103 research outputs found

    Models, inattention and expectation updates

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    We formulate a theory of expectation updating that fits the dynamics of accuracy and disagreement in a new survey dataset where agents can update at any time while observing each other’s expectations. Agents use heterogeneous models and can be inattentive but, when updating, they follow Bayes’ rule and assign homogeneous weights to public information. Our empirical findings suggest that agents do not herd and, despite disagreement, they place high faith in their models, whereas during a crisis they lose this faith and undergo a paradigm shift. This simple, “micro-founded” theory could enhance the explanatory power of macroeconomic and finance models


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    High level stress in work place is known to be associated with negative organizational behaviors and bad organizational performance. There are individual and organizational factors influencing stress coping behavior of employees. In this study we explore the impact of employees’ perceptions of organizational support on their stress coping capabilities (problem-focused stress coping and emotion-focused stress coping) and whether their psychological capital (PsyCap) plays a mediating role in this relationship using the sample of employees in special education and rehabilitation centers in Turkey. Multivariate statistical analyses show a significant positive relationship between perceived organizational support (POS) and problem-focused stress coping (PFSC), and no significant relationship between POS and emotion-focused stress coping (EFSC). A significant positive association is detected between POS and PsyCap. Accordingly, our findings show that PsyCap plays a partial mediating role in the association between POS and PFSC.JEL Codes - D22; M12; L

    Otomatik Toprak Örnekleme Makinesi Geliştirilmesi

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    In this study, it was aimed to develop an automatic soil sampling machine. The machine consists of mechanics, hydraulics and electronical systems for taking soil sample. In addition, there is a GPS module in the system to determine the location of soil sampling point. The developed machine was attached to the tractor with three-point hitch system and can take samples from the depth of 30 cm up to the resistance of 4 MPa. In field tests, it was determined that the machine could take 40-162 gr soil sample in one stroke depending on soil penetration resistance. The effect of the machine operating speed on the amount of soil samples was also evaluated during the study. In the tests, the amount of soil samples taken at the operating speed of 0.6 m/s, 0.12 m/s, 0.22 m/s was analysed. Statistically, a significant difference wasn’t found according to the one way anova analysis which was carried out on the samples (P>0.05). As a result of field tests, it is was proved that the machine can be used for the purpose of soil sampling. Besides, the sampling points were also recorded with the help of GPS module by georeferencing. The recorded geodata was in the form of being used to create topographic variability maps.Bu çalışmada, otomatik bir toprak örnekleme makinesi geliştirilmesi hedeflenmiştir. Makine, toprak numunesi alımı için mekanik, hidrolik ve elektronik sistemlerden oluşmaktadır. Ayrıca sistemde örnek alınan yerin konumunu belirlemek amacıyla GPS modülü bulunmaktadır. Geliştirilen makine traktöre üç nokta askı sistemi ile bağlanmakta 4MPa toprak penetrasyon direncine kadar 30 cm derinlikten toprak örneği alabilmektedir.Makinenin tarla denemelerinde yapılan ölçümlerde bir strokta toprak penetrasyon direncine bağlı olarak 40-162 gr toprak örneği alabildiği saptanmıştır. Araştırmada makine çalışma hızının alınan toprak örneği miktarına etkisi araştırılmıştır. Denemelerde 0.6 m/s, 0.12 m/s, 0,22 m/s çalışma hızlarında alınan toprak örneği miktarları incelenmiştir. Örneklere uygulanan tek yönlü anova testine göre istatistiki açıdan önemli fark saptanmamıştır (P>0.05). Tarla testleri sonucunda; makinenin toprak örnekleme amacıyla kullanılabileceği saptanmıştır. Ayrıca, GPS modülü yardımıyla coğrafi konum belirlenerek örnekleme yapılabilmektedir. Alınan konum verileri yersel değişkenlik haritaları oluşturabilmek için kullanılabilecek yapıdadır

    Acetabular fracture types vary with different acetabular version

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    Purpose: Acetabular fractures typically occur in high energy trauma. Understanding of the various contributing biomechanical factors and trauma mechanisms is still limited. While several investigations figured out what role femoral position during impact plays in distinct fracture patterns, no data exists on the influence of acetabular version on the fracture type. Our study was carried out to clarify this issue. Methods: Radiological data sets of 192 patients (145 male, 47 female, age 14-90years) sustaining acetabular fractures were assessed retrospectively. The crossover ratio of the crossover sign and presence or absence of the posterior wall sign and ischial spine sign were used to determine acetabular retroversion on conventional radiographs. Acetabular version in the axial plane was measured on a computed tomography (CT) scan. Statistics were then performed to analyse the relationship between the acetabular fracture type according to the Letournel classification and acetabular version. Results: A significant difference (p = 0.029) in acetabular version was found between fractures of the anterior [mean equatorial edge (EE) angle 19.93°] and posterior (mean EE angle 17.53°) acetabulum in the CT scan. No difference was shown on the measurements on conventional radiographs. Conclusions: Acetabular version in the axial plane has an influence on the acetabular fracture pattern. While more anteverted acetabula were frequently associated with anterior fracture types according to the Letournel classification, retroversion of the acetabulum was associated with posterior fracture type

    Relationship between Wiberg's lateral center edge angle, Lequesne's acetabular index, and medial acetabular bone stock

