptation of young specialists. The aim of this article is to present the authors’ program directed on the assessment of degree of students’ adaptation to pedagogical activity in the system of professional socialization. Methodology and research methods. The leading methodological approach to the study of this problem is the personality-oriented approach that enables to develop the monitoring toolkit to reveal the formation of most important professional qualities of students. The methods of the analysis and synthesis of the scientific publications and directive documents on the discussed problem were applied. Questioning, testing, mathematical-statistical methods of processing of the monitoring results were used when designing and approbation of the authors’ program.Scientific novelty and results. The concept “professional socialization” is defined; the constructive nature of professional socialization of students of pedagogical high school is disclosed. Under the stage of the first-year students’ adaptation, students are considered as subjects who plan, organize, direct and correct own activities in the course of preparation for learning. The methodology for organization of monitoring of professional socialization of students of pedagogical university is described. The methodology described includes the following three components: ideological, operational, behavioral adaptation. The criteria of professional socialization efficiency are highlighted: motivational and evaluative, cognitive, emotional and volitional, creative-activity; the criteria characteristics and compliance indicators are given. The pilot testing on approbation of the authors’ methodology was carried out at the Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University (today the Southern Ural State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University) in the period 2013–2016; the results of the work are presented in this publication. Practical significance. Developed diagnostic toolkit enables to assess on a timely basis the level of social adaptation of future teachers, to identify the ways of increasing the quality of vocational training. The materials of the research could be useful for specialists who are engaged in the process of students’ adaptation to university environment; for leaders and managers of educational institutions; for teachers, lecturers and students themselves.Введение. Система отечественного образования нуждается в качественной подготовке учителей, хорошо знающих возрастные и психофизиологические особенности детей, готовых к переменам, нестандартным трудовым действиям, способных самостоятельно принимать решения и нести за них ответственность. Обеспечить формирование у современного педагога таких качеств можно только при условии успешной социальной адаптации молодых специалистов. Цель публикации – представить авторскую программу оценки уровня адаптированности студентов к педагогической деятельности на начальном этапе профессиональной социализации в вузе. Методология и методы исследования. Исследование базируется на личностно-ориентированном подходе к созданию мониторингового инструментария для определения сформированности у студентов профессионально значимых личностных качеств. В процессе работы применялись методы анализа и обобщения научных публикаций и директивных документов, имеющих отношение к обсуждаемым проблемам. При моделировании и апробации авторской программы использовались анкетирование, тестирование, математико-статистические методы обработки результатов мониторинга. Научная новизна и результаты. Определена сущность феномена социализа-ии; уточнено понятие и раскрыта конструктивная природа профессиональной социализации студентов педагогического вуза, выделены ее основные этапы. В рамках этапа адаптации первокурсников в вузе студент рассматривается как субъект, который в процессе своей подготовки планирует, организует, направляет и корригирует собственную деятельность. Описана методика организации и проведения мониторинга профессиональной социализации будущих учителей, которая включает три блока: мировоззренческий, операциональный и блок поведенческой адаптированности. Выделены критерии эффективности профессиональной социализации: мотивационно-ценностный, когнитивный, эмоционально-волевой, креативно-деятельностный. Дана характеристика этих критериев и показателей их соблюдения. Изложены результаты опытно-экспериментальной работы по апробации авторской методики, проводившейся в Челябинском государственном педагогическом университете (в настоящее время Южно-Уральский государственный гуманитарно-педагогический университет) на протяжении четырех лет – с 2013 по 2016 г. Практическая значимость. Предлагаемый диагностический инструментарий позволяет оперативно оценивать качество социальной адаптации будущих педагогов и исходя из этого определять направления совершенствования их профессиональной подготовки. Материалы статьи могут быть полезны для специалистов, занимающихся вопросами адаптации студентов к вузовской среде, для руководителей образовательных организаций, преподавателей и самих студентов


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    A health-oriented environment is seen as a condition of students' physical fitness. The author's definition of the key concept of «health-oriented environment» is given. It is shown that fitness can motivate students to a healthy lifestyle.Здоровьеориентированная среда рассматривается как условие физической подготовки студентов. Дано авторское определение ключевому понятию «здоровьеориентированная среда». Показано, что фитнес может смотивировать студентов к здоровому образу жизни

    The institution of Tutoring in Health-Preserving: Risk and Sustainability Factors

