7 research outputs found

    Сравнительный анализ орофарингеальной микробиоты у больных хронической обструктивной болезнью легких и бронхиальной астмой различной степени тяжести

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    Backgraund: The result of comparative study of oropharyngeal microbiota taxonomic composition in patients with different severity level of bronchial asthma (BA) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is presented in this paper. Aims: To compare oropharyngeal microbiota composition in case of bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in different severity levels. Metods: 138 patients, 50 with BA and 88 with COPD were studied. For each patient was collected anamnesis vitae, swab from the back of the throat and performed physical examination. High-throughput 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing and bioinformatic analysis was employed to characterize the microbial communities. Results: As a result of the study was found a number of differences on various taxonomic levels in microbiota’s composition within group of patients with different severity level of BA and group of patients with different severity level of COPD and between those groups. COPD patients with GOLD 1–2 in comparison with GOLD 3–4 patiens are marked by prevalence of species Brevibacterium aureum, genus Scardovia, Coprococcus, Haemophilus, Moryella, Dialister, Paludibacter and decrease of Prevotella melaninogenica species. BA patients with severe uncontrolled asthma in comparison with patients which have mild persistent asthma are marked by decrease of Prevotella and increase of species Bifidobacterium longum, Prevotella nanceiensis, Neisseria cinerea, Aggregatibacter segnis and genus Odoribacter, Alloiococcus, Lactobacillus, Megasphaera, Parvimonas, Sneathia. Patient’s microbiota in BA group in comparison with COPD group is characterized by the prevalence of Prevotella melaninogenica and genus Selenomonas, Granulicatella и Gemella, and decrease of Prevotella nigrescens, Haemophilus influenza and genus Aggregatibacter, Alloiococcus, Catonella, Mycoplasma, Peptoniphilus и Sediminibacterium. There are no differences between microbiota composition in case of severe uncontrolled BA and very severe COPD. Conclusion: Lack of differences in oropharyngeal microbiota taxonomic composition between patients with severe uncontrolled BA and very severe COPD allow us to suggest a similarity of bronchopulmonary system condition in case of diseases' severe stages.Обоснование. Характеристика орофарингеальной микробиоты при хронической обструктивной болезни легких (ХОБЛ) и бронхиальной астме (БА) в зависимости от тяжести течения заболеваний является актуальной задачей, решение которой позволит уточнить роль микробиоты в их патогенезе. Цель исследования: сравнительный анализ состава орофарингеальной микробиоты при ХОБЛ и БА разной степени выраженности симптомов. Методы. В исследование включены 138 больных, из них 88 с ХОБЛ, 50 — с БА. Для каждого пациента был собран анамнез жизни, проведено физикальное исследование и получен мазок из орофарингеальной области. Определение таксономического состава проводилось секвенированием генов бактериальной 16S рРНК с последующим биоинформатическим и статистическим анализом. Результаты. При сравнительном анализе были найдены различия в представленности микроорганизмов. Для микробиоты больных ХОБЛ 1–2-й степени тяжести в сравнении с образцами ХОБЛ 3–4-й степени на фоне снижения представленностиPrevotella melaninogenica характерно более высокое содержание Brevibacterium aureum и представителей рода Scardovia, Coprococcus, Haemophilus, Moryella, Dialister и Paludibacter. Микробиота пациентов с тяжелой БА в сравнении с таковой при легкой персистирующей форме на фоне более низкого содержания бактерий рода Prevotella характеризуется более выраженным присутствием Bifidobacterium longum, Prevotella nanceiensis, Neisseria cinerea, Aggregatibacter segnis, а также представителей рода Odoribacter, Alloiococcus, Lactobacillus, Megasphaera, Parvimonas и Sneathia. При сравнении микробиоты больных БА и ХОБЛ для пациентов с БА отмечалась более высокая представленность P. melaninogenica и микроорганизмов рода Selenomonas, Granulicatella, Gemella, а также снижение Prevotella nigrescens, Haemophilus influenzae и Aggregatibacter, Alloiococcus, Catonella, Mycoplasma, Peptoniphilus, Sediminibacterium. При этом различия в составе орофарингеальной микробиоты у больных тяжелой неконтролируемой БА и ХОБЛ очень тяжелого течения не выявлены.Заключение. Отсутствие различий в бактериальной композиции орофарингеальной микробиоты у больных с тяжелыми формами ХОБЛ и БА позволяет высказать предположение о сходстве состояния бронхолегочной системы при тяжелых стадиях развития данных заболеваний


