284 research outputs found

    Dissecting Knowledge

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    The Landscape of Disease

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    Frozen Collections

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    Wilhelm Mannhardt - A Pioneer in the Study of Rituals

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    In the history of the study of religion the German folklorist Wilhelm Mannhardt (1831-1880) was the first to undertake a systematic study of rituals. This was not because of a specific interest in rituals; Mannhardt's  interests lay with mythology, and all his life he regarded himself as a mythologist. In focusing on mythology Mannhardt was in tune with the spirit of his age, but to undertake a systematic study of rituals was something new. At the time the novelty of this approach went practically unnoticed, and Mannhardt himself barely reflected on method. There are complicated relations between a scholar's ideas and the ideas of his time, between what he intends to do and what he actually does and achieves