2 research outputs found

    The laparoscopic treatment of perforated duodenal ulcer in Romania ā€“ a multicentric study

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    Clinica Chirurgie 2, Timișoara, RomĆ¢nia, Clinica Chirurgie, Spitalul de Urgență, București, Al XI-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor ā€žNicolae Anestiadiā€ din Republica Moldova și cea de-a XXXIII-a Reuniune a Chirurgilor din Moldova ā€žIacomi-Răzeșuā€ 27-30 septembrie 2011Aims. This retrospective study was evaluated the results of laparoscopic treatment of the perforated duodenal ulcer (PDU) in 6 Romanian centres with an important experience in laparoscopic surgery.Methods. Between 2000 and 2010, 221 patients (38 females and 183 men) aged from 18 to 78 years, were operated laparoscopicaly for PDU, by using 3 (66.0%), 4 (27%) or 5 (7.0%) trocars. Forty six (20.8%) of them had a weak, 143(64.7%) an important and 32(14.5%) a grave peritonitis. Procedures performed were: simple suture 84(38.1%) patients, suture with epiplonoplasty 135(61.1%) patients, only epiplonoplasty 1(0.4%) patients, excision with suture 1(0.4%) patients. All patients had abundant peritoneal cavity washing and tub drainage (1-3 tubs).Results. The interventions lasted between 30 and 120 min, with an average of 63 min. No mortality was reported. Postoperative oral nutrition began after 24 hours for 114(51.6%) patients and after intestinal transit has restarted for 107(48.4%) patients. The intestinal transit has restarted after 1-6 days (average 3.5 days), depending of the gravity of peritonitis. Complications were: parietal infections 3 (1.3%), duodenal fistula 1 (0.4%), abdominal abcesses 1(0.4%), digestive haemorrhage 1(0.4%) and duodenal stenosis 1 (0.4%). Hospitalization lasted between 2 and 13 days (average 5.5 days). In comparison with open techniques, patients had the same intravenous perfusions, less pain, less antibiotics, less dressings, less complications during postoperative evolution. Conclusion. Laparoscopic treatment of PDU is safe even in case of severe peritonitis, with faster patientā€™s recovery. with less complications and with less postoperative medical care than open procedures. Aims. This retrospective study was evaluated the results of laparoscopic treatment of the perforated duodenal ulcer (PDU) in 6 Romanian centres with an important experience in laparoscopic surgery.Methods. Between 2000 and 2010, 221 patients (38 females and 183 men) aged from 18 to 78 years, were operated laparoscopicaly for PDU, by using 3 (66.0%), 4 (27%) or 5 (7.0%) trocars. Forty six (20.8%) of them had a weak, 143(64.7%) an important and 32(14.5%) a grave peritonitis. Procedures performed were: simple suture 84(38.1%) patients, suture with epiplonoplasty 135(61.1%) patients, only epiplonoplasty 1(0.4%) patients, excision with suture 1(0.4%) patients. All patients had abundant peritoneal cavity washing and tub drainage (1-3 tubs). Results. The interventions lasted between 30 and 120 min, with an average of 63 min. No mortality was reported. Postoperative oral nutrition began after 24 hours for 114(51.6%) patients and after intestinal transit has restarted for 107(48.4%) patients. The intestinal transit has restarted after 1-6 days (average 3.5 days), depending of the gravity of peritonitis. Complications were: parietal infections 3 (1.3%), duodenal fistula 1 (0.4%), abdominal abcesses 1(0.4%), digestive haemorrhage 1(0.4%) and duodenal stenosis 1 (0.4%). Hospitalization lasted between 2 and 13 days (average 5.5 days). In comparison with open techniques, patients had the same intravenous perfusions, less pain, less antibiotics, less dressings, less complications during postoperative evolution. Conclusion. Laparoscopic treatment of PDU is safe even in case of severe peritonitis, with faster patientā€™s recovery. with less complications and with less postoperative medical care than open procedures

