27 research outputs found

    PDGF-B-driven gliomagenesis can occur in the absence of the proteoglycan NG2

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In the last years, the transmembrane proteoglycan NG2 has gained interest as a therapeutic target for the treatment of diverse tumor types, including gliomas, because increases of its expression correlate with dismal prognosis. NG2 has been shown to function as a co-receptor for PDGF ligands whose aberrant expression is common in gliomas. We have recently generated a glioma model based on the overexpression of PDGF-B in neural progenitors and here we investigated the possible relevance of NG2 during PDGF-driven gliomagenesis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The survival curves of NG2-KO mice overexpressing PDGF-B were compared to controls by using a Log-rank test. The characteristics of tumors induced in NG2-KO were compared to those of tumors induced in wild type mice by immunostaining for different cell lineage markers and by transplantation assays in adult mice.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We showed that the lack of NG2 does not appreciably affect any of the characterized steps of PDGF-driven brain tumorigenesis, such as oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPC) induction, the recruitment of bystander OPCs and the progression to full malignancy, which take place as in wild type animals.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our analysis, using both NG2-KO mice and a miRNA based silencing approach, clearly demonstrates that NG2 is not required for PDGF-B to efficiently induce and maintain gliomas from neural progenitors. On the basis of the data obtained, we therefore suggest that the role of NG2 as a target molecule for glioma treatment should be carefully reconsidered.</p

    Role of post-translational modifications of the yeast protein Yra1, in mRNA export and cell cycle regulation

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    The nucleus stores the genetic information in a well-organized manner to ensure its transmission at every cell division. This process relies on several interconnected steps: transcription and processing of the pre-mRNA, export of mRNA into the cytoplasm and translation into a functional protein. During my doctoral studies I focused my attention on the fundamental step of mRNA export into the cytoplasm using Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model organism. mRNA export starts during transcription, when export factors are recruited in a RNA polymerase II dependent manner. All mRNAs are exported by the export receptor Mex67. Several adaptors help Mex67 accomplishing this task. The first identified adaptor is the essential protein Yra1 (Aly/REF in mammals), which interacts both with RNAs and Mex67. Throughout the course of my thesis I concentrated my studies on Yra1 to further characterize its role as an mRNA export adaptor and to elucidate the mechanisms regulating its expression

    Keeping mRNPs in check during assembly and nuclear export

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    The cell nucleus is an intricate organelle that coordinates multiple activities that are associated with DNA replication and gene expression. In all eukaryotes, it stores the genetic information and the machineries that control the production of mature and export-competent messenger ribonucleoproteins (mRNPs), a multistep process that is regulated in a spatial and temporal manner. Recent studies suggest that post-translational modifications play a part in coordinating the co-transcriptional assembly, remodelling and export of mRNP complexes through nuclear pores, adding a new level of regulation to the process of gene expression

    Single molecule mRNA fluorescent in situ hybridization combined with immunofluorescence in S. cerevisiae:Dataset and quantification

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    Single-molecule fluorescent in situ hybridization (smFISH) has emerged as a powerful technique that allows one to localize and quantify the absolute number of mRNAs in single cells. In combination with immunofluorescence (IF), smFISH can be used to correlate the expression of an mRNA and a protein of interest in single cells. Here, we provide and quantify an smFISH-IF dataset in S. cerevisiae. We measured the expression of the cell cycle-controlled mRNA CLN2 and the cell cycle marker alpha-tubulin. The smFISH-IF protocol describing the dataset generation is published in the accompanying article “Simultaneous detection of mRNA and protein in S. cerevisiae by single-molecule FISH and Immunofluorescence” [1]. Here, we analyze the smFISH data using the freely available software FISH-quant [2]. The provided datasets are intended to assist scientists interested in setting up smFISH-IF protocol in their laboratory. Furthermore, scientists interested in the generation of imaging analysis tools for single-cell approaches may find the provided dataset useful. To this end, we provide the differential interference contrast (DIC) channel, as well as multicolor, raw Z-stacks for smFISH, IF and DAPI

    Simultaneous Detection of mRNA and Protein in S. cerevisiae by Single-Molecule FISH and Immunofluorescence

