3 research outputs found

    Utilitatea rinometriei acustice și rinomanometriei în evaluarea actului respirator nazal la copiii cu rinosinuzite cronice

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    Background. Functional tests - acoustic rhinometry and rhinomanometry, are objective methods for assessing nasal respiration. In this order of ideas, we set out to conduct research on the assessment of nasal permeability in children with chronic rhinosinusitis. Objective of the study. Evaluation of the role of functional tests: acoustic rhinometry, rhinomanometry in the evaluation of respiratory act in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis. Material and Methods. The study included 60 children with rhinosinusitis, aged 4-16 years. Of them, 36 are male and 24 are female. Group I constituted 20 children without nasal pathology, and group II children with rhinosinusitis. Through acoustic rhinometry we determined VCN, ATM1 and ATM2, and through rhinomanometry, we evaluated the summary volume and the total resistance to air flow. Results. Analyzing the acoustic rhinometry data at patients with rhinosinusitis, we found a statistically significant decrease compared to healthy children: VCN (Group II- 2.87 + 1.68; group I- 4.6 + 0.304. , ATM values were decreased compared to healthy children (group II: ATM1- 0.282 + 0.027; ASTM2- 0.480 + 0.061); group I: ATM1- 0.415 + 0.19, ATM2- 0.508 + 0.043). The results of determining the rhinomanometric parameters of the nasal cavity revealed signs of nasal obstruction in children with rhinosinusitis, compared to healthy children: total volume at 150 Pa- (group II- 518 cm³ / sec; total resistance at 150 Pa- is 0.48 Pa / cm³ / sec. Conclusion. The results of the study show that the functional tests performed have an important diagnostic value in the evaluation of nasal architectonics and nasal respiratory act. Introducere. Testele funcţionale, rinometria acustica si rinomanometria, reprezinta metode obiective de evaluare a respirației nazale. În această ordine de idei, ne-am propus să realizăm o cercetare privitor la evaluarea permeabilității nazale la copiii cu rinosinuzite cronice. Scopul lucrării. Evaluarea rolului testelor funcționale: rinometria acustică, rinomanometria în evaluarea actului respirator la pacienții cu rinosinuzite cronice. Material și Metode. În studiu au fost incluși 60 copii cu rinosinuzite, cu vârsta de 4 - 16 ani, dintre ei, 36 copii de gen masculin, iar 24 - de gen feminin. Lotul I a fost constituit din 20 copii fară patologia nasului, iar lotul II - din copii cu rinosinuzite. Prin intermediul rinometriei acustice am determiat VCN, ATM1 și ATM2, iar prin intermediul rinomanometriei, am evaluat volumul sumar şi rezistenţa totală la fluxul aerian. Rezultate. Analizând datele rinometriei acustice la pacienții cu rinosinuzite, am constatat o diminuare statistic semnificativă față de copiii sănătoși: VCN (Lotul II- 2,87 + 1,68; lotul I- 4,6 + 0,304. De asemenea, au fost diminuate valorile ATM în comparație cu copiii sănătoși (lotul II: ATM1- 0,282 + 0,027; ASTM2- 0,480 + 0,061); lotul I: ATM1- 0,415 + 0,19, ATM2- 0,508 + 0,043). Rezultatele determinării parametrilor rinomanometrici ai cavităţii nazale, au relevat semne de obstrucţie nazală la copiii cu rinosinuzite, față de copii sănătoși: volumul total la 150 Pa- (lotul II- 518 cm³/ sec; rezistenţa totală la 150 Pa- constituie 0,48 Pa/ cm³/ sec. Concluzii. Rezultatele studiului denotă că testele funcționale efectuate, au o valoare diagnostică importantă în evaluarea arhitectonicei nazale și a actului respirator nazal

    Contemporary diagnosis of rhinosinusitis in children

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    Department of Otorhinolaryngology Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, the Republic of MoldovaBackground: Inflammatory disease of the paranasal sinuses, due to its high incidence in the nosological structure of morbidity, is a constant problem of modern otorhinolaryngology. The purpose of this study was to assess the importance of modern investigative methods for establishing the diagnosis in children with inflammatory rhinosinusitis. Material and methods: The study was conducted on a group of 55 children, aged 4 to 18 years, diagnosed with inflammatory rhinosinusitis, hospitalized during the 2017-2020 years within ENT Department of Emilian Cotaga Republican Clinical Hospital for Children, Chisinau. The retrospective analysis of the data, retrieved from the clinical observation sheets and their attached documents, as well as from inpatient surgical protocols, during the years 2017-2020, was carried out. Results: The applied diagnostic methods were as following: optical endoscopy, rhinomanometry, acoustic rhinometry, mucociliary clearance, computed tomography. Conclusions: The study revealed that computed tomography and optical endoscopy provide an accurate mapping of rhinosinusal structures. Nowadays, inflammatory rhinosinusitis is definitely diagnosed by highly accurate methods, namely the optical endoscopy and computed tomography that are “the gold standard”. The functional tests such as rhinomanometry and acoustic rhinometry are used to assess permeability and endonasal geometry, as well as evaluation of respiratory function in children with rhinosinusitis. The mucociliary nasal clearance plays a major role in modern diagnostic algorithm, being an essential index in assessing the functional status of the nasal mucosa and performing the protective function

    Economic impact of iron deficiency anemia for the Republic of Moldova

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    To estimate the economic impact of iron deficiency anemia associated with cognitive deficits in young children and productivity losses in adults for the Republic of Moldova (RM). Methods. To assess the economic losses caused by iron deficiency anemia we used algorithms proposed by Jay Ross and Susan Horton in the work “Economic consequences of iron deficiency”, data from the Demographic and Health Survey, 2005 (DHS) and Statistic Yearbook of the Republic of Moldova. Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional disorders in the world that frequent leads to anemia. A lot of studies document association of iron deficiency anemia (IDA) with poor motor and mental performances in children, low work productivity in adults, and poor pregnancy outcome. The consequences of iron deficiency are extending far beyond the population with iron deficiency anemia due to many physiological functions of iron other than its role in hemoglobin synthesis. Combining the effects of childhood anemia on cognitive achievement with those of adult anemia on physical productivity, total productivity loss due to iron deficiency anemia was estimated from the following: Cog loss + BC loss + HML loss = [0.04 x WS x GDP/cap x Pr(child)] + [0.01 x WS x BC Share x GDP/cap x Pr(adult)] + [0.12 x WS x HML x GDP/cap x Pr(adult)] Where: Cog loss is productivity losses due to lower cognitive scores related to childhood ША; BC loss - losses in productivity for blue-color workers; and HML loss - losses in productivity for blue-color workers performing heavy manual labor; WS - wage share (labor) in GDP; GDP/cap - per capita GDP; BC Share - share of blue collar employment in total employment; HML - heavy manual labor share in GDP; Pr (child) - prevalence of anaemia in children; Pr (adult) - prevalence of anemia in children. Applying the most recent data (the last study that evaluates prevalence of anemia was done in 2005 - DHS) we calculated total productivity loss due to iron deficiency anemia for the RM: Cog loss + BC loss + HML loss = [0.04 x 0.38 x 10225 lei x 0.33)] + [0.01 x 0.38 x 0.36 x 10225 lei x 0.195] + [0.12 x 0.38 x (0.575 x 0.16) x 10225 lei x 0.195] = 62.38 lei This calculation yields an annual loss of 62.38 lei MD per capita in 2005, equivalent to 0.61% of GDP for this year. Effect associated with cognitive deficits in children and low work productivity in adults provides the justification to the urgent need to prevent iron deficiency in all groups of population, beginning with young children