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    Objective: Knowledge of acetabular anatomy is crucial for cup positioning in total hip replacement. Medial wall thickness of the acetabulum is known to correlate with the degree of developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH). No data exist about the relationship of routinely used radiographic parameters such as Wiberg's lateral center edge angle (LCE-angle) or Lequesne's acetabular index (AI) with thickness of the medial acetabular wall in the general population. The aim of our study was to clarify the relationship between LCE, AI, and thickness of the medial acetabular wall. Materials and methods: Measurements on plain radiographs (LCE and AI) and axial CT scans (quadrilateral plate acetabular distance QPAD) of 1,201 individuals (2,402 hips) were obtained using a PACS imaging program and statistical analyses were performed. Results: The mean thickness of the medial acetabulum bone stock (QPAD) was 1.08mm (95% CI: 1.05-1.10) with a range of 0.1 to 8.8mm. For pathological values of either the LCE (12°) the medial acetabular wall showed to be thicker than in radiological normal hips. The overall correlation between coxometric indices and medial acetabular was weak for LCE (r=−0.21. 95% CI [−0.25, -0.17]) and moderate for AI (r= 0.37, [0.33, 0.41]). Conclusions: We did not find a linear relationship between Wiberg's lateral center edge angle, Lequesne's acetabular index and medial acetabular bone stock in radiological normal hips but medial acetabular wall thickness increases with dysplastic indice

    Normal values of Wiberg's lateral center-edge angle and Lequesne's acetabular index-a coxometric update

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    Background: The historical pathological cut-off values for Wiberg's lateral center-edge (LCE) angle and Lequesne's acetabular index (AI) are below 20° and above 12° for the LCE and AI, respectively. The aim of this study was to reassess these two angles more than 50years after their introduction using a standardized conventional radiological measurement method, considering changing social habits and their associated physiological changes. Methods: A total of 1,226 anteroposterior radiographs of the pelvis (2,452 hips) were obtained according to a strict standardized radiographic technique allowing reliable measurements of the LCE angle and the AI. Results: Distributions of the LCE and AI were pronouncedly Gaussian, with mean values of 33.6° for the LCE and 4.4° for the AI. The 2.5th and 97.5th empirical percentiles were 18.1 and 48.0° for the LCE and −6.9 and 14.9° for the AI. These intervals contained 95% of the data in our large sample. Small but statistically significant differences between the sexes and right and left hips have been demonstrated. Correlation between age and coxometric indices was low. Conclusion: The above findings do not conflict with the historical benchmarks. Statistical differences between sexes and between right and left hips were not clinically relevant. No conclusion can be drawn about coxometric indices and clinical manifestations of hip dysplasi

    Which resources matter the most to firm performance? An experimental study on Malaysian listed firms

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    This study investigates the impact of various resources, specifically both tangible and intangible ones, together with capabilities of Malaysian listed firms, on their performance. This empirical study attempts to enrich the understanding of the resources-performance relationship, which is one of a business process within the firm, as well as filling the gaps in present knowledge. Firms, which are not able to develop and sustain their performance, are associated with the vulnerability and adverse performance result, especially during various periods of economic crisis (three sub-periods of major shocks, i.e., The Volcker Shock (Commodities Shock) of early 1980s, Asian Financial Crisis of the late 1990s, and the Global Financial Meltdown of 2008). Hence, this research intends to explore which resources matter the most to firm profitability and its success. Drawing upon the combination of Donabedian’s structure process outcome and resource-based theories of the firm a conceptual framework is developed. Data for the study were collected from a sample of 250 publicly traded companies listed on Bursa Malaysia (MYX). In order to achieve the objective and response to the study question, partial least square and regression analysis are applied. Findings indicate that tangible resources have no impact, while intangible resources have positive and significant impact on firm performance. In addition, results show that efficient allocation of intangible resources is crucial to achieving good performance

    Gender differences in early complications after STEMI and their associations with anxiety and depression

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    OBJECTIVE: The female gender is known to be associated with a poor outcome in ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI). Anxiety and depression are more common in women and they may contribute to the increase in early complications after STEMI. We sought to determine the gender differences in early complications after STEMI and their relationship with patients’ anxiety and depression. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: This is a prospective observational study. The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) is used to screen depression (HADS-D) and anxiety (HADS-A). RESULTS: A total of 188 patients (age 56.8±10.5, 69.2% male) with STEMI were included in this study. The incidence of early complications was significantly higher in women than in men (50.0% vs. 14.6%, p<0.001). The prevalence of anxiety and depression was significantly higher in women than in men (60.3% vs. 40.0% and 50.0% vs. 14.6%, respectively). In multivariable analyses, left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) level (OR: 0.942; 0.891-0.996, p=0.036), HADS-A (OR: 1.593; 1.341-1.891, p<0.001) and HADS-D (OR: 1.254; 1.057-1.488, p=0.01) scores were found to be independent risk factors for early complications after STEMI. CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of early complications and the prevalence of anxiety and depression were significantly higher in women. LVEF level, HADS-A, and HADS-D scores were found to be independent risk factors for early complications

    Gender Identity in Career Decisions: Masculinity and Femininity in STEM and non-STEM fields

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    The purpose of the present study is investigating whether gender identity (masculinity and femininity) has an effect on women’s career choices (STEM or non-STEM), and their person-environment fit, job satisfaction, and turnover intentions with their choices. One-hundred eight-two female employees recruited via Amazon’s Mechanical Turk and a snowball/network sampling strategy completed an online survey. The results supported that masculine females were more represented in STEM jobs. However, feminine females were not more represented in non-STEM jobs. Furthermore, results revealed that higher person environment fit resulted with higher job satisfaction and lower turnover intentions for female employees. However, there were no significant relationship between gender identity, and person-environment fit, job satisfaction, and turnover intentions. These results suggest that gender identity may affect female employees’ career decisions, and their person-environment fit is important for their job satisfaction and turnover intentions.