20 research outputs found

    Facilitators and barriers experienced by federal cross-sector partners during the implementation of a healthy eating campaign

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    To identify facilitators and barriers that Health Canada’s (HC) cross-sector partners experienced while implementing the Eat Well Campaign: Food Skills (EWC; 2013–2014) and describe how these experiences might differ according to distinct partner types. A qualitative study using hour-long semi-structured telephone interviews conducted with HC partners that were transcribed verbatim. Facilitators and barriers were identified inductively and analysed according partner types. Implementation of a national mass-media health education campaign. Twenty-one of HC’s cross-sector partners (food retailers, media and health organizations) engaged in the EWC. Facilitators and barriers were grouped into seven major themes: operational elements, intervention factors, resources, collaborator traits, developer traits, partnership factors and target population factors. Four of these themes had dual roles as both facilitators and barriers (intervention factors, resources, collaborator traits and developer traits). Sub-themes identified as both facilitators and barriers illustrate the extent to which a facilitator can easily become a barrier. Partnership factors were unique facilitators, while operational and target population factors were unique barriers. Time was a barrier that was common to almost all partners regardless of partnership type. There appeared to be a greater degree of uniformity among facilitators, whereas barriers were more diverse and unique to the realities of specific types of partner. Collaborative planning will help public health organizations anticipate barriers unique to the realities of specific types of organizations. It will also prevent facilitators from becoming barriers. Advanced planning will help organizations manage time constraints and integrate activities, facilitating implementation

    Full-time employment, diet quality and food skills of Canadian parents

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    Purpose : To explore the associations between full-time employment status, food skills, and diet quality of Canadian parents. Methods : A sample of Canadian parents (n = 767) were invited to complete a web-based survey that included sociodemographic variables, questions about food skills, and a validated food frequency questionnaire. Results were analyzed with linear and logistic regression models, controlling for sociodemographic variables and multiple testing. Results : After controlling for covariates and multiple testing, there were no statistically significant differences in foods skills between parents’ employment status. Time was the most reported barrier for meal preparation, regardless of work status, but was significantly greater for full-time compared with other employment status (P < 0.0001). Additionally, parents who worked full-time had lower odds of reporting food preferences or dietary restrictions (P = 0.0001) and health issues or allergies (P = 0.0003) as barriers to food preparation, compared with parents with other employment status. These results remained statistically significant even after controlling for covariates and multiple testing. Conclusions : Overall, food skills did not differ significantly between parents’ employment status. Time, however, was an important barrier for most parents, especially those working full time. To promote home-based food preparation among parents, strategies to manage time scarcity are needed.Objectif : Explorer les associations entre une situation d’emploi à temps plein, les compétences alimentaires et la qualité de l’alimentation des parents canadiens. Méthodes : Un échantillon de parents canadiens (n = 767) a été invité à répondre à un sondage Web comprenant des variables sociodémographiques, des questions sur les compétences alimentaires et un questionnaire de fréquence alimentaire validé. Les résultats ont été analysés au moyen de modèles de régression linéaire et logistique en tenant compte des variables sociodémographiques et des tests multiples. Résultats : Après avoir tenu compte des covariables et des tests multiples, aucune différence statistiquement significative n’a été observée quant aux compétences alimentaires des parents en fonction de leur situation d’emploi. Le temps était l’obstacle à la préparation des repas le plus souvent mentionné, quelle que soit la situation d’emploi, mais il était considérablement plus important chez les personnes travaillant à temps plein comparativement aux personnes ayant une autre situation d’emploi (P < 0,0001). De plus, les parents qui travaillaient à temps plein avaient moins de chances d’indiquer que leurs préférences ou restrictions alimentaires (P = 0,0001) et leurs problèmes de santé ou leurs allergies (P = 0,0003) étaient des obstacles à la préparation des aliments, comparativement aux parents se trouvant dans une autre situation d’emploi. Ces résultats sont demeurés statistiquement significatifs même après avoir tenu compte des covariables et des tests multiples. Conclusions : Dans l’ensemble, les compétences alimentaires des parents ne différaient pas de façon significative en fonction de leur situation d’emploi. Le temps était cependant un obstacle important pour la plupart des parents, surtout pour ceux qui travaillent à temps plein. Afin de favoriser la préparation des aliments à la maison par les parents, des stratégies pour les aider à gérer le manque de temps sont nécessaires

