5 research outputs found

    Pola Produksi Dan Nutrisi Rumput Kume (Shorgum Plumosum Var. Timorense) Pada Lingkungan Alamiahnya

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    The purpose of the study was to know the production system and nutrition content of Kume grass (Shorgum plumosum var. Timorense). The study used experimental method. The data were analyzed descriptively to know the production system and nutrition content of Kume grass. Two variables namely independent variables (cutting age) and dependent variables (nutritive values, plant height, dry matter production, organic matter and crude protein) were analysed statistically using correlation. The growth pattern of Kume grass from 14 to 112 days was polinomial. The increase of cutting age was followed by the increase of dry matter, organic matter, crude fiber and the decrease of crude protein. The crude fiber also increased together with the cutting age

    Kecernaan Bahan Kering Dan Bahan Organik Ransum Ternak Kambing Kacang Yang Diberi Suplementasi Dedak Padi Dan Daun Turi

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    Dry And Organic Matter Digestibility Of Kacang Goats Offered Native Grass Supplemented With Rice Meal And Sesbania Leafs. A study on the effect of rice meal and sesbania leafs supplementation on dry and organic matter digestibility of kacang goats offered native grass has been carried out using 12 male goats (6-9 months old) in a block completely randomized design. The goats were grouped into 4 and then each group was treated as R0 = 100% native grass (control), R1 = 75% native grass + 20% sesbania leafs + 5% rice meal, R2 = 50% native grass + 40% sesbania leafs + 10% rice meal or R3 = 25% native grass + 60% sesbania leafs + 15% rice meal. Replication was 3 times for each treatment so there are 12 experimental units. Data was analyzed by Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the difference among treatments was further analyzed by Duncan\u27s multiple range tests. Results showed that there is a strong significant difference (P<0.01) among dry matter digestibility. Further test showed that there is a strong significant difference (P<0.01) between R3 and either R0, R1 or R2. Between R2 and R0 there is only a significant (P<0.05) difference. There is no difference (P>0.05) between R2 and R1 as well as R1 and R0. Organic matter digestibility was significantly (P<0.01) differ among treatments. Further test showed that a strong significant (P<0.01) difference was recorded between R3 and either R0, R1 or R2. Similarly, the difference between R2 and R0 as well as R1 and R0 was recorded. There is no significant difference (P>0.05) between R2 and R1. It can be concluded that dry and organic matter digestibility of kacang goats increases according to the increase of sesbania leafs and rice meal supplementation. It was suggested to use sesbania leafs and rice meal in the ration of fattening goats and also it was suggested a further experiment by using different ration formulation composed of these feedstuffs


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    Program Tanam Jagung Panen Sapi (TJPS) di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) bertujuan mendongkrak ekonomi petani melalui integrasi jagung-ternak. Penelitian ini mengukur penyediaan bahan baku pakan, serta estimasi daya dukung pakan bagi pengembangan ternak sapi, babi, dan ayam pada priode tanam jagung 2019-2021. Metode yang digunakan adalah Kaji Tindak. Lokasi penelitian di semua kelompok tani (n=1.867) penerima program TJPS. Pengukuran produksi biomasa jagung dilakukan saat panen memakai teknik ubinan (2,5×2,5 m). Seluruh biomasa dipanen, dipisahkan biji dari limbah (biji, klobot, tongkol, daun, batang) lalu ditimbang. Sampel setiap komponen diambil, selanjutnya semua sampel digabung sesuai komponen tanaman. Sub-sampel diambil dan diproses untuk analisis kandungan nutrisi. Variabel yang diukur adalah produksi biomasa, persentase komponen tanaman, produktivitas, dan kandungan nutrisi. Kontribusi penyediaan bahan baku, produksi pakan komplit, dan ternak dikalkulasi dari produksi biomasa. Analisis data memakai statistik deskriptif. Hasil memperlihatkan bahwa total produksi biomasa jagung selama 3 tahun adalah 193.008,87 ton bahan kering dari 22.310,5 ha lahan. Proporsi biji sebesar 46,59% dan 53,63% limbah. Potensi pakan sebesar 386.017,7 ton. Estimasi jumlah ternak yang dapat pelihara per tahun adalah 197.367 babi, atau 49.341.896 ayam, dan 94.027 sapi. Disimpulkan bahwa Program TJPS mampu menyediakan biomasa bahan baku cukup besar untuk produksi pakan ternak di NTT. Kata kunci: jagung, limbah pangan, pakan, terna

    Pola produksi dan nutrisi rumput Kume (Shorgum plumosum var. Timorense) pada lingkungan alamiahnya

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    The purpose of the study was to know the production system and nutrition content of Kume grass (Shorgum plumosum var. Timorense). The study used experimental method. The data were analyzed descriptively to know the production system and nutrition content of Kume grass. Two variables namely independent variables (cutting age) and dependent variables (nutritive values, plant height, dry matter production, organic matter and crude protein) were analysed statistically using correlation. The growth pattern of Kume grass from 14 to 112 days was polinomial. The increase of cutting age was followed by the increase of dry matter, organic matter, crude fiber and the decrease of crude protein. The crude fiber also increased together with the cutting age. Keywords:growth, production, nutrition, Kume gras