31 research outputs found

    Automated test data generation using a scatter search approach

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    The techniques for the automatic generation of test cases try to efficiently find a small set of cases that allow a given adequacy criterion to be fulfilled, thus contributing to a reduction in the cost of software testing. In this paper we present and analyze two versions of an approach based on the Scatter Search metaheuristic technique for the automatic generation of software test cases using a branch coverage adequacy criterion. The first test case generator, called TCSS, uses a diversity property to extend the search of test cases to all branches of the program under test in order to generate test cases that cover these. The second, called TCSS-LS, is an extension of the previous test case generator which combines the diversity property with a local search method that allows the intensification of the search for test cases that cover the difficult branches. We present the results obtained by our generators and carry out a detailed comparison with many other generators, showing a good performance of our approac

    Testing Data Transformations in MapReduce Programs

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    MapReduce is a parallel data processing paradigm oriented to process large volumes of information in data-intensive applications, such as Big Data environments. A characteristic of these applications is that they can have different data sources and data formats. For these reasons, the inputs could contain some poor quality data that could produce a failure if the program functionality does not handle properly the variety of input data. The output of these programs is obtained from a number of input transformations that represent the program logic. This paper proposes the testing technique called MRFlow that is based on data flow test criteria and oriented to transformations analysis between the input and the output in order to detect defects in MapReduce programs. MRFlow is applied over some MapReduce programs and detects several defect

    Automatic generation of assumptions for modular verification of software specifications

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    Model checking is a powerful automated technique mainly used for the verification of properties of reactive systems. In practice, model checkers are limited due to the state explosion problem. Modular verification based on the assume-guarantee paradigm mitigates this problem using a “divide and conquer” technique. Unfortunately, this approach is not automated, for the reason that the user must specify the environment model. In this paper, a novel technique is presented for automatically generating component assumptions based on the behaviour of the environment (the remainder of components of the systems). In a first phase, the environment of the component is computed using state space exploration techniques, and then the assumptions are generated as association rules of the component environment interface. This approach presents a number of advantages. Firstly, user assistance to specify assumptions is not necessary and assumption discharge is avoided. Secondly, the component assumptions are more restrictive and real, and therefore reduce the resources needed by the model checker. The technique is applied to the specification of a steam boiler syste

    Test case design for transactional flows using a dependency-based approach

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    Transactions are a key issue to develop reliable web service based applications. The advanced models used to manage this kind of transactions rely on the dependencies between the involved activities (subtransactions). Dependencies are constraints on the processing produced by the concurrent execution of interdependent activities. Existing work uses formal approaches to verify the consistency and correctness of dependencies in web service transactions, but there is no work on testing their implementation. This paper identifies and defines a set of possible dependencies using logical expressions. These expressions define the preconditions necessary for executing the subtransactions primitive tasks. By using those conditions, we propose a family of test criteria based on control-flow for checking the dependencies between subtransactions. The test criteria provide guidance for test case generation in order to specifically test the implementation of web service subtransactions dependencie

    RETORCH: Resource-Aware End-to-End Test Orchestration

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    12th International Conference, QUATIC 2019, Ciudad Real, Spain, September 11–13, 2019Continuous integration practices introduce incremental changes in the code to both improve the quality and add new functionality. These changes can introduce faults that can be timely detected through continuous testing by automating the test cases and re-executing them at each code change. However, re-executing all test cases at each change may not be always feasible, especially for those test cases that make heavy use of resources thoroughly like End-to-End test cases that need a complex test infrastructure. This paper is focused on optimizing the usage of the resources employed during End-to-End testing (e.g., storage, memory, web servers or tables of a database, among others) through a resource-aware test orchestration technique in the context of continuous integration in the cloud. In order to optimize both the cost/usage of resources and the execution time, the approach proposes to (i) identify the resources required by the End-to-End test cases, (ii) group together those tests that need the same resources, (iii) deploy the tests in both dependency isolated and elastic environments, and (iv) schedule their parallel execution in several machine

    Infrastructure-Aware Functional Testing of MapReduce Programs

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    2016 IEEE 4th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud Workshops (FiCloudW), Vienna, 2016Programs that process a large volume of data generally run in a distributed and parallel architecture, such as the programs implemented in the processing model MapReduce. In these programs, developers can abstract the infrastructure where the program will run and focus on the functional issues. However, the infrastructure configuration and its state cause different parallel executions of the program and some could derive in functional faults which are hard to reveal. In general, the infrastructure that executes the program is not considered during the testing, because the tests usually contain few input data and then the parallelization is not necessary. In this paper a testing technique is proposed to generate different infrastructure configurations for a given test input data, and then the program is executed in these configurations in order to reveal functional faults. This testing technique is automatized by using a test engine and is applied to a case study. As a result, several infrastructure configurations are automatically generated and executed for a test case revealing a functional fault that is then fixed by the develope

    Towards Ex Vivo Testing of MapReduce Applications

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    2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security (QRS), 25-29 July 2017, Prague (Czech Republic)Big Data programs are those that process large data exceeding the capabilities of traditional technologies. Among newly proposed processing models, MapReduce stands out as it allows the analysis of schema-less data in large distributed environments with frequent infrastructure failures. Functional faults in MapReduce are hard to detect in a testing/preproduction environment due to its distributed characteristics. We propose an automatic test framework implementing a novel testing approach called Ex Vivo. The framework employs data from production but executes the tests in a laboratory to avoid side-effects on the application. Faults are detected automatically without human intervention by checking if the same data would generate different outputs with different infrastructure configurations. The framework (MrExist) is validated with a real-world program. MrExist can identify a fault in a few seconds, then the program can be stopped, not only avoiding an incorrect output, but also saving money, time and energy of production resource

    Mutating database queries

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    A set of mutation operators for SQL queries that retrieve information from a database is developed and tested against a set of queries drawn from the NIST SQL Conformance Test Suite. The mutation operators cover a wide spectrum of SQL features, including the handling of null values. Additional experiments are performed to explore whether the cost of executing mutants can be reduced using selective mutation or the test suite size can be reduced by using an appropriate ordering of the mutants. The SQL mutation approach can be helpful in assessing the adequacy of database test cases and their development, and as a tool for systematically injecting faults in order to compare different database testing technique