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    Introduction. Nowadays, specialists of different scientific directions note the growing trend in the deterioration of physical and mental health of younger generation, largely resulting from the health cost of education. In this regard, it is important to develop the institution of tutoring as a pedagogical innovation, which will ensure the formation of a healthy, active, purposeful and responsible personality, who can successfully live in a rapidly changing world.The aim of the article was to identify the factors, which have to be taken into consideration, when organising and implementing master’s education in the direction “Health-Preserving Tutor”. Methodology and research methods. Leading methodological approaches, when studying future tutors’ readiness for health-preserving activities, were anthropological, personality-oriented and environmental. The authors designed the programme of complex diagnostics “Harmony”, which included the following methodologies: evaluation of satisfaction with physical condition (according to Giesener Beschwerdebogen, GBB); self-evaluation of mental state (H. J. Eysenck); “Value orientations” (M. Rokich); the Social Readjustment Rating Scale (T. Holmes, R. Rage); questionnaires “Need for tension in terms of health” (Z. I. Tyumaseva, A. A. Tsygankov, I. L. Orekhova) and “The level of development of recreational activity” (G. V. Valeeva, V. S. Misharina).Results and scientific novelty. The structure and the concepts of “tutoring” and “tutoring support in health-preserving” were specified. The components of the tutors’ readiness for health-preserving activity were revealed: psycho-emotional, psycho-physical, cognitive and value-motivational. In the course of pedagogical experiment, the factors of risks and sustainability, which influence the formation of tutors’ readiness for health-preserving activity, were identified. A diagnostic program was developed to identify the factors. Practical significance. The developed diagnostic tool can be employed when assessing the level of readiness formation for health-preserving activity among students and tutors. The materials of the research can be useful to specialists, who are engaged in vocational training of tutors, as well as to teachers, heads of educational organisations and undergraduates of pedagogical higher education institutions.Введение. Специалисты разных научных направлений констатируют нарастающую тенденцию ухудшения физического и психического здоровья подрастающего поколения, что в значительной степени обусловлено здоровьезатратностью образования. В связи с этим актуализируется развитие института тьюторства как педагогической инновации, обеспечивающей формирование здоровой, активной, целеустремленной и ответственной личности, способной успешно адаптироваться в быстро меняющемся мире. Цель изложенного в публикации исследования – выявить факторы, которые необходимо учитывать при организации и реализации обучения магистрантов-педагогов, выбравших профиль «Тьютор по здоровьесбережению». Методология и методики. Методологическую базу работы составили антропологический, личностно ориентированный и средовый подходы к изучению готовности будущих тьюторов осуществлять здоровьесберегающую деятельность. Авторская программа комплексной диагностики «Гармония» была сконструирована на основе методик оценки удовлетворенности физическим состоянием (по Гиссенскому опроснику); самооценки психического состояния (по Айзенку); ценностных ориентаций (М. Рокич); определения стрессоустойчивости и социальной адаптации Холмса и Раге; анкет «Потребностное напряжение в отношении оздоровления» (З. И. Тюмасева, А. А. Цыганков, И. Л. Орехова) и «Уровень развития представления об оздоровительной деятельности» (Г. В. Валеева, В. С. Мишарина). Результаты и научная новизна. Уточнена структура и содержание понятий «тьюторство» и «тьюторское сопровождение в здоровьесбережении». Выявлены и охарактеризованы психоэмоциональный, психофизический, когнитивный и ценностно-мотивационный компоненты готовности тьютора к здоровьесберегающей деятельности. В ходе педагогического эксперимента выявлены группы факторов риска и устойчивости, оказывающие влияние на формирование у тьюторов такой готовности. Предложена программа диагностики, позволяющая фиксировать данные факторы.Практическая значимость. Разработанный диагностический инструментарий позволяет проводить мониторинг готовности к здоровьесберегающей деятельности не только у студентов, но и у практикующих тьюторов. Материалы исследования будут полезны для специалистов, занимающихся профессиональной подготовкой тьюторов, а также для преподавателей, руководителей образовательных организаций и магистрантов педагогических вузов

    Family environment as means of preservation, strengthenings of health of students and formation of self-preservation behavior

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    Introduction: in the article the family environment as a basis of physical, moral and intellectual development of the child and also preservation, strengthening of physical and mental health is considered. Results of diagnostic testing regarding the relation of parents of school students to a healthy lifestyle as a factor of wellbeing of the children are presented; influence of family on formation at children of the sensual and esthetic, informative, rational and consumer relations to the nature and a responsible attitude to the health. The article purpose is to prove that the family environment plays a huge role in preservation and promotion of health and formation of a healthy lifestyle of the child.Materials and methods: in the course of research activity the analysis of scientific literature on the problem of family education, the family environment, educational potential of family and socialization of the child is carried out. The diagnostic techniques including testing, questioning, the questionnaire, mutually estimation and also pedagogical observation and use of results of educational potential of family in pedagogical activity are used. The mathematics and statistics analysis allowed to generalize the obtained data of diagnostic work. The research is conducted on the basis of boarding school №8 of the Kopeisk city district of Chelyabinsk region and the Southern Ural state humanitarian and pedagogical University.Results: The study gives evidence that the influence of family on raising the children with sensual and esthetical, informative and rational attitude to the nature is the key to their moral and mental health. Scientific ideas of the family environment are expanded, author's definition of the key concept "family environment" is given and its uniqueness at the initial stage of socialization of future citizen of the country is emphasized. The main components of educational potential of family among which parental installations possess a powerful incentive for promotion of influence of the family environment on preservation and promotion of health of children are characterized. Results of the conducted diagnostic testing are described.Discussion and Conclusions: it is emphasized that the family environment is capable of making the foundation of a responsible attitude to the health of the children and promotes preservation and promotion of health, formation of self-preservation behavior.The conclusion is drawn that cognitive, behavioral, moral, ethical components of the family environment are necessary for forming of the positive relations of parents and their children. The family environment is a basis for socialization of the child and formation of a healthy lifestyle, self-preservation behavior.Highlights:-         the concept "family environment" is defined;-         the main components of educational potential of family are characterized;-         influence of family on formation the children’s sensual and esthetic, informative and rational attitude to the nature as bases of moral and mental health is proved;-         results of diagnostic testing are presented


