13 research outputs found

    Vaccination with early ferroptotic cancer cells induces efficient antitumor immunity

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    Background: Immunotherapy represents the future of clinical cancer treatment. The type of cancer cell death determines the antitumor immune response and thereby contributes to the efficacy of anticancer therapy and long-term survival of patients. Induction of immunogenic apoptosis or necroptosis in cancer cells does activate antitumor immunity, but resistance to these cell death modalities is common. Therefore, it is of great importance to find other ways to kill tumor cells. Recently, ferroptosis has been identified as a novel, iron-dependent form of regulated cell death but whether ferroptotic cancer cells are immunogenic is unknown. Methods: Ferroptotic cell death in murine fibrosarcoma MCA205 or glioma GL261 cells was induced by RAS-selective lethal 3 and ferroptosis was analyzed by flow cytometry, atomic force and confocal microscopy. ATP and high-mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) release were detected by luminescence and ELISA assays, respectively. Immunogenicity in vitro was analyzed by coculturing of ferroptotic cancer cells with bone-marrow derived dendritic cells (BMDCs) and rate of phagocytosis and activation/maturation of BMDCs (CD11c(+)CD86(+), CD11c(+)CD40(+), CD11c(+)MHCII(+), IL-6, RNAseq analysis). The tumor prophylactic vaccination model in immune-competent and immune compromised (Rag-2(-/-)) mice was used to analyze ferroptosis immunogenicity. Results: Ferroptosis can be induced in cancer cells by inhibition of glutathione peroxidase 4, as evidenced by confocal and atomic force microscopy and inhibitors' analysis. We demonstrate for the first time that ferroptosis is immunogenic in vitro and in vivo. Early, but not late, ferroptotic cells promote the phenotypic maturation of BMDCs and elicit a vaccination-like effect in immune-competent mice but not in Rag-2(-/-) mice, suggesting that the mechanism of immunogenicity is very tightly regulated by the adaptive immune system and is time dependent. Also, ATP and HMGB1, the best-characterized damage-associated molecular patterns involved in immunogenic cell death, have proven to be passively released along the timeline of ferroptosis and act as immunogenic signal associated with the immunogenicity of early ferroptotic cancer cells. Conclusions: These results pave the way for the development of new therapeutic strategies for cancers based on induction of ferroptosis, and thus broadens the current concept of immunogenic cell death and opens the door for the development of new strategies in cancer immunotherapy

    Effect of novel porphyrazine photosensitizers on normal and tumor brain cells

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    Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a clinically approved procedure for targeting tumor cells. Though several different photosensitizers have been developed, there is still much demand for novel photosensitizers with improved properties. In this study we aim to characterize the accumulation, localization and dark cytotoxicity of the novel photosensitizers developed in-house derivatives of porphyrazines (pz I-IV) in primary murine neuronal cells, as well as to identify the concentrations at which pz still effectively induces death in glioma cells yet is nontoxic to nontransformed cells. The study shows that incubation of primary neuronal and glioma cells with pz I-IV leads to their accumulation in both types of cells, but their rates of internalization, subcellular localization and dark toxicity differ significantly. Pz II was the most promising photosensitizer. It efficiently killed glioma cells while remaining nontoxic to primary neuronal cells. This opens up the possibility of evaluating pz II for experimental PDT for glioma

    Immunogenic cell death induced by a new photodynamic therapy based on photosens and photodithazine

