18 research outputs found

    Fully Distributed And Mixed Symmetric Diagonal Dominant Solvers For Large Scale Optimization

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    Over the past twenty years, we have witnessed an unprecedented growth in data, inaugurating the so-called Big Data Epoch. Throughout these years, the exponential growth in the power of computer chips forecasted by Moore\u27s Law has allowed us to increasingly handle such growing data progression. However, due to the physical limitations on the size of transistors we have already reached the computational limits of traditional microprocessors\u27 architecture.Therefore, we either need conceptually new computers or distributed models of computation to allow processors to solve Big Data problems in a collaborative manner. The purpose of this thesis is to show that decentralized optimization is capable of addressing our growing computational demands by exploiting the power of coordinated data processing. In particular, we propose an exact distributed Newton method for two important challenges in large-scale optimization: Network Flow and Empirical Risk Minimization. The key observation behind our method is related to the symmetric diagonal dominant structure of the Hessian of dual functions correspondent to the aforementioned problems. Consequently, one can calculate the Newton direction by solving symmetric diagonal dominant (SDD) systems in a decentralized fashion. We first propose a fully distributed SDD solver based on a recursive approximation of SDD matrix inverses with a collection of specifically structured distributed matrices. To improve the precision of the algorithm, we then apply Richardson Preconditioners arriving at an efficient algorithm capable of approximating the solution of SDD system with any arbitrary precision. vi Our second fully distributed SDD solver significantly improves the computational performance of the rst algorithm by utilizing Chebyshev polynomials for an approximation of the SDD matrix inverse. The particular choice of Chebyshev polynomials is motivated by their extremal properties and their recursive relation. We then explore mixed strategies for solving SDD systems by slightly relaxing the decentralization requirements. Roughly speaking, by allowing for one computer to aggregate some particular information from all others, one can gain quite surprising computational benefits. The key idea is to construct a spectral sparsifier of the underlying graph of computers by using local communication between them. Finally, we apply these solvers for calculating the Newton direction for the dual function of Network Flow and Empirical Risk Minimization. On the theoretical side, we establish quadratic convergence rate for our algorithms surpassing all existing techniques. On the empirical side, we verify our superior performance in a set of extensive numerical simulations

    Fast, Accurate Second Order Methods for Network Optimization

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    Dual descent methods are commonly used to solve network flow optimization problems, since their implementation can be distributed over the network. These algorithms, however, often exhibit slow convergence rates. Approximate Newton methods which compute descent directions locally have been proposed as alternatives to accelerate the convergence rates of conventional dual descent. The effectiveness of these methods, is limited by the accuracy of such approximations. In this paper, we propose an efficient and accurate distributed second order method for network flow problems. The proposed approach utilizes the sparsity pattern of the dual Hessian to approximate the the Newton direction using a novel distributed solver for symmetric diagonally dominant linear equations. Our solver is based on a distributed implementation of a recent parallel solver of Spielman and Peng (2014). We analyze the properties of the proposed algorithm and show that, similar to conventional Newton methods, superlinear convergence within a neighbor- hood of the optimal value is attained. We finally demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach in a set of experiments on randomly generated networks.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1502.0315

    BOiLS: Bayesian Optimisation for Logic Synthesis

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    Optimising the quality-of-results (QoR) of circuits during logic synthesis is a formidable challenge necessitating the exploration of exponentially sized search spaces. While expert-designed operations aid in uncovering effective sequences, the increase in complexity of logic circuits favours automated procedures. To enable efficient and scalable solvers, we propose BOiLS, the first algorithm adapting Bayesian optimisation to navigate the space of synthesis operations. BOiLS requires no human intervention and trades-off exploration versus exploitation through novel Gaussian process kernels and trust-region constrained acquisitions. In a set of experiments on EPFL benchmarks, we demonstrate BOiLS's superior performance compared to state-of-the-art in terms of both sample efficiency and QoR values

    Are we Forgetting about Compositional Optimisers in Bayesian Optimisation?

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    Bayesian optimisation presents a sample-efficient methodology for global optimisation. Within this framework, a crucial performance-determining subroutine is the maximisation of the acquisition function, a task complicated by the fact that acquisition functions tend to be non-convex and thus nontrivial to optimise. In this paper, we undertake a comprehensive empirical study of approaches to maximise the acquisition function. Additionally, by deriving novel, yet mathematically equivalent, compositional forms for popular acquisition functions, we recast the maximisation task as a compositional optimisation problem, allowing us to benefit from the extensive literature in this field. We highlight the empirical advantages of the compositional approach to acquisition function maximisation across 3958 individual experiments comprising synthetic optimisation tasks as well as tasks from Bayesmark. Given the generality of the acquisition function maximisation subroutine, we posit that the adoption of compositional optimisers has the potential to yield performance improvements across all domains in which Bayesian optimisation is currently being applied. An open-source implementation is made available at https://github.com/huawei-noah/noah-research/tree/CompBO/BO/HEBO/CompBO