9 research outputs found
Analysis of collaboration networks for scientific and technological research on passion Fruit.
As pesquisas sobre o maracujá são realizadas em diversas instituições ao redor do mundo e é de interesse do setor produtivo, da comunidade científica e dos gestores de ciência e tecnologia, conhecer a dinâmica da ciência por meio de estudos métricos das informações bibliográficas. O levantamento das publicações indexadas na Web of Science e na Base de Dados de Pesquisa Agropecuária da Embrapa (BDPA), os registros no Escritório Europeu de Patentes - Espacenet, as tecnologias e os projetos da Embrapa foram utilizados como indicadores para caracterizar as redes de pesquisa sobre os maracujás. Este estudo analisou a rede de coautoria e cocitação da produção científica, a força de conexão entre as instituições e o mapa de coocorrência de palavras-chave entre 2001 e 2020. Brasil, Estados Unidos, Colômbia e França tiveram as maiores redes de coautoria em Passifloraceaes. As instituições brasileiras em posição de destaque na análise das redes de coautoria e que produziram o maior número de publicações foram Embrapa, USP e Unicamp. Os principais temas estudados foram adsorção, antioxidante, clarificação, evolução, flavonoide, floração, crescimento e embriogênese somática. As patentes relacionadas ao uso do maracujá tiveram destaque entre 2015 e 2017 com foco na produção de alimentos, bebidas, cosméticos e medicamentos. O Brasil possui relevante produção bibliográfica e desenvolvimento tecnológico sobre o maracujá tanto para a comunidade acadêmica quanto para os produtores rurais. Estes resultados integram aspectos da atividade científica que poderão prospectar novos direcionamentos de pesquisa e tornar conhecidos o uso e a circulação da produção científica
Análises para tomada de decisão estratégica de ativos inseridos no setor agropecuário brasileiro: método de monitoramento da adoção de ativos da Embrapa.
Este documento se propõe a apresentar um método de monitoramento de adoção de ativos da Embrapa, fornecendo às Unidades Descentralizadas (UDs) uma sequência de procedimentos capaz de apoiar a execução do monitoramento de adoção de ativos gerados nas etapas de pesquisa, desenvolvimento e inovação (PD&I). O método proposto mergulha nas experiências e práticas de pesquisa desenvolvidas pelas UDs, sendo fruto das atividades conduzidas pela Supervisão de Monitoramento da Adoção de Ativos (MAA) da Gerência de Ativos (GAT), vinculada à Secretaria de Inovação e Negócios (SIN). Este método também se pauta em referenciais científicos sobre temas associados ao processo de monitoramento da adoção, tais como adoção, inovação e desenvolvimento de produtos. Seguindo este guia, será possível aplicar um conjunto articulado de atividades e fazer uso de ferramentas e de estratégias para gerenciar o monitoramento da adoção de ativos da Empresa de forma corporativa. O processo de monitoramento da adoção de ativos possibilitará a gestão do portfólio de ativos e subsidiará a Embrapa em sua decisão estratégica quanto ao seu posicionamento no ecossistema de inovação
Information for citizenship action and sustainable development promotion.
This chapter is related to target 12.8, which aims to ensure that, by 2040, people everywhere have relevant information and awareness for sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature. Based on the mission and guidelines of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) and the technological solutions it provides, the focus is mainly on delivering information from scientific research results, the source of which is the scientific researcher, who is the spokesperson for relevant information that should reach people everywhere. Other important social actors in this process are professionals working in communication and education who, based on this information, will express it under different forms, in order to encourage consumer taking citizenship action. This important link in the productive chain also represents the ordinary citizen who is required to act in favor of sustainable development.Translated by Paulo de Holanda Morais
WebAmbiente- a virtual platform with native species, restoration strategies and field experiences as a tool to support the environmental regularization program in different Brazilian biomes.
