22 research outputs found

    Extradural autologous temporal muscle graft mimicking a meningioma: Case report

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    Meningiomas are the most common dural tumour, but there are also many other dural masses which mimic their appearances, such as neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions. In this paper we report another mass which may mimic a dural lesion, namely a muscle graft harvested from the temporal site and left in situ, used to achieve haemostasis in a posttraumatic temporal extradural hematoma in a young male patient. Solid knowledge of differentiating neuroimaging characteristics of dural masses, as well as its corroboration with the patient’s medical history are extremely helpful in establishing an accurate diagnostic

    Biblical descriptions of spinal neurological and neurosurgical pathology

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    The Holy Bible includes descriptions of the spine with both neurosurgical and neurological implications and most spinal disorders presented have been briefly described and display a mystical nature. The Holy Bible is a book full of sacred precepts and not a medical encyclopedia as it was written in the context of that age, and in a language that had to be understood by people of that era. This paper aims to give a short presentation of several diseases of the spine mentioned in the Holy Scripture in order to identify the most common disease among the Jews during biblical times and attempts to provide their diagnosis

    Myasthenia Gravis – a beginning with no end

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    Myasthenia gravis is one of the neurological diseases with a relatively recent history, full of mistakes, in which the British and German neurology schools have attempted to find answers when confronted with the unknown. The paper aims at making a historical account of the disease from its discovery in the 16th century, when the first case of myasthenia gravis was medically diagnosed, to the beginning of the 20th century, when the dawn of modern therapy started to show

    Hydrocephalus of King Charles II of Spain, the Bewitched King.

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    King of the Spanish Habsburg dynasty and sovereign of the overseas Spanish Empire, Charles II of Spain, was physically disabled, disfigured, mentally retarded, and he proved impotent. He is known in history as El Hechizado (the Bewitched) because both him and the people believed that his mental and physical incapacity were due to a "witchcraft act." Although several authors speculated about different diseases, most of them genetic such as pituitary hormone deficiency, distal renal tubular acidosis, Klinefelter syndrome, fragile X syndrome, or male XX hermaphroditism, the hypothesis of hydrocephalus was not taken into account. We don't have clear elements to hypothesize a certain etiology of Charles II' hydrocephalus; however, we think the herpetic infection he suffered of after his birth should not be ignored

    An abductive-inductive algorithm for probabilistic inductive logic programming

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    The integration of abduction and induction has lead to a variety of non-monotonic ILP systems. XHAIL is one of these systems, in which abduction is used to compute hypotheses that subsume Kernel Sets. On the other hand, Peircebayes is a recently proposed logic-based probabilistic programming approach that combines abduction with parameter learning to learn distributions of most likely explanations. In this paper, we propose an approach for integrating probabilistic inference with ILP. The basic idea is to redefine the inductive task of XHAIL as a statistical abduction, and to use Peircebayes to learn probability distribution of hypotheses. An initial evaluation of the proposed algorithm is given using synthetic data

    The 3D printed models technology for the management of intracranial aneurysms

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    Management of intracranial aneurysms is still a therapeutic challenge, especially in cases of complex lesions. Thus, the improvement of the study and intervention planning possibilities correlated with the access to continuous professional training based on simulation and clinical diversity represent optimal conditions for the efficient solution of this pathology. The development of three-dimensional printing technology offers a new opportunity in the modern treatment of intracranial aneurysms. The aim of this study is to present some aspects related to the materials and methods of manufacturing simulation models of individual 3D printed aneurysms and their influence in the optimal management of these lesions