40,798 research outputs found

    Internal Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) study program. Volume 1: Technology discussion

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    The results of a simulation study to predict the IUE imaging chain performance are presented, including simulation photographs and transparencies of ultraviolet echelle spectra. Errors in wavelength determination and radiometric measurements due to system degradation are indicated to be minor. Some order overlap is predicted at the bottom of the echelle format

    Making Sense Of The New Cosmology

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    Over the past three years we have determined the basic features of the Universe -- spatially flat; accelerating; comprised of 1/3 a new form of matter, 2/3 a new form of energy, with some ordinary matter and a dash of massive neutrinos; and apparently born from a burst of rapid expansion during which quantum noise was stretched to astrophysical size seeding cosmic structure. The New Cosmology greatly extends the highly successful hot big-bang model. Now we have to make sense of all this: What is the dark matter particle? What is the nature of the dark energy? Why this mixture? How did the matter -- antimatter asymmetry arise? What is the underlying cause of inflation (if it indeed occurred)?Comment: 17 pages Latex (sprocl.sty). To appear in the Proceedings of 2001: A Spacetime Odyssey (U. Michigan, May 2001, World Scientific

    Transient Relativistically-Shifted Lines as a Probe of Black Hole Systems

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    X-ray spectra of Seyfert galaxies have revealed a new type of X-ray spectral feature, one which appears to offer important new insight into the black hole system. XMM/Chandra revealed several narrow emission lines redward of Fe Kalpha in NGC 3516. Since that discovery the phenomenon has been observed in other Seyfert galaxies, e.g. NGC 7314 and ESO 198-G24. We present new evidence for a redshifted Fe line in XMM spectra of Mrk 766. These data reveal the first evidence for a significant shift in the energy of such a line, occurring over a few tens of kiloseconds. This shift may be interpreted as deceleration of an ejected blob of gas traveling close to the escape velocity.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures (4 color) accepted by Ap

    The Variable X-ray Spectrum of Markarian 766 - II. Time-Resolved Spectroscopy

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    CONTEXT: The variable X-ray spectra of AGN systematically show steep power-law high states and hard-spectrum low states. The hard low state has previously been found to be a component with only weak variability. The origin of this component and the relative importance of effects such as absorption and relativistic blurring are currently not clear. AIMS: In a follow-up of previous principal components analysis, we aim to determine the relative importance of scattering and absorption effects on the time-varying X-ray spectrum of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk~766. METHODS: Time-resolved spectroscopy, slicing XMM and Suzaku data down to 25 ks elements, is used to investigate whether absorption or scattering components dominate the spectral variations in Mrk 766.Time-resolved spectroscopy confirms that spectral variability in Mrk 766 can be explained by either of two interpretations of principal components analysis. Detailed investigation confirm rapid changes in the relative strengths of scattered and direct emission or rapid changes in absorber covering fraction provide good explanations of most of the spectral variability. However, a strong correlation between the 6.97 keV absorption line and the primary continuum together with rapid opacity changes show that variations in a complex and multi-layered absorber, most likely a disk wind, are the dominant source of spectral variability in Mrk 76

    Hypothesis of path integral duality: Applications to QED

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    We use the modified propagator for quantum field based on a ``principle of path integral duality" proposed earlier in a paper by Padmanabhan to investigate several results in QED. This procedure modifies the Feynman propagator by the introduction of a fundamental length scale. We use this modified propagator for the Dirac particles to evaluate the first order radiative corrections in QED. We find that the extra factor of the modified propagator acts like a regulator at the Planck scales thereby removing the divergences that otherwise appear in the conventional radiative correction calculations of QED. We find that:(i) all the three renormalisation factors Z1Z_1, Z2Z_2, and Z3Z_3 pick up finite corrections and (ii) the modified propagator breaks the gauge invariance at a very small level of O(1045){\mathcal{O}}(10^{-45}). The implications of this result to generation of the primordial seed magnetic fields are discussed.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX2e (uses ijmpd.sty); To appear in IJMP-D; References adde

    The topological glass in ring polymers

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    We study the dynamics of concentrated, long, semi-flexible, unknotted and unlinked ring polymers embedded in a gel by Monte Carlo simulation of a coarse-grained model. This involves the ansatz that the rings compactify into a duplex structure where they can be modelled as linear polymers. The classical polymer glass transition involves a rapid loss of microscopic freedom within the polymer molecule as the temperature is reduced toward Tg. Here we are interested in temperatures well above Tg where the polymers retain high microscopic mobility. We analyse the slowing of stress relaxation originating from inter-ring penetrations (threadings). For long polymers an extended network of quasi-topological penetrations forms. The longest relaxation time appears to depend exponentially on the ring polymer contour length, reminiscent of the usual exponential slowing (e.g., with temperature) in classical glasses. Finally, we discuss how this represents a universality class for glassy dynamics

    A Highly Doppler Blueshifted Fe-K Emission Line in the High-Redshift QSO PKS 2149-306

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    We report the results from an \asca observation of the QSO PKS 2149-306 (z=2.345). We detect an emission line centered at 17\sim 17 keV in the quasar frame. Line emission at this energy has not been observed in any other active galaxy or quasar to date. We present evidence rejecting the possibility that this line is the result of instrumental artifacts, or a serendipitous source. The most likely explanation is blueshifted Fe-K emission (the EW is 300+/-200 eV, QSO frame). Bulk velocities of the order of 0.75c are implied by the data. We show that Fe-K line photons originating in an accretion disk and Compton-scattering off a leptonic can account for the emission line. Curiously, if the emission-line feature recently discovered in another quasar PKS 0637-752, z=0.654z=0.654, is blueshifted Ovii, the Doppler factor is the same (~2.7) for both.Comment: 15 pages plus 3 figures. Latex with separate .ps files (Accepted by Astrophysical Journal Letters