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    Traditionally, the biliary tract has been considered to be normally sterile, and the presence of microorganisms in bile is a marker of a pathological process. This assumption was confirmed by failure in allocation of bacterial strains from the normal bile duct. The paper provides rationale for a phenomenon of the normal biliary microbiota as a separate functional layer which protects a biliary tract from colonization by exogenous microorganisms. We revealed the potential of metagenomic data for prevention of infectious diseases, post-operative complications of reconstructive interventions including bile duct stenting and implantation the tissue-engineered structures exposed to the risks of colonization with pathogenic / exogenous microorganisms. The methods based on preserving homeostasis of normal biliary microbiota ecosystem can be used for prevention of hepatobiliary diseases and treatment of biliary tract inflammatory diseases.Традиционно считалось, что желчный проток стерилен, а присутствие в желчи микроорганизмов является маркером патологического процесса. Подобное предположение подтверждалось безуспешностью выделения бактериальных штаммов из нормального желчного протока. В настоящей работе приводится обоснование феномена нормальной микробиоты желчевыводящих путей как отдельного слоя, который защищает желчные пути от колонизации экзогенными микроорганизмами. Раскрывается возможное использование метагеномных данных для профилактики инфекционных заболеваний и послеоперационных осложнений при реконструктивных вмешательствах. Методы сохранения гомеостаза экосистемы нормальной билиарной микробиоты могут быть использованы для предотвращения гепатобилиарных заболеваний и лечения воспалительных заболеваний желчевыводящих путей

    Gut microbiota and its relations with cardiovascular risk factors in almost healthy inhabitants of Moscow and Moscow Region

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    Aim. To investigate on the relation of microbiota content and cardiovascular risk factors among persons with no clinical signs of cardiovascular diseases. Material and methods. In the study, 92 Moscow and Moscow Region inhabitants included, men and women at age 25-76 y. o., with no clinical signs of chronic non-infectious diseases, not taking any medications, but with probable existence of cardiovascular risk factors. All participants underwent prescreening investigation that included physical examination, clinical and biochemical blood collection, electrocardiography, thread-mill test, risk factors assessment, and sequencing of the variable loci V3-V4 of the gene 16S of rRNA of gut microbiota. Results. During the study, it was revealed that in the studied cohort there were more opportunistic bacteria in the donors having risk factors: Serratia - in obese and glucose metabolism disorder, Prevotella - in obese, disordered glucose metabolism and raised systolic pressure, Blautia - glucose metabolism disorder and raised systolic pressure. Amylolytic bacteria Oscillosipa were less common in obese. Conclusion. The dysbalance of gut microbiota with riased level of opportunistic bacteria that potentially initiate systemic non-specific inflammation, is associated with the existence of cardiovascular risk factors

    Gut microbiota and its relations with cardiovascular risk factors in almost healthy inhabitants of Moscow and Moscow Region

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    Aim. To investigate on the relation of microbiota content and cardiovascular risk factors among persons with no clinical signs of cardiovascular diseases. Material and methods. In the study, 92 Moscow and Moscow Region inhabitants included, men and women at age 25-76 y. o., with no clinical signs of chronic non-infectious diseases, not taking any medications, but with probable existence of cardiovascular risk factors. All participants underwent prescreening investigation that included physical examination, clinical and biochemical blood collection, electrocardiography, thread-mill test, risk factors assessment, and sequencing of the variable loci V3-V4 of the gene 16S of rRNA of gut microbiota. Results. During the study, it was revealed that in the studied cohort there were more opportunistic bacteria in the donors having risk factors: Serratia - in obese and glucose metabolism disorder, Prevotella - in obese, disordered glucose metabolism and raised systolic pressure, Blautia - glucose metabolism disorder and raised systolic pressure. Amylolytic bacteria Oscillosipa were less common in obese. Conclusion. The dysbalance of gut microbiota with riased level of opportunistic bacteria that potentially initiate systemic non-specific inflammation, is associated with the existence of cardiovascular risk factors