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    Introduction: the reference to the research topic is due to the relevance of using the mentoring system as the most effective way to use an organization’s human resource for solving strategic tasks. The need to revive the mentoring system in the country has been recognized by modern managers engaged in business, the economy, and services. It is the changes in the economy that lead to changes in management. Modern business has adopted a mentoring technique and gives it preference in preparing and adapting young specialists.Materials and methods: in the study we used theoretical and empirical methods of cognition: methods of retrospective analysis of materials, analysis of literature, documents, analysis of work on the research topic, method of analogy and comparison, method of generalizing the results of research.Results of the study: after analyzing scientific studies on mentoring, we came to the conclusion that in the current situation due to changes in the political and socio-economic situation, attitudes towards mentoring have changed and it has not lost its relevance. However, mentoring has undergone a transformation by type of activity: at the present stage, the category of “mentoring” is being rethought. Mentoring applies not only to the professional sphere and the sphere of social relations, but also to education and upbringing.Discussions and conclusions: рroper organization of the mentoring system can not only transfer professional experience to subsequent generations, but also influence the process of educating young employees and the atmosphere of the organization. At the moment, the attention of not only manufacturing enterprises, but also non-production organizations has been drawn to the mentoring system. Mentoring is an effective means of promoting professional development, allowing employees of the organization to achieve career goals, intended professional success. High performance mentoring while improving the efficiency of human resources


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    Distance learning, combining modern technology pedagogy, information and communication technologies is one of the important and promising forms meet the need for education. One of the promising directions of high school - the construction individual route learning activities of students and support, which can be realized teacher-tutor. The authors refer to the consideration tyutorskoy activity in distance learning. Considered the distinctive features of modern distance education. The authors give the interpretation of the concept distance learning in the scientific literature. Analyzes the essence of the concept of "individual educational route", specified components of the structure of the concept. Noted factors tyutorskoy implementation activities in distance learning and goal tyutorskoy activities. Specifies the function of the teacher-tutor in distance education, in particular, the creation and design of the information-educational environment that ensures the effectiveness of distance learning

    Tutor system in educational practice in Great Britain

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    Introduction: an Important task of national pedagogy is related to the understanding and analysis of the experience of educational systems of other countries that have a centuries-old pedagogical. The aim is to evaluate and use the most successful and effective developments of domestic pedagogy.The experience of the UK is leading in relation to the development of individualization of education. This experience is elite, as the traditional tutor training system has been developed and implemented for decades, it has proved its effectiveness in the course of interaction with many national pedagogical systems.Materials and methods: theoretical methods are fundamental for this study: the method of analogy of the concepts of mentoring, tutoring, support, maintenance; method of comparison, consisting in the consideration of the practice of tutoring from the Middle Ages to the present day and the experience of tutoring at different educational levels in the UK method of analyzing the experience of tutoring activities in educational practice in the UK and the experience of using the tutoring system in our days.Results: One of the most important elements of the educational system of great Britain is a method of tutor student interaction and student in teaching and education, the occurrence of which relates to the period of the middle Ages. Technology tutor support involves thoughtful and well-organized psychological and educational support, namely assistance to students in identifying and solving abilities to reconcile their desires with real possibilities in identifying opportunities for growth and advancement in personal development, in orientation in a rapidly changing world. During the entire period of study, the student needs guidance and support, including effective response to emerging issues, ensuring the implementation of needs as they arise.In the analysis of the tutor system of education as a means of improving the quality of education, we can not agree with the conclusion of many scientists, based on statistics from leading universities in England, that the improvement of academic achievements of students of both higher education institutions and schools is directly related to the tutor system of education.Discussion and conclusions: foreign experience, in our case English education, containing a constructive practice of improving the quality of the educational process, becomes relevant for modern Russian education. Studying and analyzing the experience of the organization of tutor support in England, we can determine the incentive for a wider awareness of pedagogical reality, more clearly see the problems and solutions and identify areas for further development of Russian education in this area