146 research outputs found

    Rights and wrongs: a philosophical consideration of children's participation in elite sport

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    The experiences of some children participating in the demanding and intensive world of elite sport appear to compromise one of the primary aims of both childhood and parenthood, which should be for children to arrive on the threshold of adulthood with their futures open and unlimited. A body of evidence in the medical and socio-psychologicalliterature contends that child athletes participating in elite sport are being harmed physically, psychologically, and socially by the intensive training and competition practices required of athletes in sports such as women's gymnastics, figure skating, and others. Participation by children in the highest levels of sport change attitudes and impels behaviours in ways that are unique in their extent and devastating in their consequences. As the varying and often conflicting agendas of athletes, parents, coaches, agents, and sporting bureaucracies come into conflict, considerations of care and regard for the athletes become down played or even ignored, resulting in these young athletes being harmed, and their futures compromised. Children are characterised by their vulnerability, naivety, and inability to formulate their own life-plans, necessitating a degree of parental paternalism in their relationships with adults. This paternalism is justified by the child's dependency on others for protection, and for developing the necessary skills for self-sufficiency and self-determination secured through their burgeoning autonomy as they advance towards adulthood. Under law, parents are given primary responsibility for the health and welfare of their children, because they are ideally situated to determine their child's best interests. In sport, this responsibility is regularly transferred from the parents to the coach and other involved adults. Unfortunately, however, children may be exploited by the very individuals who are entrusted with their care and nurturance. A further body of evidence claims the inescapability of paternalism in relationships between adults and children in elite sport has been exploited: it is disrespectful of the child's burgeoning autonomy, and jeopardises his or her right to an open future. The child's right to an open future is an autonomy right-in-trust saved until he or she is more fully formed and capable of exercising self-determination. This right may be violated in advance of adulthood by foreclosure of options. In this thesis, I argue that elite sport children require a form of paternalism that protects their interests while at the same time is autonomy-respectful. This is actualised by a bifurcated rights system, which works towards securing non-harmful sports practices and preventing the premature foreclosure of life opportunities for elite child athletes post-sport. I

    Jean-Loup Amselle & Emmanuelle Sibeud, s. dir., Maurice Delafosse. Entre orientalisme et ethnographie : itinéraire d’un africaniste (1870-1926)

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    Ce livre est un recueil de communications présentées au colloque « Orientalisme et ethnographie chez Maurice Delafosse », qui s’est tenu à la Maison des sciences de l’homme, à Paris, du 7 au 9 novembre 1996. Il réunit seize textes précédés d’une introduction due à l’anthropologue Jean-Loup Amselle et à l’historienne des sciences Emmanuelle Sibeud, ainsi qu’une bibliographie des travaux de Maurice Delafosse. Les organisateurs du colloque se sont donné pour but de rappeler qui fut cet éminent a..

    Dzieje Timbuktu

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    Agnieszka Uziębł

    Jean-Loup Amselle & Emmanuelle Sibeud, s. dir., Maurice Delafosse. Entre orientalisme et ethnographie : itinéraire d’un africaniste (1870-1926)

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    Ce livre est un recueil de communications présentées au colloque « Orientalisme et ethnographie chez Maurice Delafosse », qui s’est tenu à la Maison des sciences de l’homme, à Paris, du 7 au 9 novembre 1996. Il réunit seize textes précédés d’une introduction due à l’anthropologue Jean-Loup Amselle et à l’historienne des sciences Emmanuelle Sibeud, ainsi qu’une bibliographie des travaux de Maurice Delafosse. Les organisateurs du colloque se sont donné pour but de rappeler qui fut cet éminent a..