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    Background: Anti-cancer therapy is more successful when it can also induce an immunogenic form of cancer cell death (ICD). Therefore, when developing new treatment strategies, it is extremely important to choose methods that induce ICD and thereby activate anti-tumor immune response leading to the most effective destruction of tumor cells. The aim of this work was to analyze whether the clinically widely used photosensitizers, photosens (PS) and photodithazine (PD), can induce ICD when used in photodynamic therapy (PDT). Methods: Cell death in murine glioma GL261 or fibrosarcoma MCA205 cells was induced by PS- or PD-PDT and cell death was analyzed by MTT or flow cytometry. Intracellular distribution of PS and PD was studied by using the laser scanning microscope. Calreticulin exposure and HMGB1 and ATP release were detected by flow cytometry, ELISA and luminescence assay, respectively. Immunogenicity in vitro was analyzed by co-culturing of dying cancer cells with bone-marrow derived dendritic cells (BMDCs) and rate of phagocytosis and maturation (CD11c(+)CD86(+), CD11c(+)CD40(+)) of BMDCs and production of IL-6 in the supernatant were measured. In vivo immunogenicity was analyzed in mouse tumor prophylactic vaccination model. Results: We determined the optimal concentrations of the photosensitizers and found that at a light dose of 20 J/cm(2) (lambda ex 615-635 nm) both PS and PD efficiently induced cell death in glioma GL261 and fibrosarcoma MCA205 cells. We demonstrate that PS localized predominantly in the lysosomes and that the cell death induced by PS-PDT was inhibited by zVAD-fmk (apoptosis inhibitor) and by ferrostatin-1 and DFO (ferroptosis inhibitors), but not by the necroptosis inhibitor necrostatin-1 s. By contrast, PD accumulated in the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus, and the cell death induced by PD-PDT was inhibited only by z-VAD-fmk. Dying cancer cells induced by PS-PDT or PD-PDT emit calreticulin, HMGB1 and ATP and they were efficiently engulfed by BMDCs, which then matured, became activated and produced IL-6. Using dying cancer cells induced by PS-PDT or PD-PDT, we demonstrate the efficient vaccination potential of ICD in vivo. Conclusions: Altogether, these results identify PS and PD as novel ICD inducers that could be effectively combined with PDT in cancer therapy

    Overexpression of Brain- and Glial Cell Line-Derived Neurotrophic Factors Is Neuroprotective in an Animal Model of Acute Hypobaric Hypoxia.

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    peer reviewedCurrently, the role of the neurotrophic factors BDNF and GDNF in maintaining the brain's resistance to the damaging effects of hypoxia and functional recovery of neural networks after exposure to damaging factors are actively studied. The assessment of the effect of an increase in the level of these neurotrophic factors in brain tissues using genetic engineering methods on the resistance of laboratory animals to hypoxia may pave the way for the future clinical use of neurotrophic factors BDNF and GDNF in the treatment of hypoxic damage. This study aimed to evaluate the antihypoxic and neuroprotective properties of BDNF and GDNF expression level increase using adeno-associated viral vectors in modeling hypoxia in vivo. To achieve overexpression of neurotrophic factors in the central nervous system's cells, viral constructs were injected into the brain ventricles of newborn male C57Bl6 (P0) mice. Acute hypobaric hypoxia was modeled on the 30th day after the injection of viral vectors. Survival, cognitive, and mnestic functions in the late post-hypoxic period were tested. Evaluation of growth and weight characteristics and the neurological status of animals showed that the overexpression of neurotrophic factors does not affect the development of mice. It was found that the use of adeno-associated viral vectors increased the survival rate of male mice under hypoxic conditions. The present study indicates that the neurotrophic factors' overexpression, induced by the specially developed viral constructs carrying the BDNF and GDNF genes, is a prospective neuroprotection method, increasing the survival rate of animals after hypoxic injury

    Analysis of the immune responses in photo-dependent immunogenic cell death

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    Unexplained Causes of Glioma-Associated Epilepsies: A Review of Theories and an Area for Research

