43 research outputs found


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    This research is aimed at describing whether parents have an active role in building the character of students and find reasons why it is so. It was done at Universitas Kristen Indonesia, and the respondents were students of Christian Religious Education Department exactly in the second semester. The research method used was the mix method research. The instruments used were the sheet which were analyzed by looking for percentages of all questionnaires (quantitatively) and the interview quidance which were analyzed descriptively (quantitatively). The findings of the research obtained are: a) 18% of all parents of students who always play a role in building the students character; b) 27% of all people parents of students who often play a role in building the students character; c) 36% of all parents of students who sometimes play a role in building the students character, and d) 19% of all parents of students who does not play a role in building the students character. So, it is concluded that most of the parents play an inactive role in building the students character. As it is expected by the completion of this research is that in building the students’ character, the role of parents is needed. For this reason, the role of parents needs to be improved and also the cooperation between parents, campus spiritual institutions, and also lecturers need to be held and improved to build the character of the students

    The urgency of entrepreneurship learning in the industrial age of 4.0

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    This study was aimed to provide information on the urgency of learning entrepreneurship in the era of industrial revolution 4.0. The 4.0. Industrial revolution not only provides opportunities but also challenges for the millennial generation. The developments of science and technology as a trigger for the industrial revolution cause some implications such as unemployment, human vs. machine competition, and increasingly high demands on competency. It is estimated that in the next five to ten years it will eliminate 35 - 75 per cent of the work. As a result, the production process becomes faster and easier to distribute. Then what about human energy? New business opportunities will stimulate the emergence of young entrepreneurs. This is what encourages the emergence of the spirit of entrepreneurship along with changes and developments in the times. The purpose of this study is to explain the importance of learning entrepreneurship in the industrial era 4.0 from elementary to university. The method used in this study was literature and scientific journals studies through a theoretical descriptive approach. The finding of this paper is: In order to be able to compete in the industrial revolution era 4.0, the early creative and innovative entrepreneurship learning is and innovative

    Memenuhi Kebutuhan Sumber daya Manusia Ungguldi Era Revolusi lndustri 4.0 Melalui Pendidikan Karakter

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    Manusia yang hidup di abad 21 ini sudah berada di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0. Segalanya sudah berubah, terutama pola pikir dan tindak harus serba cepat dan tepat. Melalui pendidikan yang baik dan benar pasti akan dihasilkan manusia-manusia yang berakhlak mulia dan berbudi pekerti luhur. Pendidikan karakter saat ini hanya dikemas dan disajikan di dalam kelas, diajakan di kelas, kurang keteladanan, lalu diuji dan kemudian dinyatakan lulus, selanjutnya dianggap selesai. Pendidikan karakter tidak hanya dilakukan oleh seorang guru, melainkan orang tua juga, karena pendidikan itu dimulai sejak bakal manusia berada dalam kandungan ibu dan berlangsung sepanjang hayat. Tujuan penulisan ini untuk menguraikan dan menjelaskan begitu pentingnya pendidikan karakter bagi setiap peserta didik yang harus dimulai sejak usia dini. Karakter adalah keutuhan seluruh perilaku hasil pengaruh faktor endogen (genetik) dan faktor eksogen, yang terpatri dalam diri yang membedakan individu atau kelompok individu yang satu dari yang lainnya. Metode penulisan ini menggunakan kajian pustaka, jurnal ilmiah yang berkaitan langsung dengan topik penelitian ini dengan pendekatan deskriptif teoretik. Karakter baik dimanifestasikan dalam kebiasaan baik dan kebajikan dalam hidup sehari-hari, seperti: pikiran baik, hati baik, dan tingkah laku baik. Karakter bersifat memancar dari dalam (inside-out), dalam arti, bahwa kebiasaan baik dilakukanbukan atas permintaan, atau tekanan dari orang lain, namun atas kesadaran dan kemauan sendiri. Karakter adalah sesuatu yang terlihat, merupakan bentuk perilaku konkret, atau penerapan dari moral. Kepada seluruh peserta didik hendaknya diajarkan untuk menjadi generasi yang jujur, disiplin, bertanggung jawab, mandiri, cendikia, inovatif dan antisipatif. Seorang individu harus mengetahui, memiliki keinginan, dan melakukan hal yang benar agar tercipta kebiasaan (habit) yang baik dipikiran, di hati, dan di perilaku. Temuan dari tulisan ini bahwa untuk memenuhi kebutuhan SDM unggul di Era Revolusi Indutri 4.0 di Indonesia perlu diajarkan lewat pendidikan karakter, baik secara formal, non formal dan in formal Kata kunci: sumber daya manusia unggul, pendidikan karakter, pendidik, Peserta didik, era revolusi industri 4.

