3 research outputs found
Glycation. A study about regeneration
Chair of Human Physiology and Biophysics, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, The 6th International Medical Congress for Students and Young DoctorsIntroduction: Glycation is a chemical process in which proteins are conjugated with glucose, it
is characteristic for persons who are suffering for insipid diabetes, but also it is common in cases of a
high level of blood glucose. With reference to organism different functions degeneration, including a
bad angiogenesis, caused by glycation, it was purposed to observe how a high sugar alimentation would
influence the time of regeneration in an animal organism.
Materials and methods: For this study, was taken 40 mice and separated in 6 groups, I- 10 mice,
about 1.5 years old, high sugar diet, II- 10 mice, about 1.5 years, ordinary food, III- 5 mice, about 7
month old, high sugar diet, IV- 6 mice, about 7 month old, ordinary food, V- 3 mice, about 8 month old,
high sugar diet, VI- 6 mice, about 6 month old, high sugar diet. At 10-th day, a small incision on lower
limb was did on each mouse, after, it was observed the time of regeneration in each group. As food was
served: in groups with ordinary food, wheat, bread, carrot, beet; in groups with high sugar diet, wheat,
bread, carrot, beet, sugar and different sweets.
Discussion results: In first days of experiment, it was observed that groups of mice, which had
a ordinary diet were more active, they ran and played more than groups with a high sugar diet.Also it
was determined that groups of mice with high sugar diet like vegetables more than groups without sugar
supplement. After incisions this processes also was common. Analyzing regeneration, it may be said
that, in first days after incisions it was observed that in groups of elder mice and with ordinary
food,animals felt better, and regeneration had a higher speed than group with a high sugar diet. Anyway
at the final of experiment their results in regeneration was approximatively equal. In younger groups in
firs days also was present this phenomenon, but it continued, and in the end groups with ordinary diet
had results better with about 1-2 days than groups with high sugar diet. Also it was noticed a strange
thing, mice with high sugar diet had a strange fur, like it was wet or something like that.
Conclusion: In younger mice, the speed of regeneration is higher when alimentation is ordinary
than when alimentation is rich in sugar, in elder mice the speed of regeneration is approximatively equal.
Remain to demonstrate this not only through subjective methods, but also through objective like
histochemical methods
Analiza caracteristicilor clinice și molecular-genetice ale sindromului Wiskott-Aldrich și trombocitopenia X-linkată
Institute of Mother and Child, Republic of Moldova, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Republic of MoldovaIntroduction. Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome is a rare X-linked disorder characterized by microthrombocytopenia, eczema, and recurrent infections. It is caused by mutations of the WAS
gene which encodes the WAS protein (WASp) – a key regulator of actin polymerization in
hematopoietic cells. Mutations within the WASp gene result in a wide heterogeneity of clinical disease, ranging from ‘classical WAS’ to mild asymptomatic thrombocytopenia (X-linked
thrombocytopenia [XLT]), or congenital neutropenia (X-lined neutropenia [XLN]).
Case presentation. This present paper reports a phenotypical and laboratory description of
two children diagnosed with WAS and one child diagnosed with XLT. The first case was a six
months old male with septicemia, thrombocytopenia, eczema and petechial rash. The second
case was a 2 years old boy presenting with complaints of recurrent infections, eczema and
thrombocytopenia with small platelet size. The third case was a 16 years old boy who presented with thrombocytopenia and recurrent sinopulmonary infections.
Conclusions. Due to a wide spectrum of clinical findings, the diagnosis of WAS/XLT should
be considered in any male patient presenting with petechiae, bruises, and congenital or
early-onset thrombocytopenia associated with small platelet size.Introducere. Sindromul Wiskott-Aldrich este o afecțiune rară X-linkată, caracterizată prin
microtrombocitopenie, eczeme și infecții recurente. Acesta este cauzat de mutații ale genei
WAS, care codifică proteina WAS (WASp) - un regulator cheie al polimerizării actinei în
celulele hematopoietice. Mutațiile din gena WASp generează o eterogenitate largă a bolii
clinice, variind de la „WAS clasic” la trombocitopenie asimptomatică ușoară (trombocitopenie X-linkată [XLT]) sau la neutropenie congenitală (neutropenie X-linkată [XLN]).
Prezentarea cazului. Este raportată descrierea, fenotipică și de laborator, a doi copii diagnosticați cu WAS și a unui copil diagnosticat cu XLT. În primul caz, un băiat în vârstă de șase
luni, cu septicemie, trombocitopenie, eczemă și erupții de tip peteșii. În al doilea caz, un băiat
de 2 ani, care a prezentat acuze de infecții recurente, eczemă și trombocitopenie, cu dimensiune mică a trombocitelor. Iar în al treilea caz, un băiat de 16 ani, care s-a adresat cu acuze
de infecții sinopulmonare recurente și trombocitopenie.
Concluzii. Datorită spectrului larg de manifestări clinice, diagnosticul WAS/XLT trebuie luat
în considerare la orice pacient de sex masculin, care prezintă erupții de tip peteșii, echimoze
și trombocitopenie congenitală sau cu debut precoce, asociată cu o dimensiune mică a trombocitelor
The screening by isoelectric focusing of transferrin for the diagnosis of congenital disorders of glycosylation
Background: Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation (CDG) are a group of inherited metabolic disorders caused by the defect in various steps in the
biosynthesis of glycoproteins and other glycoconjugates.
Material and methods: 40 patients under clinical suspicions for CDG at the Institute of Mother and Child were examined by isoelectric focusing of
transferrin (IEFT) in collaboration with RadboudUMC, Netherlands and U.S.A. The spectrum of clinical presentations of these patients was multisystem
damage, predominantly neurological manifestations.
Results: Most of the patients (55%) had early neurological manifestations from the birth, such as hypotonia, psychomotor disability, cerebral MRI
abnormalities, seizures (25%), cutis laxa (17.5%), total alopecia (2.5%), abnormal fat pads (2.5%), myopia (7.5%), nystagmus (5%), strabismus (2.5%),
stroke-like episodes (2.5.%), ataxia (7.5%), abnormal coagulation (10%), hepatomegaly (35%) and liver cirrhosis (2.5%). Serum samples analyzed by
IEFT showed the results: 37 normal, 2 questionable and 1 abnormal patterns. Two samples questionable belongs to the patients with Galactosemia and
Fructosemia, which give the false-positive results. The last positive sample is performed additionally for glycomics profiling. In some cases, with IEFT
negative profile was performed genetic test and were diagnosed other diseases, mimicking CDG, such as: NARP syndrome, late diagnosed PKU, GSD,
Manosidoses, Prader-Willi Syndrome and chromosomal aberrations.
Conclusions: The CDG is a rare metabolic disease with multisystem impairment and variety of symptoms which determine overlapping of phenotype
with other genetic disorders. The process of diagnosis is very complex and can take several years