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    Approximately 30% of glioma patients are able to survive beyond one year postdiagnosis. And this short time is often overshadowed by glioma-associated epilepsy. This condition severely impairs the patient’s quality of life and causes great suffering. The genetic, molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying tumour development and epileptogenesis remain incompletely understood, leading to numerous unanswered questions. The various types of gliomas, namely glioblastoma, astrocytoma and oligodendroglioma, demonstrate distinct seizure susceptibility and disease progression patterns. Patterns have been identified in the presence of IDH mutations and epilepsy, with tumour location in cortical regions, particularly the frontal lobe, showing a more frequent association with seizures. Altered expression of TP53, MGMT and VIM is frequently detected in tumour cells from individuals with epilepsy associated with glioma. However, understanding the pathogenesis of these modifications poses a challenge. Moreover, hypoxic effects induced by glioma and associated with the HIF-1a factor may have a significant impact on epileptogenesis, potentially resulting in epileptiform activity within neuronal networks. We additionally hypothesise about how the tumour may affect the functioning of neuronal ion channels and contribute to disruptions in the blood–brain barrier resulting in spontaneous depolarisations

    Immunogenic cell death induced by PDT : a new approach for cancer therapy

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    Immunotherapy has become an important part in cancer treatment during the last decade. One of the major factors for induction of immune response during therapy is immunogenic cell death (ICD) (1). The immunogenicity of dying cancer cells is mediated by their adjuvanticity and antigenicity. Damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) are endogenous molecules located inside the cells and in normal conditions contribute to different physiological processes while they are released (or exposed on the outer surface of the plasma membrane) when a cell is damaged or dying. Once released, DAMPs acquire immunostimulatory properties and increase the adjuvanticity of dying cancer cells. Of course, DAMPs are not the only factors released during cell death that are involved in their adjuvanticity. Antigenicity of dying cancer cells is another major determinant of ICD which is required for an efficiently targeted induction of anti-tumor immunity. ICD can be induced by different stimuli and anticancer treatment modalities, including chemotherapy with anthracyclines and oxaliplatin, radiotherapy, UVC irradiation, oncolytic viruses, and photodynamic therapy (PDT) (2). The ICD induced by various stimuli can differ in the DAMPs’ profile and has also been linked to different cell death modalities such as apoptosis, necroptosis and ferroptosis (3). Thus, in this lecture, we first discuss the role of PDT in the induction of ICD (4) and then assess the advantages and disadvantages of PDT in the induction of ICD. Finally, we will discuss a possible synergistic action between PDT and ferroptotic cell death (5), a novel, iron-dependent form of regulated cell death6. PDT can act as a source of reactive oxygen species for the Fenton reaction, which may reinforce ferroptosis induction and increase PDT efficacy in anticancer therapy. References 1) Galluzzi, Vitale, et al. Consensus guidelines for the definition, detection and interpretation of immunogenic cell death. J Immunother Cancer. 2020. 2) Alzeibak, Mishchenko et al. Targeting immunogenic cancer cell death by photodynamic therapy: past, present and future. J Immunother Cancer. 2021. 3) Efimova, Catanzaro et al. Vaccination with early ferroptotic cancer cells induces efficient antitumor immunity. J Immunother Cancer. 2020. 4) Turubanova, Balalaeva et al. Immunogenic cell death induced by a new photodynamic therapy based on photosens and photodithazine. J Immunother Cancer 2019. 5) Mishchenko, Balalaeva et al. Ferroptosis and Photodynamic Therapy Synergism: Enhancing Anticancer Treatment. Trends Cancer. 2021. 6) Friedmann Angeli, Krysko et al. Ferroptosis at the crossroads of cancer-acquired drug resistance and immune evasion. Nat Rev Cancer. 2019

    Unraveling of functional activity of primary hippocampal neuron-glial networks in photodynamic therapy based on tetracyanotetra(aryl)porphyrazines

