21 research outputs found

    Intercultural Communication Competence: Its Importance to Adaptation Strategy towards People With Different Cultural Background

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    This paper presents experiences of a Japanese native speaker who worked as a volunteer teacher in Indonesia. Using data collected through in-depth interview and observation, this study explores, from the Japanese native speaker’s perspective and social interaction between her and Indonesian teachers as well as students. The context of the research is very limited.  It examines only one volunteer assigned to teach Japanese language at a senior high school in Bandung for nine months.  The result of study shows that the Japanese native speaker experienced culture shock. She had been through the U-curve with these phases: Honeymoon, Crisis, Recovery, and Adjustment.  To cope with the culture shock she tried her best to adapt to Indonesian culture.Intercultural Communication Competence:Its Importance To Adaptation Strategy Towards People With Different Cultural Background <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="4

    Fenomena Black Campaign dalam Pemilihan Kepala Daerah 2015

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    Numbers of artists who are involved in political activities in Indonesia are increasing. The relationship between artists and politicians can be complementary. In general, the artists tend to contribute more to boost votes in the elections, including in local elections of district heads (Pilkada) 2015.  However, in a mass mobilization, issues of black campaign are inevitable. This paper is a descriptive study about black campaign against the candidate for Vice Mayor of Palu, Sigit Purnomo Said Syamsuddin, Ungu band vocalist known as Pasha.  Mass media play an important role in spreading black campaign.  In fact, now many voters are an obstinate audience.  They are quite selective in anticipating the black campaign

    Peningkatan Efektifitas Komunikasi Anggota Korem Wijaya Kusuma Purwokerto melalui Pelatihan Public Speaking

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    Members of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) in Wijaya Kusuma Military Resort Command (Korem), Banyumas, Central Java, required public speaking skills. The Commanders of the Military District (Dandim) and Information for Korem & Kodim must improve their public speaking skills and develop a strategy for dealing with media inquiries about various events or providing public information. Public speaking training is provided as a form of community service in response to these needs and goals. The training is done in an interactive manner. The participants were given the opportunity to practice public speaking on the given topic. The facilitator then provided feedback to the participants on how to improve the effectiveness of their public speaking. Aside from that, they conducted questions and answers, as well as discussions, based on the problems they faced. The training resulted in a greater understanding of public speaking strategies among the participants. They also feel more prepared and confident when confronted by the media and society

    The Role of Interpersonal Communication in Students’ Self-control to Avoid Substance Abuse

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    This study aims at answering the questions what causes many junior high school students fall into drug abuse, and what kind of treatment  must be done so that students have self-control and are not subject to drug abuse. This study employed a phenomenological approach of a qualitative research design.  In this study a semi-structured interview is used to understand how participants experienced the phenomenon. The research revealed that the interpersonal communication has a major role in students' self-control so as not to fall into drug abuse. This study contributes significantly to educational field particularly teachers in secondary schools so that it can be used as a reference to provide counseling to parents about the importance of interpersonal communication to build students’ self-control to prevent teens from falling into drug abuse

    Islamic Values in Mottainai Philosophy and Osagari Tradition in Japan

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    Prices of goods in Japan are relatively expensive. Meanwhile, to dispose of used or second hand goods is often difficult even people have to pay for it. The Philosophy of mottainai and osagari tradition are a solution for Japanese people to deal with, so these items are not wasteful. The aim of the study was to analyze Islamic values in the mottainai philosophy and osagari tradition in Japan. This research uses a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques are with observation and indepth interviews of 3 Japanese and 5 Indonesian people living in Japan as research informants. Secondary data were from books, journals, and articles that are relevant to the research theme. The results of this study show that in the tradition of mottainai and osagari, there are Islamic values that benefit human life and protect the environment. Islamic values include preventing wasteful goods with the principles of 3R (Re-use, Reduce, and Recycle) and osagari by giving second hand goods to those who need them. The osagari tradition is a medium of communication, helping each other, and maintaining friendship. The tradition takes place across cultures, which is carried out not only by fellow Japanese, but also Japanese with non-Japanese and even among non-Japanese people living in Japan.   Harga barang di Jepang relatif mahal. Sementara itu, membuang barang bekas atau bekas seringkali sulit bahkan orang harus membayarnya. Filsafat tradisi mottainai dan osagari adalah solusi bagi orang Jepang untuk berurusan sehingga barang-barang ini tidak sia-sia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis nilai-nilai Islam dalam filsafat mottainai dan tradisi osagari di Jepang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan observasi dan wawancara mendalam terhadap 3 orang Jepang dan 5 orang Indonesia yang tinggal di Jepang sebagai informan penelitian. Data sekunder berasal dari buku, jurnal, dan artikel yang relevan dengan tema penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam tradisi mottainai dan osagari, ada nilai-nilai Islam yang bermanfaat bagi kehidupan manusia dan melindungi lingkungan. Nilai-nilai Islam termasuk mencegah barangbarang boros dengan prinsip 3R (Re-use, Reduce, and Recycle) dan osagari dengan memberikan barang-barang bekas kepada mereka yang membutuhkannya. Tradisi osagari adalah media komunikasi, saling membantu, dan menjaga persahabatan. Tradisi berlangsung lintas budaya, yang dilakukan tidak hanya oleh sesama Jepang, tetapi juga Jepang dengan non-Jepang dan bahkan di antara orang non-Jepang yang tinggal di Jepang

