22 research outputs found

    Family support by the European Social Fund during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

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    Celem artykułu jest omówienie jakości życia rodziny w dobie obostrzeń związanych z pandemią COVID-19. Artykuł został oparty na przykładowych projektach współfinansowanych ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego. Zdefiniowano w nim pojęcie rodziny, pandemii COVID-19 oraz omówiono projekty współfinansowane ze środków EFS, które przeznaczone zostały w okresie pandemii COVID-19 na wsparcie rodzin i ich bezpieczeństwa zdrowotnego.The purpose of the article is to discuss the quality of life of the family in the era of aggravations connected with the COVID-19 pandemic. The article is based on examples of projects co-financed by the European Social Fund. It defines the concept of family, the COVID-19 pandemic, and discusses ESF co-financed projects that were allocated during the COVID-19 pandemic to support families and their health security

    Above-room-temperature ferroelectricity and piezoelectric activity of dimethylglycinium-dimethylglycine chloride

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    Heavy-metal-free ferroelectrics are sought as environmentally compatible alternatives to commonly used inorganic oxides. Here, we demonstrate direct evidence of the ferroelectric properties of a hybrid organic–inorganic material, dimethylglycinium-dimethylglycine chloride. At room temperature, the compound crystallizes in the polar space group P21 and exhibits a switchable spontaneous polarization of 1.9 μC cm−2. Ferroelectric properties are preserved in a wide temperature range up to about 401 K, where the crystal undergoes the transition to the paraelectric phase of the space group P21/c. The temperature-dependent single-crystal X-ray diffraction study and the calorimetric data indicate an order–disorder contribution to the transition mechanism, which is consistent with the critical slowing down of the dielectric relaxation observed near the Curie point. The spontaneous polarization results from ionic displacements that are induced by changes in the disordering of the dimeric cations. In the ferroelectric phase, the crystal exhibits remarkable piezoelectric activity. The electromechanical and elastic properties of the material were thoroughly characterized

    W'domain walls in the (NH4) 4

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