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    Single-molecule fluorescent in situ hybridization (smFISH) enables the detection and quantification of endogenous mRNAs within intact fixed cells. This method utilizes tens of singly labeled fluorescent DNA probes hybridized against the mRNA of interest, which can be detected by using standard wide-field fluorescence microscopy. This approach provides the means to generate absolute quantifications of gene expression within single cells, which can be used to link molecular fluctuations to phenotypes. To be able to correlate the expression of an mRNA and a protein of interest in individual cells, we combined smFISH with immunofluorescence (IF) in yeast cells. Here, we present our smFISH-IF protocol to visualize and quantify two cell cycle-controlled mRNAs (CLN2 and ASH1) and the cell cycle marker alpha-tubulin in S. cerevisiae. This protocol, which is performed over 2 days, can be used to visualize up to three colors at the time (i.e., two mRNAs, one protein). Even if the described protocol is designed for S. cerevisiae, we think that the considerations discussed here can be useful to develop and troubleshoot smFISH-IF protocols for other model organisms

    Understanding spatiotemporal coupling of gene expression using single molecule RNA imaging technologies

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    Across all kingdoms of life, gene regulatory mechanisms underlie cellular adaptation to ever-changing environments. Regulation of gene expression adjusts protein synthesis and, in turn, cellular growth. Messenger RNAs are key molecules in the process of gene expression. Our ability to quantitatively measure mRNA expression in single cells has improved tremendously over the past decades. This revealed an unexpected coordination between the steps that control the life of an mRNA, from transcription to degradation. Here, we provide an overview of the state-of-the-art imaging approaches for measurement and quantitative understanding of gene expression, starting from the early visualizations of single genes by electron microscopy to current fluorescence-based approaches in single cells, including live-cell RNA-imaging approaches to FISH-based spatial transcriptomics across model organisms. We also highlight how these methods have shaped our current understanding of the spatiotemporal coupling between transcriptional and post-transcriptional events in prokaryotes. We conclude by discussing future challenges of this multidisciplinary field.Abbreviations: mRNA: messenger RNA; rRNA: ribosomal rDNA; tRNA: transfer RNA; sRNA: small RNA; FISH: fluorescence in situ hybridization; RNP: ribonucleoprotein; smFISH: single RNA molecule FISH; smiFISH: single molecule inexpensive FISH; HCR-FISH: Hybridization Chain-Reaction-FISH; RCA: Rolling Circle Amplification; seqFISH: Sequential FISH; MERFISH: Multiplexed error robust FISH; UTR: Untranslated region; RBP: RNA binding protein; FP: fluorescent protein; eGFP: enhanced GFP, MCP: MS2 coat protein; PCP: PP7 coat protein; MB: Molecular beacons; sgRNA: single guide RNA

    Intracellular mRNA transport and localized translation

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    Fine-tuning cellular physiology in response to intracellular and environmental cues requires precise temporal and spatial control of gene expression. High-resolution imaging technologies to detect mRNAs and their translation state have revealed that all living organisms localize mRNAs in subcellular compartments and create translation hotspots, enabling cells to tune gene expression locally. Therefore, mRNA localization is a conserved and integral part of gene expression regulation from prokaryotic to eukaryotic cells. In this Review, we discuss the mechanisms of mRNA transport and local mRNA translation across the kingdoms of life and at organellar, subcellular and multicellular resolution. We also discuss the properties of messenger ribonucleoprotein and higher order RNA granules and how they may influence mRNA transport and local protein synthesis. Finally, we summarize the technological developments that allow us to study mRNA localization and local translation through the simultaneous detection of mRNAs and proteins in single cells, mRNA and nascent protein single-molecule imaging, and bulk RNA and protein detection methods

    Intracellular mRNA transport and localized translation

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    Fine-tuning cellular physiology in response to intracellular and environmental cues requires precise temporal and spatial control of gene expression. High-resolution imaging technologies to detect mRNAs and their translation state have revealed that all living organisms localize mRNAs in subcellular compartments and create translation hotspots, enabling cells to tune gene expression locally. Therefore, mRNA localization is a conserved and integral part of gene expression regulation from prokaryotic to eukaryotic cells. In this Review, we discuss the mechanisms of mRNA transport and local mRNA translation across the kingdoms of life and at organellar, subcellular and multicellular resolution. We also discuss the properties of messenger ribonucleoprotein and higher order RNA granules and how they may influence mRNA transport and local protein synthesis. Finally, we summarize the technological developments that allow us to study mRNA localization and local translation through the simultaneous detection of mRNAs and proteins in single cells, mRNA and nascent protein single-molecule imaging, and bulk RNA and protein detection methods