The success of the environmental regularization program in Brazil depends on the scientific knowledge in plantings of native species used for restoration techniques, public policies to stimulate environmental regulations, economic valuation of environmental conservation and access to information by farms. To meet these demands, the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA) and the Ministry of the Environment (Secretary of Extrativism and Sustainable Rural Development (SEDR) and the Brazilian Forest Service (SFB)) gathered together technical information such as suggestions of native plants, strategies for vegetation restoration, ongoing experiences, and best agricultural practices, to create an interactive information system to assist in decision-making and to guide technicians and owners of rural areas on choices of native species, best practices and appropriate strategies for vegetation recovery in the Amazon, Caatinga, Cerrado, Mata Atlântica, Pampa, and Pantanal biomes, according to environmental data on the area to be restored. The virtual platform is available at https://www.embrapa.br/en/ codigo-florestal, as of June 5, 2017. Botanical and ecological data are available for more than 600 native species for the different Brazilian biomes. Strategies for restoration for native vegetation vary from passive actions, such as natural regeneration, to high intervention actions, such as those in agroforestry systems. Actions should start in small areas to support new decisions if something fails. These strategies can be applied in Brazil for Legal Reserve Areas (ARL) and Permanent Preservation Areas (APP) to meet the requirements of the Brazilian Federal Law of Native Vegetation Protection (12651), May 25, 2012
Information for citizenship action and sustainable development promotion.
Context. Problem. How does Embrapa promote its work?. Scientific dissemination and science popularization. Relationship with the media. Promoting and attending events. Peer educators training. Collective information production for citizenship action. Final considerations.bitstream/item/220292/1/Responsible-consumption-and-production-contributions-of-Embrapa-cap9.pd
Woody species and strategies for restoration in the Cerrado biome.
The success of native vegetation reclamation depends upon the knowledge about the species and planting strategies/models bestsuited for the area to be recovered. This work suggests more than 200 native species with their physiognomies of occurrence for theCerrado biome, associated to its ecological strategy of occupation (covering or diversity) and main categories of potential economicutilization for using in eight planting strategies/models. It aims to guide technicians and owners of rural areas on the choice of speciesand appropriate strategies for woody (forest and savannah) vegetation recovery of Cerrado biome. Strategies for restorationwith woody native vegetation vary from passive actions, as natural regeneration, to high intervention actions, such as those inAgroforestry Systems. Areas with greatest potential for natural regeneration have presence of regenerating seedlings, greater coverof native vegetation nearby and low presence of exotic and local competitors and it requires less labor and costs while areas withlow potential for natural regeneration demand intense intervention and more expensive technics. All restoration action has risksand must be monitored and managed according to the expected results. These actions will indicate if your strategy was adequateand well conducted. Actions should start in small areas to support new decisions if something fails. To attend the law of Protectionof Native Vegetation, these strategies can be applied in Brazil for Legal reserve (ARL) and Permanent Preservation (APP) areas
Woody species and strategies for restoration in the Cerrado biome.
The success of native vegetation reclamation depends upon the knowledge about the species and planting strategies/models bestsuited for the area to be recovered. This work suggests more than 200 native species with their physiognomies of occurrence for theCerrado biome, associated to its ecological strategy of occupation (covering or diversity) and main categories of potential economicutilization for using in eight planting strategies/models. It aims to guide technicians and owners of rural areas on the choice of speciesand appropriate strategies for woody (forest and savannah) vegetation recovery of Cerrado biome. Strategies for restorationwith woody native vegetation vary from passive actions, as natural regeneration, to high intervention actions, such as those inAgroforestry Systems. Areas with greatest potential for natural regeneration have presence of regenerating seedlings, greater coverof native vegetation nearby and low presence of exotic and local competitors and it requires less labor and costs while areas withlow potential for natural regeneration demand intense intervention and more expensive technics. All restoration action has risksand must be monitored and managed according to the expected results. These actions will indicate if your strategy was adequateand well conducted. Actions should start in small areas to support new decisions if something fails. To attend the law of Protectionof Native Vegetation, these strategies can be applied in Brazil for Legal reserve (ARL) and Permanent Preservation (APP) areas
Espécies arbóreas e estratégias para a recomposição da vegetação nativa no bioma cerrado.