20 research outputs found

    Essai sur le dimorphisme sexuel

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    ESSAY ON SEXUAL DIMORPHISM Summary. — The sexual dimorphism of cephalo-facial and somatic measurements in male and female populations from Ubangi (Zaire) and from Belgium, was evaluated by the method of standardised deviation (diagrams of Mollison). The sexual differences of these measurements appear to be very similar in these genetically and mesologically contrasted populations. On the contrary, male and female African populations are closely grouped and well separated from the European ones.Résumé. — Le dimorphisme sexuel de mensurations céphalo-faciales et corporelles relevées sur des populations d'hommes et de femmes de l'Oubangui (Zaïre) et de Belgique a été mis en évidence par la méthode de l'écart norme. Le dimorphisme sexuel de ces mensurations s'exprime de façon proche dans ces populations génétiquement et mésologiquement très contrastées. Au contraire, les populations africaines masculines et féminines sont étroitement groupées et se séparent nettement des populations européennes.Twiesselmann F. Essai sur le dimorphisme sexuel. In: Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'anthropologie de Paris, XIII° Série. Tome 6 fascicule 4, 1979. pp. 407-417

    Croissance des dimensions cranio-faciales de métis belgo-zaïrois de première génération

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    . — The cranio-facial measurements of 154 belgo-zairian half-breds of first génération are, in absolute value, intermediate between those of the Belgian and Zairian controls. Thèse measurements coupled two by two, show that the proportions in the half-breds generally are intermediate, with two exceptions : 1) half-breds are nearer to the Blacks for nose breadth coupled with interocular width ; 2) half-bred girls are nearer to Black girls for nasion-gnathion height coupled with bizygomatic breadth.. — Les dimensions cranio-faciales de 154 métis belgo-zaïrois sont, en valeur absolue, intermédiaires entre celles de sujets témoins belges et zaïrois. Prises deux à deux, ces dimensions font apparaître des proportions généralement intermédiaires chez les métis. Mais cette règle souffre deux exceptions : la première est celle de la relation entre la largeur du nez et la largeur interoculaire pour laquelle les métis se rapprochent des Noirs ; la deuxième est celle de la relation entre la hauteur nasion-menton et la largeur bizygomatique pour laquelle les filles métisses se rapprochent des Noires.Twiesselmann F. Croissance des dimensions cranio-faciales de métis belgo-zaïrois de première génération. In: Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'anthropologie de Paris, XIII° Série. Tome 9 fascicule 3, 1982. pp. 163-175

    La méthodologie du métissage

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    Twiesselmann F. La méthodologie du métissage. In: Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'anthropologie de Paris, XII° Série. Tome 7 fascicule 2, 1971. pp. 145-157

    Le conseil genetique aux diabetiques

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    Journal ArticleSCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Humeral development from neonatal period to skeletal maturity—application in age and sex assessment

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    The goal of the present study is to examine cross-sectional information on the growth of the humerus based on the analysis of four measurements, namely, diaphyseal length, transversal diameter of the proximal (metaphyseal) end of the shaft, epicondylar breadth and vertical diameter of the head. This analysis was performed in 181 individuals (90 ♂ and 91 ♀) ranging from birth to 25 years of age and belonging to three documented Western European skeletal collections (Coimbra, Lisbon and St. Bride). After testing the homogeneity of the sample, the existence of sexual differences (Student"s t- and Mann-Whitney U-test) and the growth of the variables (polynomial regression) were evaluated. The results showed the presence of sexual differences in epicondylar breadth above 20 years of age and vertical diameter of the head from 15 years of age, thus indicating that these two variables may be of use in determining sex from that age onward. The growth pattern of the variables showed a continuous increase and followed first- and second-degree polynomials. However, growth of the transversal diameter of the proximal end of the shaft followed a fourth-degree polynomial. Strong correlation coefficients were identified between humeral size and age for each of the four metric variables. These results indicate that any of the humeral measurements studied herein is likely to serve as a useful means of estimating sub-adult age in forensic samples