    Menumbuh Kembangkan Karakter Peserta Didik

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    Character is the integrity of the whole behavior of the psychic result of the influence of endogenous factors (genetic) and exogenous factors, which are embedded in themselves and distinguish individuals or groups of individuals from one another, as well as being the determinant of a person’s behavior in their adaptation to the environment. Goof character is manifested in good habits and kebajikkan in everyday life, such as: good thoughts, good hearts and good behavior. Charaters are radiating from within (inside-out), in the sense that good habits do not request, or pressure from others, but on the awareness and will of its own. Character something that looks, is a from of concrete behaviors, or the application of moral. In the hands of professional educators, students are taught to be the generation that is honest, disciplined, responsible, independent, scholar, innovative and antisipatif. Tujuan this paper to describe and explain the importance of the case to develop a character to each learner. This writing method using descriptive literature review and theoretical approaches. Character consists of good qualites as a from of behavior that is visible. An individual must know, have the desire, and to do good things in order to create a custom (habit) either in the mind, heart, and behavior. Keywords: Character, Education, Educators, Students

    Pengembangan Ekonomi Kreatif Melalui Pendidikan Entrepreneurship

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    Tulisan ini membahas tentang pengembangan ekonomi kreatif melalui pendidikan entrepreneuship. Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana mengembangkan ekonomi yang kreatif melalui pendidikan entrepreneurship dan bagaimana hal tersebut bisa tercapai. Adapun metode penulisan yang digunakan adalah berdasarkan kajian pustaka (library research). Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam peulisan ini adalah dengan membaca berbagai referensi yang menbahas tentang topik yang memiliki hubungan dengan topik tulisan ini, dimana penulis menjadi key instrument dalam proses pelaksanaan pengkajian. Data dari hasil kajian ini adalah referensi yang juga sekaligus menjadi daftar rujukan. lnformasi - informasi yang didapatkan diolah menjadi tulisan yang disusun secara sistematis sesuai dengan tujuan penulisan ini. Di akhir tulisan diberikan contoh - contoh pengembangan ekonomi kreatif yang secara nyata dialami oleh sebagian masyarakat. Adapun temuan dari pokok bahasan yang diperoleh adalah bahwa pengembangan ekonomi kreatif dapat dicapai melalui pendidikan entrepreneurship.Dengan kata lain, melalui pendidikan entrepreneurship, ekonomi kreatifdapat berkembang. Sehingga, masyarakat sebagai obyek pengembangan harus dibina dan didorong untuk bisa mengembangkan ekonominya. Kata Kunci: ekonomi kreatif, pengembangan, pendidikan entrepreneurshi

    Implementasi Tata Kelola Bimbingan Konseling Di Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA)

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    This study discusses the implementation of guidance and counseling governance in high school. It is aimed to find out how the implementation of guidance and counseling governance in high school. It was conducted at the Christian University of Indonesia, Jakarta Jl. Mayzen Sutoyo No. 2 Cawang, East Jakarta-Indonesia. In this study, the researcher used qualitative research methods with library research design. To address the problem of the study, and then describe in narrative from in accordance with the purpose of the research. The findings of this study shows that the governance of the guidance and counseling in high school, the principal, counseling teachers, parents, educators, and learners should be involved. Parents have to look at the guidance and counseling teacher as a partner in the educational process and have time for their children (caring and sharing). Counseling teachers must hold a meeting with all parents, both routine and inroutine meetings according to the needs of parents of the students. Counseling teachers should accept with open arms every visit of the parents and listen even understand the issues they feel. Principals should fully support the performance of the counseling teachers in both facilities and infrastructure needed. Key words: Implementations, governance, guidance and counselin