8 research outputs found

    Predicted species richness and colonization for grassland, woodland, and scrub-shrub bird Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) in Iowa.

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    <p>Estimates were combined by calculating the sum of all estimated values of Psi and Gamma from the best model for each species with predictive models that were considered useful (AUC > 0.70) within each group. (a) Predicted species richness for grassland bird SGCN, (b) Predicted species richness for woodland bird SGCN, (c) Predicted species richness of scrub-shrub bird SGCN, (d) Predicted species colonization for grassland bird SGCN, (e) Predicted species colonization for woodland bird SGCN, (f) Predicted species colonization for scrub-shrub SGCN.</p

    Predicted species richness and species colonization for all bird Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) included in this study in Iowa.

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    <p>Estimates were combined by calculating the sum of all estimated values of Psi and Gamma from the best model for each species. We combined estimates for all species included in the study for both Psi (a) and Gamma (c). We also combined estimates for those species with predictive models that were considered useful (AUC > 0.70) for both Psi (b) and Gamma (d).</p

    List of species, their respective guild, and estimates (standard error; SE) for occupancy (Psi), colonization (Gamma), and detection (p) probabilities, and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC).

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    <p>List of species, their respective guild, and estimates (standard error; SE) for occupancy (Psi), colonization (Gamma), and detection (p) probabilities, and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC).</p

    Predicted probability of occupancy and colonization for three bird Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) in Iowa using the covariates on Psi and Gamma from the best model for each species.

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    <p>Maps display values for one grassland species (Bobolink [<i>Dolichonyx oryzivorus</i>]), one woodland species (Acadian Flycatcher [<i>Empidonax virescens</i>]), and one scrub-shrub species (Bell’s Vireo [<i>Vireo bellii</i>]), all of which had predicted models considered useful (AUC > 0.70). (a) Predicted probability of occupancy for Bobolink, (b) Predicted probability of occupancy for Acadian Flycatcher, (c) Predicted probability of occupancy for Bell’s Vireo, (d) Predicted probability of colonization for Bobolink, (e) Predicted probability of colonization for Acadian Flycatcher, (f) Predicted probability of colonization for Bell’s Vireo.</p

    Predicted probability of occupancy and colonization for three range-restricted bird Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) in Iowa using the covariates on Psi and Gamma from the best model for each species.

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    <p>Predictive models for all species displayed were considered useful (AUC > 0.70). (a) Predicted probability of occupancy for Northern Bobwhite (<i>Colinus virginianus</i>), (b) Predicted probability of occupancy for Red-shouldered Hawk (<i>Buteo lineatus</i>), (c) Predicted probability of occupancy for Kentucky Warbler (<i>Geothlypis formosa</i>), (d) Predicted probability of colonization for Northern Bobwhite, (e) Predicted probability of colonization for Red-shouldered Hawk, (f) Predicted probability of colonization for Kentucky Warbler.</p