9 research outputs found

    Validation of a Liquid Biopsy Protocol for Canine BRAFV595E Variant Detection in Dog Urine and Its Evaluation as a Diagnostic Test Complementary to Cytology

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    A significant proportion of canine urothelial carcinomas carry the driver valine to glutamic acid variation (V595E) in BRAF kinase. The detection of V595E may prove suitable to guide molecularly targeted therapies and support non-invasive diagnosis of the urogenital system by means of a liquid biopsy approach using urine. Three cohorts and a control group were included in this multi-step validation study which included setting up a digital PCR assay. This was followed by investigation of preanalytical factors and two alternative PCR techniques on a liquid biopsy protocol. Finally, a blind study using urine as diagnostic sample has been carried out to verify its suitability as diagnostic test to complement cytology. The digital PCR (dPCR) assay proved consistently specific, sensitive, and linear. Using the dPCR assay, the prevalence of V595E in 22 urothelial carcinomas was 90.9%. When compared with histopathology as gold standard in the blind-label cases, the diagnostic accuracy of using the canine BRAF (cBRAF) variation as a surrogate assay against the histologic diagnosis was 85.7% with 92.3% positive predictive value and 80.0% negative predictive value. In all the cases, in which both biopsy tissue and the associated urine were assayed, the findings matched completely. Finally, when combined with urine sediment cytology examination in blind-label cases with clinical suspicion of malignancy, the dPCR assay significantly improved the overall diagnostic accuracy. A liquid biopsy approach on urine using the digital PCR may be a valuable breakthrough in the diagnostic of urothelial carcinomas in dogs

    Degenerative Myelopathy in Hovawart Dogs: Molecular Characterization, Pathological Features and Accumulation of Mutant Superoxide Dismutase 1 Protein

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    Degenerative myelopathy (DM) is an adult-onset, progressive neurological disease affecting several breeds of dog. Homozygosity or compound heterozygosity for the canine superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) gene mutations, possibly modulated by the modifier SP110 locus, are associated with a high risk for DM. Although the pathophysiological mechanisms are largely unknown, a role for mutant SOD1 in causing neuronal degeneration has been postulated. Three Hovawart dogs, 9e12 years of age, developed slowly progressive incoordination and weakness of the pelvic limbs leading to non-ambulatory flaccid paraparesis and muscle atrophy. Neuropathological lesions comprised axonal degeneration and loss of ascending and descending spinal pathways, which were most severe in the mid- to caudal thoracic segments. Accumulation of mutant SOD1 protein in neurons and reactive astrocytes was demonstrated by immunolabelling with the 16G9 antibody against the mutant SOD1 protein (p.E40K amino acid substitution). All three dogs were homozygous for the c.118A allele, but none had the SP110 ‘risk’ haplotype, suggesting a weak association of SP110 with the onset of DM in this breed. Our data suggest that the Hovawart breed is predisposed to the SOD1:c.118G>A mutation, which is associated with the development of DM. Prevention of DM could be achieved with the help of strategies based on epidemiological and genetic testing

    Optimization of the Divergent method for genotyping single nucleotide variations using SYBR Green-based single-tube real-time PCR

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    A novel technique, called Divergent, for single-tube real-time PCR genotyping of point mutations without the use of fluorescently labeled probes has recently been reported. This novel PCR technique utilizes a set of four primers and a particular denaturation temperature for simultaneously amplifying two different amplicons which extend in opposite directions from the point mutation. The two amplicons can readily be detected using the melt curve analysis downstream to a closed-tube real-time PCR.In the present study, some critical aspects of the original method were specifically addressed to further implement the technique for genotyping the DNM1 c.G767T mutation responsible for exercise-induced collapse in Labrador retriever dogs. The improved Divergent assay was easily set up using a standard two-step real-time PCR protocol. The melting temperature difference between the mutated and the wild-type amplicons was approximately 5. \ub0C which could be promptly detected by all the thermal cyclers. The upgraded assay yielded accurate results with 157. pg of genomic DNA per reaction. This optimized technique represents a flexible and inexpensive alternative to the minor grove binder fluorescently labeled method and to high resolution melt analysis for high-throughput, robust and cheap genotyping of single nucleotide variations. \ua9 2014 Elsevier B.V

    Two novel real-time PCR methods for genotyping the von Willebrand disease type I mutation in Doberman Pinscher dogs

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    Two single tube real-time PCR methods were designed to genotype the mutation responsible for von Willebrand disease type I (von Willebrand factor c.7437G>A) in Doberman Pinscher dogs: (1) the Divergent PCR assay, which is a modification of the bi-directional PCR amplification of a specific allele (BI-PASA) technique, and (2) a minor groove binder (MGB) real-time PCR assay using fluorescently labelled probes. There was complete agreement between the genotypes determined using the two real-time PCR methods and the results of sequencing of PCR products generated by conventional PCR from genomic DNA purified from the blood of 27 Doberman Pinscher dogs. The Divergent PCR assay yielded reliable results with 65 6.4 ng genomic DNA per reaction and the MGB real-time PCR assay yielded reliable results with 65 150 pg genomic DNA per reaction. Both real-time PCR methods are suitable for routine genetic testing for the von Willebrand disease type I mutation using blood samples

    Cytological, Immunohistochemical and Mutational Analysis of a Gastric Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumour in a Cat

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    Gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GISTs) represent a distinctive group of primary mesenchymal tumours of the gastrointestinal tract identified immunohistochemically by expression of CD117. A 10-year-old neutered female domestic shorthair cat with a history of recurrent vomiting was examined. The presence of a gastric mass was recognized and a laparotomy was performed. Cytological examination was consistent with a low-grade malignant mesenchymal tumour and histopathological investigation suggested myogenic differentiation of tumour cells. The diagnosis of GIST was confirmed by immunohistochemical expression of CD117. Sequence analysis of the KIT gene identified a deletion in exon 11. The same mutation is found often in human GISTs

    Use of combined conventional and real-time PCR to determine the epidemiology of feline haemoplasma infections in northern Italy

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    Although knowledge of feline haemotropic mycoplasmas (haemoplasmas) has dramatically improved in recent years, some issues still remain to be elucidated. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the prevalence of feline haemoplasma infections in blood samples collected from cats in northern Italy. A convenience-sample of 307 cats (40 anaemic; 258 non-anaemic; nine with unknown haematocrit [HCT]) was investigated using polymerase chain reaction assays. Furthermore, the date of blood collection, signalment and clinicopathological data were retrospectively evaluated to assess predictors and risk factors for infection. Haemoplasma infections were highly prevalent in the sample investigated with an overall prevalence of 18.9% (95% confidence interval: 14.5-23.3%). The prevalence for the three feline haemoplasmas was 17.3% for 'Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum' (CMhm), 5.9% for Mycoplasma haemofelis (Mhf) and 1.3% for 'Candidatus Mycoplasma turicensis' (CMt). Feline immunodeficiency virus-positive status represented a risk factor for infection with an odds ratio of 4.19 (P=0.02). Moreover, a higher prevalence was observed in summer (odds ratio 1.78; P=0.04) which may be consistent with arthropod-borne disease transmission. Cats infected with Mhf showed significantly lower HCT (P=0.03), haemoglobin values (P=0.02) and red blood cell counts (P=0.04), lower mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (P<0.01) and higher white blood cell counts (P<0.01) when compared with non-infected cats