16 research outputs found


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    Иссык-Кульская область Кыргызстана является регионом с оптимальными условиями для развития плодоводства. Однако в связи с переходом на рыночную экономику в последние десятилетия наблюдается значительное уменьшение сформировавшегося здесь агро- и биоразнообразия. В связи с эти целью нашей работы было оценить современное разнообразие основных плодовых и диких ягодных культур, а также содержание витаминов в плодах и ягодах после зимнего хранения. Исследование проводили в двух районах Иссык-Кульской области, Джеты-Огузском и Ак-Суйском, методом опроса местного населения в фокус-группах, содержание витаминов проводили общепринятыми методами. В результате опроса 217 фермеров выяснилось, что в области распространены 4 сорта груши, из них 3 – местные, 26 сортов яблони (21 местные), 8 сортов абрикоса (5 местных). Однако больше половины традиционных/местных сортов этих сортов исчезают по различным причинам (несоответствие рыночным требованиям хранения и транспортировки плодов на большие расстояния, бактериальный ожог, поразивший 90% всех насаждений груши, отсутствие посадочного материала и нехватка знаний и навыков по прививкам, лечению от болезней без антибиотиков, уходу) и заменяются на новые коммерческие сорта. По содержанию витаминов между 8 сортами яблони и груши не было выявлено сортовых различий, однако все они значительно уступали диким ягодным культурам – калине, барбарису, шиповнику по содержанию витаминов А, С, В3, β-каротину. По результатам исследования даются практические рекомендации фермерам, местным органам самоуправления по сохранению разнообразия местных плодовых и диких ягодных культур

    Melons of Uzbekistan

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    Trilingual publication: English, Russian and Uzbek In the year 2000, during the scientific expedition by the Uzbek Research Institute of Plant Industry (UzRIPI) under support of the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI), melon-growing areas of Uzbekistan were surveyed, farmers' plots were studied, and the melon varieties grown were described and collected. This survey mission has been conducted within the framework of the project ”Enhancement of the use of melon genetic resources in Uzbekistan through the strengthening of on farm and ex-situ conservation” under the leadership of Dr. S. Padulosi and Ms. M.K. Turdieva from the IPGRI Regional office.The book of ”Melons of Uzbekistan”, is written on the basis of this mission's results. The book includes expanded data on varietal distribution in melon growing areas, detailed descriptions of old local melon varieties under cultivation, new forms, and breeding melon cultivars developed over the last forty years along with literature references. The publication is intended for scientists, agronomists, students, and the public at large

    Conservation of fruit tree diversity in Central Asia: policy options and challenges

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    Central Asia is one of the most important centres of origin for temperate fruit species, and enjoys very rich specific and intraspecific diversity of fruit trees. Apple, apricot, peach, pear, plum, grape, almond, pistachio, pomegranate, and fig are among the best known crops cultivated in the region, where the diverse and extreme natural and climatic conditions have helped farmers produce varieties adaptable to drought and resistant to a number of environmental stress factors. However, major changes in the rural economies in Central Asia, after the break-up of the former Soviet Union in 1991, have contributed to exacerbating some of the threats to agricultural biodiversity. From 2005 to 2010, the United Nations environment Programme (UNEP) with the Global environmental Fund (GEF) supported a project coordinated by Bioversity International to understand “In situ/on-farm Conservation and Use of Agricultural Biodiversity in Central Asia”. The project analyzed existent legislation and policies in the region to identify gaps and provide options to policymakers for strengthening legal and policy frameworks that support the conservation of horticultural and wild fruit species genetic diversity. This publication summarizes the factors that threaten local diversity of fruit and horticultural crops in 5 focal countries, and outlines the measures that can be adopted to develop and implement policy and legislative frameworks that better serve conservation goals

    Results of study of genetic diversity of pistachio and replenishment of its breeding genepool in Central Asia

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    Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity of fruit crops and wild fruit species. Proceedings of International scientific and practical conference, 23-26 August 2011, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

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    More than 80 scientists and development officers from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, China, Czech viii Republic, Sri Lanka and Bioversity International exchanged results of their research and development projects on agrobiodiversity management, including policy issues, methodologies on assessment of agrobiodiversity distribution and diversity level, actions on increasing public awareness on value and importance of plant genetic resources, establishment of partnership and strengthening collaboration, building capacity of stakeholders to perform successfully their roles in plant diversity maintenance

    Guidelines: Access and benefit sharing in research projects.

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    Local diversity of fruit, nut trees and grapevine as basis of organic horticulture development in Uzbekistan

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    This paper (in Russian) discusses the possibility of development of organic fruit growing in Uzbekistan using rich varietal diversity of local fruit crops