2 research outputs found

    Kolesistektomi sonrası uzamış CA 19-9 yüksekliği: olgu sunumu

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    Karbonhidrat antijeni 19-9 (CA19-9) gliko spingo lipid yapıda olup serum tümör belirteci olarak bilinir. CA19-9 pankreatik, bilier, hepatosellüler ve gastrointestinal sistem kanserlerinde kullanılan bir tümör belirleyici olmasına ragmen pankreatit ve kolanjit, kolesistit, koledokolitiazis gibi benign safra kanalı hastalıklarında da yüksek olabilmektedir. Biz bu olgu sunumunda kolesistektomi sonrası uzun süren yükselmis CA 19-9 seviyesi olan vakayı sunuyoruz. Bu vaka 41 yasında olup kronik kolesistit nedeniyle laparoskopik kolesistektomi operasyonu yapılan ve yükselmis CA 19-9 düzeyi saptanan bir hastaydı. Operasyon sonrası CA 19-9 seviyesi 2169 U/mL seviyesine kadar yükselmis olup, operasyon sonrası 5. ayda normale döndü. Kolesistektomi sonrası uzun sürenCA19-9 seviyesi yüksekligi akılda tutulmalıdır.Carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA 19-9), is a glycosphingolipid known as one of the serum tumor markers. Although CA 19-9 is a tumor marker which used in pancreatic, biliary, hepatocellular and gastrointestinal malignancies, high levels of CA19-9 have also been reported in pancreatitis and benign biliary tract diseases as cholangitis, cholecystitis, choledocholithiasis. In this case report, we present a case with prolonged high levels of CA19-9 after cholecystectomy. Case was a 41 years-old patient who had laparascopic cholecystectomy operation due to chronic cholecystitis and high levels of CA 19-9. The levels of CA 19-9 increased up to 2169 U/mL and returned to normal levels five months after the operation. It should be considered that prolonged high levels ofCA 19-9 might occur after cholecystectomy

    Examination of Pediatric Trauma Patients Admitted to the Emergency Department

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to analyze the demographic and laboratory data of pediatric trauma patients admitted to the emergency department. Materials and Methods: Our study was conducted by retrospectively analyzing the files of 573 patients from the computer registry system of pediatric trauma cases aged between 0 and 16. In addition, information such as age and gender of the patients, monthly admissions, mechanism of trauma, the place where the trauma occurred, the consultations requested, the services where the patients were followed, the body parts exposed to the trauma, radiological and laboratory findings, and the treatments given were specified. Results: The most common mechanisms among trauma etiologies were falling and impact on pediatric traumas. Head and neck injuries occurred first when body parts exposed to trauma were examined. It was determined that head and neck injuries increased as age decreased. It was found that the frequency of abdominal trauma increased as age decreased, and those with abdominal injury had lower hemoglobin and hematocrit values and higher alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase values compared with those without abdominal injuries. Conclusion: It has been determined that in terms of the incidence of pediatric traumas, there were different etiological causes and trauma areas, their frequency varied seasonally, and a good evaluation of the blood tests was critical in the assessment and follow-up of patients and to avoid missing some injuries