    Acceptability of insect ingredients by innovative student chefs : an exploratory study

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    Background: In Western societies, the acceptability of entomophagy is low despite the sustainable and nutritional benefits of insects. It is recognized that insect meals incorporated in into familiar foods increases willingness to eat insects. Chefs can offer positive culinary insect-based experiences to their customers which can then contribute to increasing the acceptability of entomophagy by consumers. However, little is known about chefs' perceptions of the use of insect-based ingredients. Objective: The aim of this study was to explore the reasons why innovative student chefs are willing (or not) to incorporate mealworms meals into their dishes. Methodology: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 7 innovative student chefs at the Institut de tourisme et d'hôtellerie du Québec (ITHQ). Thematic analysis based on a priori Rogers' Diffusion of Innovation Theory was conducted using transcript verbatim. Results: Most participants had a past consumption experience with entomophagy and all of them had a positive attitude toward this practice. The main perceived disadvantages of mealworm meal was the texture (granular and uneven), the odor as well as the low acceptability by consumers. Despite that, student chefs were generally willing to use insect-based ingredients, but they thought that transparency and more opportunities for consumers to try good insect-based dishes are keys to enhancing the acceptability of insect consumption. Conclusion: Understanding perceptions of innovative chefs about the use of insect-based ingredients can help to promote their use in gastronomy and ultimately improve their acceptability by consumers

    Eating-related and psychological outcomes of a Health at Every Size intervention in health and social services centers across the province of Quebec

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    Purpose: To report the outcomes of a Health at Every Size (HAES) intervention in a real-world setting. Design: Quasi-experimental design evaluating eating behaviors and psychological factors. Setting: The HAES intervention is offered in Health and Social Services Centers in Québec (Canada). Participants: For this study, 216 women (body mass index [BMI]: 35.76 [6.80] kg/m²) who participated to the HAES intervention were compared to 110 women (BMI: 34.56 [7.30] kg/m²) from a comparison group. Intervention: The HAES intervention is composed of 14 weekly meetings provided by health professionals. It focuses on healthy lifestyle, self-acceptance, and intuitive eating. Measures: Eating behaviors (ie, flexible restraint, rigid restraint, disinhibition, susceptibility to hunger, intuitive eating, and obsessive-compulsive eating) and psychological correlates (ie, body esteem, self-esteem, and depression) were assessed using validated questionnaires at baseline, postintervention, and 1-year follow-up. Analysis: Group, time, and interaction effects analyzed with mixed models. Results: Significant group by time interactions were found for flexible restraint (P = .0400), disinhibition (P < .0001), susceptibility to hunger (P < .0001), intuitive eating (P < .0001), obsessive–compulsive eating (P < .0001), body-esteem (P < .0001), depression (P = .0057), and self-esteem (P < .0001), where women in the HAES group showed greater improvements than women in the comparison group at short and/or long term. Conclusion: The evaluation of this HAES intervention in a real-life context showed its effectiveness in improving eating-, weight-, and psychological-related variables among women struggling with weight and body image

    A health at every size intervention improves intuitive eating and diet quality in Canadian women