    Pemberitaan Bangkitnya Pki dalam Media Massa (Analisis Semiotika Sosial M.A.K Halliday pada Isu Pemberitaan Bangkitnya Partai Komunis Indonesia di Media Online)

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    Mass media coverage on the rise of the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI) became public attention including its news on online media. Online media that reported it among others are Republika.co.id, Liputan6.com, and Merdeka.com. The purpose of this study is to find out how online media in Indonesia discourse news text in the issue of the rise of PKI by using a qualitative approach, social semiotics method version of M.A.K Halliday. As an online medium that has certain characteristics such as speed, it was clearly seen in this news. The media became biased and ignored journalistic principles, including the principle of online journalism. The three online media that became the object of this study showed images and illustrations which were provocative and not in accordance to the reported facts. The three media have done news construction subjectively and were less professional

    Komunikasi antar Budaya dalam Masyarakat Multikultur (Studi Kasus pada Karyawan warga Negara Jepang dan Indonesia di PT. Tokyu Land Indonesia)

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze intercultural communication between Japanese and Indonesian employees at PT. Tokyu Land Indonesia. This research was also to analyze barriers which occurred in intercultural communication between them, and how to overcome these barriers. The method used in this study was a qualitative research method with a case study approach. Data collection was carried out by using an in-depth interview with 3 Japanese and 3 Indonesian employees, observation, and relevant previous research articles, and research-related documents. This research used the intercultural communication model of William B. Gudykunst and Young Yun Kim, intercultural communication concepts from Edward T. Hall, such as proxemics (the concept of distance), chronemics (the concept of time), high context and low context communication, individualism and collectivism, stereotypes. The results of the study showed that intercultural communication between Japanese and Indonesian employees at PT. Tokyu Land Indonesia is relatively good. Obstacles that occurred in intercultural communication are due to problems of differences and understanding of language, habits, respect for time (Japanese monochronic while Indonesia is polychronic), and the existence of stereotypes from each nation. To overcome these obstacles, they have to learn more about Japanese culture for Indonesian employees, and Indonesian culture for Japanese employees, openness to confirm understanding of the message delivered, mutual respect, and forgiveness each other if a misunderstanding occurs

    Instant Personal Branding Calon Legislatif Melalui Instagram

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    This research aims to analyze the personal branding of M. Yoridho Sinuraya, the legislative candidate for DPRD DKI Jakarta through Instagram. The theory of dramaturgy by Erving Goffman was used to find out personal branding strategy through the employment of the front and backstages of M. Yoridho Sinuraya as a legislative candidate for the Jakarta council (DPRP DKI Jakarta). Based on interviews and observation of Instagram account @sahabatyoridho, it showed that the front stage of M. Yoridho A. Sinuraya had the characteristics of being a friendly, young, pious, and populist man. Meanwhile, the back stage of M. Yoridho A. Sinuraya had characteristics as a young entrepreneur who was lack of interaction with other people and had a semi-formal appearance. The difference between the front and back stages of M. Yoridho A. Sinuraya made him take extra efforts to develop his personal branding, classified as an instant one

    Upaya Membangun Karakter Anak Melalui Lagu

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    Lagu anak-anak semakin langka. Akibatnya, Anak-anak lebih banyak menyanyikan lagu dengan lirik orang dewasa. Penulis dan pembina Sanggar Ar-Rosyid merasa prihatin dan peduli dengan kondisi tersebut. Ar-Rosyid adalah tempat pendidikan non-formal yang memiliki berbagai kegiatan yang menunjang kreativitas anak-anak di Purwokerto. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut, tujuan PKM ini untuk membangun karakter anak melalui lagu.  Penulis menciptakan lima buah lirik lagu dengan iringan keyboard. Di masa pandemi Covid-19, penulis bersama mahasiswa dan pembina sanggar Ar-Rosyid memasyarakatkan lagu-lagu tersebut melalui beberapa tahapan.  Pertama, penulis mengadakan audisi penyanyi cilik di Purwokerto melalui video. Kedua, dari audisi tersebut dipilih sepuluh anak untuk menyanyikan lima buah lagu. Ketiga, lagu yang dinyanyikan anak-anak tersebut direkam dan divideokan, kemudian diajarkan melalui siswa Ar-Rosyid, video yang diunggah di AMPU-TV, dan disebarkan melalui media sosial seperti WhatsApp, Instagram, dan Facebook. Berdasarkan evaluasi, pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat ini mendapat apresiasi baik dari pendiri Sanggar Ar-Rosyid, orang tua siswa yang anaknya berkegiatan di Sanggar Ar-Rosyid maupun di luar Ar-Rosyid. Selain itu disambut baik oleh seluruh peserta yang terlibat dalam proses rekaman dan sosialisasi lagu. Menurut para pendidik, lagu yang diciptakan dengan lirik yang mengandung nilai-nilai moral, ajakan dan nasihat membantu memotivasi dan menjadi pengingat anak-anak untuk berperilaku baik.  Selain itu, menyanyikan lagu yang liriknya baik dapat membangun kepercayaan diri anak dan karakter