    Le d\ue9velopmpement et la r\ue9gression chez les peuples de la boucle du Niger a l'\ue9poque pr\ue9coloniale

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    [i]Mots-cl\ue9s: Afrique Occidentale (VIe-XVIIIe si\ue8cles) \u2013 historie \ue9conomique et sociale; contacts ext\ue9rieurs; stimulants et barri\ue8res de criossance \ue9conomique; d\ue9veloppement; r\ue9gression[/i] S\u142owa kluczowe: Afryka Zachodnia (VI-XVIII w.) \u2013 historia gospodarcza i spo\u142eczna; kontakty zewn\u119trzne; bod\u17ace i bariery wzrostu; procesy rozwoju i regres

    Henryk Samsonowicz (23 I 1930 – 28 V 2021)

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    Henryk Samsonowicz (23 I 1930 – 28 V 2021

    Historia Mali

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    S\u142owa kluczowe: Afryka Zachodnia (VI-XX w.) - historia, kultura; Ghana, Mali, Songhaj; paszalik Arma; podb\uf3j kolonialny; Sudan Francusk

    Rola czynnościowego rezonansu magnetycznego w ograniczeniu pooperacyjnych deficytów neurologicznych u chorych na guzy mózgu

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    Background and purpose The purpose of the study was to compare the results of operative treatment of tumours located in the sensory-motor cortex guided with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) combined with the neuronavigation system to the results of classical operative treatment. Material and methods The studied group comprised 28 patients with a tumour located in the sensory-motor cortex area who underwent surgery guided with fMRI and the neuronavigation system. A control group comprised 30 patients with the same clinical diagnosis, operated on without functional neuronavigation. Results The use of functional neuronavigation allowed for an 18% reduction in the intensity of neurological deficits after surgical treatment in patients from the studied group, compared to the subjects from the control group (p = 0.0001). In the patients with diagnosed high-grade glioma, improvement in the neurological condition in the studied group was 16% (p = 0.03). The initial neurological condition and the results of surgical treatment in patients with a tumour located less than 5 mm from the sensory-motor cortex, determined in fMRI examination, are worse than in patients with a tumour located more than 5 mm. Conclusions In patients with a diagnosed brain tumour in the sensory-motor cortex who have neurological deficits, fMRI provides valuable imaging data on active areas. Tumour location of more than 5 mm from the fMRI active area of the sensory-motor cortex is connected with a considerably lower risk of postoperative neurological deficits. Removing a tumour in the sensory-motor cortex region, guided with fMRI and the neuronavigation system, considerably lowers the risk of postoperative development or exacerbation of neurological deficits.Wstęp i cel pracy Celem pracy było porównanie wyników leczenia chorych z guzami okolicy kory czuciowo-ruchowej operowanych przy użyciu czynnościowego rezonansu magnetycznego (fMRI) i neuronawigacji z wynikami uzyskanymi przed wprowadzeniem tych metod. Materiał i metody Grupa badana składała się z 28 chorych z guzem mózgu w okolicy kory czuciowo-ruchowej, których operowano z wykorzystaniem fMRI w połączeniu z systemem neuronawigacji. Grupę kontrolną stanowiło 30 chorych z analogicznym rozpoznaniem, operowanych bez użycia neuronawigacji czynnościowej. Wyniki Zastosowanie neuronawigacji czynnościowej pozwoliło na zmniejszenie o 18% częstości występowania deficytów neurologicznych pojawiających się po operacji w grupie badanej w porównaniu z chorymi z grupy kontrolnej (p = 0,0001). W grupie chorych z nisko zróżnicowanymi guzami pochodzenia glejowego wyniki pod względem pooperacyjnego stanu neurologicznego były lepsze o 16% (p = 0,03). Wykazano także, że wyjściowy stan neurologiczny i wyniki leczenia operacyjnego są gorsze u chorych z guzem położonym w odległości mniejszej niż 5 mm od pola aktywności kory ruchowej wyznaczonej w fMRI. Wnioski Czynnościowy rezonans magnetyczny pozwala na uzyskanie klinicznie przydatnych obrazów pól aktywności u pacjentów z guzami w okolicy kory czuciowo-ruchowej mózgu. Lokalizacja guza w odległości ponad 5 mm od pola aktywności wiąże się ze zmniejszeniem ryzyka wystąpienia pooperacyjnych deficytów neurologicznych. Zastosowanie neuronawigacji z fMRI w znaczący sposób zmniejsza ryzyko wystąpienia lub nasilenia się w okresie pooperacyjnym deficytów neurologicznych