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    Background & aims: Health at Every Size® (HAES®) interventions focus on healthy lifestyle by promoting behavioral changes related to diet and physical activity while emphasizing self-acceptance and well-being through an empowerment and intuitive approach. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a HAES® program on intuitive eating and diet quality in women. Methods: The HAES® intervention, offered by professionals from Health and Social Services Centers in Quebec (Canada), was composed of thirteen 3-h weekly meetings and a 6-h intensive day. For this study, 216 women (1.9% normal-weight, 21.1% overweight, 77.0% obese) who took part to the HAES program were compared to 110 women (3.9% normal-weight, 23.3% overweight, 72.8% obese) from a control group (waiting list). Intuitive eating was assessed using the Intuitive Eating Scale and diet quality was evaluated through the calculation of the Healthy Eating Index (HEI) from a validated web-based self-administrated food frequency questionnaire. Measurements were performed at baseline, post-intervention, and at one-year follow-up. Results: Women who participated in the HAES® program significantly increased their intuitive eating score compared to women in the control group at post-intervention and at follow-up (group by time interaction, p = 0.0002). A significant improvement in diet quality was also observed in the HAES® group in comparison with the control group at post-intervention (group by time interaction, p = 0.0139). The intuitive eating score and the HEI score were positively associated in the HAES® group at post-intervention (r = 0.20, p = 0.0237) and one-year follow-up (r = 0.22, p = 0.0359), but no such associations were noted in the control group (post-intervention, r = 0.04, p = 0.70; one-year follow-up, r = -0.15, p = 0.30). Conclusions: The HAES® program seems effective in improving intuitive eating and also favours improvements in diet quality. However, the association between intuitive eating and diet quality remains unclear, being positive and significant only after the HAES® intervention

    Perceptions de finissants en ÉPS au regard de l’insertion professionnelle

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    Le but de l'étude est de décrire les perceptions de nouveaux enseignants en éducation physique et à la santé (ÉPS) à l'égard de l’insertion professionnelle et de leurs compétences professionnelles. Au terme de leur formation initiale, seize finissants en ÉPS ont été interrogés lors d'entrevues individuelles semi-dirigées. Les résultats indiquent que les compétences reliées à la conception et au pilotage des situations d'enseignement seraient les plus déterminantes en début de carrière, alors que celle relative à l’utilisation des technologies est jugée moins déterminante. Interrogés également sur le niveau de maîtrise de leurs compétences, ils considèrent surtout être à l'aise pour communiquer clairement avec les élèves et agir de façon éthique. Cependant l’évaluation des élèves et l’adaptation de l’enseignement pour les élèves présentant des besoins particuliers semblent être moins bien maîtrisées. Certaines perceptions convergentes et divergentes sont discutées à la lumière d'une insertion professionnelle réussie et mises en relation avec la formation.The purpose of the study is to describe the perceptions of freshly graduated teachers in physical and health education regarding their professional competencies. At the end of their initial training, 16 graduates in physical and health education were questioned using semi-structured interviews. The results indicate that competencies relating to designing and monitoring teaching activities are the most significant competencies at the beginning of their career, whereas the one related to use of technology is considered less important. Also questioned on their level of mastery, they consider being most comfortable in communicating clearly with the students and acting ethically. However, assessing students and adapting instruction for students with special needs seem to be less well mastered. Some convergent and divergent perceptions are discussed in light of successful professional integration and teacher education

    Perceptions de finissants en ÉPS au regard de l’insertion professionnelle

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    The purpose of the study is to describe the perceptions of freshly graduated teachers in physical and health education regarding their professional competencies. At the end of their initial training, 16 graduates in physical and health education were questioned using semi-structured interviews. The results indicate that competencies relating to designing and monitoring teaching activities are the most significant competencies at the beginning of their career, whereas the one related to use of technology is considered less important. Also questioned on their level of mastery, they consider being most comfortable in communicating clearly with the students and acting ethically. However, assessing students and adapting instruction for students with special needs seem to be less well mastered. Some convergent and divergent perceptions are discussed in light of successful professional integration and teacher education

    Similarities and Differences in Risk and Protective Factors in Teacher Induction for Prospective Elementary and Physical and Health Education Teachers