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    The current efforts in photodynamic therapy (PDT) of brain cancer are focused on the development of novel photosensitizers with improved photodynamic properties, targeted specific localization, and sensitivity to the irradiation dose, ensuring the effectiveness of PDT with fewer side effects for normal nerve tissue. Here, we characterize the effects of four photosensitizers of the tetracyanotetra(aryl)porphyrazine group (pz I-IV) on the functional activity of neuron-glial networks in primary hippocampal cultures in their application in normal conditions and under PDT. The data revealed that the application of pz I-IV leads to a significant decrease in the main parameters of the functional calcium activity of neuron-glial networks and pronounced changes in the network characteristics. The observed negative effects of pz I-IV were aggravated under PDT. Considering the significant restructuring of the functional architectonics of neuron-glial networks that can lead to severe impairments in synaptic transmission and loss of brain functions, and the feasibility of direct application of PDT based on pz I-IV in the therapy of brain tumors is highly controversial. Nevertheless, the unique properties of pz I-IV retain a great prospect of their use in the therapy of tumors of another origin and cellular metabolism

    Novel porphyrazine-based photodynamic anti-cancer therapy induces immunogenic cell death

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    The immunogenicity of dying cancer cells determines the efficacy of anti-cancer therapy. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) can induce immunogenic cell death (ICD), which is characterized by the emission of damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) from dying cells. This emission can trigger effective anti-tumor immunity. Only a few photosensitizers are known to induce ICD and, therefore, there is a need for development of new photosensitizers that can induce ICD. The purpose of this work was to analyze whether photosensitizers developed in-house from porphyrazines (pz I and pz III) can induce ICD in vitro and in vivo when used in PDT. We indetified the optimal concentrations of the photosensitizers and found that, at a light dose of 20 J/cm(2) (lambda (ex) 615-635 nm), both pz I and pz III efficiently induced cell death in cancer cells. We demonstrate that pz I localized predominantly in the Golgi apparatus and lysosomes while pz III in the endoplasmic reticulum and lysosomes. The cell death induced by pz I-PDT was inhibited by zVAD-fmk (apoptosis inhibitor) but not by ferrostatin-1 and DFO (ferroptosis inhibitors) or by necrostatin-1 s (necroptosis inhibitor). By contrast, the cell death induced by pz III-PDT was inhibited by z-VAD-fmk and by the necroptosis inhibitor, necrostatin-1 s. Cancer cells induced by pz I-PDT or pz III-PDT released HMGB1 and ATP and were engulfed by bone marrow-derived dendritic cells, which then matured and became activated in vitro. We demonstrate that cancer cells, after induction of cell death by pz I-PDT or pz III-PDT, are protective when used in the mouse model of prophylactic tumor vaccination. By vaccinating immunodeficient mice, we prove the role of the adaptive immune system in protecting against tumours. All together, we have shown that two novel porphyrazines developed in-house are potent ICD inducers that could be effectively applied in PDT of cancer

    Cyanoarylporphyrazines with high viscosity sensitivity : a step towards dosimetry-assisted photodynamic cancer treatment

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    Despite the significant relevance of photodynamic therapy (PDT) as an efficient strategy for primary and adjuvant anticancer treatment, several challenges compromise its efficiency. In order to develop an "ideal photosensitizer" and the requirements applied to photosensitizers for PDT, there is still a need for new photodynamic agents with improved photophysical and photobiological properties. In this study, we performed a detailed characterization of two tetracyanotetra(aryl)porphyrazine dyes with 4-biphenyl (pz II) and 4-diethylaminophenyl (pz IV) groups in the periphery of the porphyrazine macrocycle. Photophysical properties, namely, fluorescence quantum yield and lifetime of both photosensitizers, demonstrate extremely high dependence on the viscosity of the environment, which enables them to be used as viscosity sensors. Pz II and pz IV easily enter cancer cells and efficiently induce cell death under light irradiation. Using fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy, we demonstrated the possibility of assessing local intracellular viscosity and visualizing viscosity changes driven by PDT treatment with the compounds. Thus, pz II and pz IV combine the features of potent photodynamic agents and viscosity sensors. These data suggest that the unique properties of the compounds provide a tool for PDT dosimetry and tailoring the PDT treatment regimen to the individual characteristics of each patient