    Laparoscopic treatment for perforated duodenal ulcer

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    Clinica de Chirurgie 2, UMF ā€œVictor Babeșā€ Timișoara, Clinica de Chirurgie, UMF ā€Carol Davilaā€, București, Clinica de Chirurgie 2, UMF ā€Grigore T Popaā€, Iași, Clinica de Chirurgie 2, Facultatea de Medicină, Universitatea ā€Ovidiusā€, Constanța, Clinica de Chirurgie 2, Facultatea de Medicina, Sibiu, Clinica de Chirurgie 1, UMF ā€Iuliu Hațieganuā€, Cluj- Napoca, Departamentul de Chirurgie I, Facultatea de Medicină, UMF Craiova, RomĆ¢nia, Al XII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor ā€žNicolae Anestiadiā€ din Republica Moldova cu participare internațională 23-25 septembrie 2015Introducere: Acest studiu retrospectiv evaluează rezultatele tratamentului laparoscopic Ć®n ulcerul duodenal perforat și este realizat Ć®n 7 spitale cu experiență Ć®n chirurgia laparoscopica din RomĆ¢nia. Material și metode: Ǝntre anii 2006 și 2013, 297 pacienți (48 femei, 249 bărbați) cu vĆ¢rste cuprinse Ć®ntre 18 și 77 ani au fost supuși intervenției chirurgicale laparoscopice pentru ulcer duodenal perforat, cu utilizarea a 3 (61%), 4 (29%) sau 5 (10%) trocare. Șaizeci și doi (21%) dintre pacienți au prezentat o formă ușoară, 190 (64,1%) au prezentat o formă moderată și 45 (14,9%) o formă severă de peritonită. Procedurile utilizate au fost: sutura simplă ā€“ 118 (39,8%) pacienți, sutura cu epiplonoplastie ā€“ 176 (59,5%), doar epiplonoplastie ā€“ 1 (0,3%) pacient, excizie și sutură ā€“ 1 (0,3%) pacient. Rezultate: Durata intervențiilor a fost Ć®ntre 30 și 120 minute, cu o medie de 65 minute. Mortalitatea a fost nulă. Complicații: infecții parietale ā€“ 3 (1%), fistule duodenale ā€“ 3 (1%), abcese abdominale ā€“ 2 (0,6%), hemoragii digestive ā€“ 1 (0,3%) și stenoza duodenală ā€“ 1 (0,3%). Durata medie de spitalizare ā€“ 5,5 zile. Ǝn comparație cu tehnica clasica, pacienții au necesitat mai puține analgetice și antibiotice, cu 80% mai puține pansamente și au avut cu 70% mai puține infecții parietale Ć®n evoluția postoperatorie. Concluzii: Tratamentul laparoscopic pentru ulcerul duodenal perforat, este recomandat chiar și Ć®n cazurile cu peritonită severă, evoluția postoperatorie fiind cu mai puține complicații și cu o recuperare mai rapidă fața de procedura clasică. Aceast abord poate fi considerat ā€œstandard de aurā€ Ć®n tratamentul ulcerului duodenal perforat.Introduction: This retrospective study evaluates results of the laparoscopic treatment of perforated duodenal ulcer obtained in 7 centers with experience in laparoscopic surgery from Romania. Material and methods: A total of 297 (48 women and 249 men) patients with perforated duodenal ulcer underwent laparoscopic intervention between 2006 and 2013, with ages 18 to 77 years. Three (61%), 4 (29%) or 5 (10%) trocars were used. In 62 patients (21%) was diagnosed mild form of peritonitis, in 190 (64.1%) ā€“ moderate and in 45 (14.9%) ā€“ severe peritonitis. Types of repair used in this study: simple suture ā€“ 118 (39.8%) patients, suture with omental patch ā€“ 176 (59.5%), only sutured omental patch ā€“ 1 (0.3%), excision and suture ā€“ 1 (0.3%) patient. Results: Operation time was between 30 and 120 min, with average of 65 min. Mortality rate was zero. Complications: parietal infections ā€“ 3 (1%), duodenal fistula ā€“ 3 (1%), intraabdominal abscesses ā€“ 2 (0.6%), digestive bleeding ā€“ 1 (0.3%) and duodenal stenosis ā€“ 1 (0.3%). Average length of hospital stay ā€“ 5.5 days. Patients treated using laparoscopic technique needed less analgesics, antibiotics, 80% less dressing procedures and had 70% less surgical site infections in comparison to traditional operation. Conclusions: Laparoscopic treatment of perforated duodenal ulcer can be recommended even for patients with severe peritonitis. This treatment is associated with fewer complications and more rapid recovery than traditional intervention. Laparoscopic repair can be considered ā€œgold standardā€ in the treatment of perforated duodenal ulcer