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    The growing body of literature on teacher induction barriers has revealed the need to address issues that may lead to negative consequences. Recent research points to an increased interest in teacher resilience, a concept that promotes positive adaptation to counteract these adverse outcomes. However, teacher induction and resilience may differ depending on teaching context. For example, do specialists such as physical and health education teachers experience the same induction situation as generalist teachers? The authors aimed to compare the anticipated risk and protective factors related to the induction of these prospective teachers. The data from two studies were analyzed using thematic coding. The results indicate similarities and differences between the two groups that suggest ways to better support teacher induction.Le nombre croissant de publications portant sur les défis inhérents à l’insertion professionnelle des enseignants a confirmé l’importance de se pencher sur des problématiques qui peuvent mener à diverses conséquences négatives. Parallèlement, la recherche récente a révélé un intérêt accru au sujet de la résilience des enseignants, un concept qui promeut l’adaptation positive pour contrer ce type d’adversité. Par ailleurs, l’insertion professionnelle et la résilience des enseignants peut différer en fonction du contexte d’enseignement. Par exemple, on peut se demander si des spécialistes, tels que les enseignants d’éducation physique et à la santé, vivent le même genre d’expérience d’insertion que des enseignants généralistes. Les auteurs ont ainsi tenté de comparer les facteurs de risque et de protection reliés à l’insertion professionnelle, anticipés par de futurs enseignants du primaire et d’éducation physique et à la santé. Pour ce faire, les données de deux études ont été analysées par un codage thématique, à partir d’une grille de codage commune. Les résultats indiquent que les deux groupes présentent des similarités et des différences qui permettent de mieux comprendre leur insertion professionnelle et d’orienter vers des pistes visant à les soutenir adéquatement dans cette étape cruciale de leur carrière

    Motivation des enseignants en éducation physique et à la santé en début de carrière

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    La motivation des enseignants en début de carrière contribue à leur insertion professionnelle. Pour mieux comprendre cette motivation, 18 enseignants en EPS ont été interrogés lors de leur première rentrée scolaire, puis deux ans plus tard. Leurs propos, analysés à l’aide de la théorie de l’autodétermination, révèlent que leur motivation est plutôt extrinsèque. De plus, pour certains enseignants, l’instabilité d’emploi et l’accueil peu chaleureux du milieu scolaire pourraient expliquer l’absence de motivation intrinsèque, alors que pour d’autres, la satisfaction au regard de leur enseignement et la possibilité de créer des liens avec les élèves pourraient enrichir ce type de motivation.The motivation of novice teachers contributes to their teacher induction. To understand this motivation, 18 physical and health education teachers were interviewed two times. During their first back-to-school and two years later. According to the three categories of self-determination theory, their propositions reveal that their motivation is rather extrinsic. For some teachers, the instability of employment and the lack of kindness from the school environment regarding their integration in the school environment could explain the absence of intrinsic motivation. For others, the positive comments about their teaching and the interactions they have with their students seem to increase this type of motivation

    Factors influencing the adoption of a healthy eating campaign by federal cross-sector partners: a qualitative study

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    Abstract Background The Eat Well Campaign (EWC) was a social marketing campaign developed by Health Canada and disseminated to the public with the help of cross-sector partners. The purpose of this study was to describe factors that influenced cross-sector partners’ decision to adopt the EWC. Methods Thematic content analysis, based primarily on an a priori codebook of constructs from Roger’s diffusion of innovations decision process model, was conducted on hour-long semi-structured telephone interviews with Health Canada’s cross-sector partners (n = 18). Results Dominant themes influencing cross-sector partners’ decision to adopt the EWC were: high compatibility with the organization’s values; being associated with Health Canada; and low perceived complexity of activities. Several adopters indicated that social norms (e.g., knowing that other organizations in their network were involved in the collaboration) played a strong role in their decision to participate, particularly for food retailers and small organizations. The opportunity itself to work in partnership with Health Canada and other organizations was seen as a prominent relative advantage by many organizations. Adopters were characterized as having high social participation and positive attitudes towards health, new ideas and Health Canada. The lack of exposure to the mass media channels used to diffuse the campaign and reserved attitudes towards Health Canada were prominent obstacles identified by a minority of health organizations, which challenged the decision to adopt the EWC. Most other barriers were considered as minor challenges and did not appear to impede the adoption process. Conclusions Understanding factors that influence cross-sector adoption of nutrition initiatives can help decision makers target the most appropriate partners to advance public health objectives. Government health agencies are likely to find strong partners in organizations that share the same values as the initiative, have positive attitudes towards health, are extremely implicated in social causes and value the notion of partnership