164 research outputs found

    Hazar Gölü ve Dicle Nehri yukarı havzasında yeni bir Squalis türünün tanımlanması (Teleostei: Leuciscidae)

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    In a study of the fishes of the Lake Hazar, and Tigris, Euphrates and Kueik rivers were recorded four species of Squalius belonging to the Squalis cephalus-group were found: The western drainage of Euphrates River (Tohma Stream) population was identified as S. seyhanensis, northern drainages of Euphrates as S. semae, and the Kueik populations as S. berak. The comparison of 28 metric, 9 meristic parameters and morphological characters showed that the populations of the Lake Hazar and the upper Tigris drainages are distinct and belong to a hitherto unnamed species. We describe it here as Squalius verepi sp. n.Bu çalışmada, Hazar Gölü, Dicle, Fırat ve Kueik nehirlerinden Squalius cepphalus grubuna ait 4 tür tespit edilmiştir. Fırat Nehri’nin batı drenajlarında S. seyhanensis, Kuzey drenajlarında S. semae ve Kueik Nehri’nden S. berak dağılım gösterdiği saptanmıştır. Hazar ve Dicle popülasyonları 28 metrik ve 9 meristik karakter bakımından Fırat ve Kueik nehirlerinden rapor edilen türler ile karşılaştırılmış ve bu popülasyonların henüz tanımlanmamış olduğu saptanmıştır. Burada, bu popülasyonları S. verepi adında yeni tür olarak tanımlanmaktatır

    Kuzgun Baraj Gölü ve drenajlarının balık faunası (Erzurum, Türkiye)

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    This study was carried out to determine the fish fauna of Kuzgun Dam Lake drainages. Fishes were caught by electro-fishing equipment, cast and gill nets. After anaesthesia, fish specimens were fixed in 4% formaldehyde and transferred to the laboratory for further identification. With this study eight species (Barbus lacerta, Capoeta damascina, Alburnus sellal, Alburnoides velioglui, Squalius semae, Oxynoemacheilus araxensis, O. bergianus and Salmo euphrataeus) belonging to four families (Cyprinidae, Leuciscidae, Nemachelidae and Salmonidae) were determined.Bu çalışma Kuzgun Baraj Gölü ve drenajlarının balık faunasını belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Balık örnekleri elektroşok cihazı, serpme ve uzatma ağları ile toplanmış, anestezi yapıldıktan sonra balıklar %4'lük formaldehit çözeltisinde fikse edilmiş ve tür tasnifleri için laboratuvara transfer edilmiştir. Bu çalışma ile 4 familyaya (Cyprinidae, Leuciscidae, Nemachelidae ve Salmonidae) ait sekiz tür (Barbus lacerta, Capoeta damascina, Alburnus sellal, Alburnoides velioglui, Squalius semae, Oxynoemacheilus araxensis, O. bergianus and Salmo euphrataeus) tespit edilmiştir

    Marmara Denizi'nin güney drenajından yeni bir alabalık türü (Teleostei: Salmonidae)

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    Salmo duhani, sp. n., a new species, is described from the southern Marmara Sea drainages, Turkey. It differs from the other Salmo species in the neighboring basins by having a shorter maxillary (8-10% SL); a shorter head (24-28% SL); 115-121 lateral line scales; 26-29 scale rows between lateral line and dorsal-fin origin; 20-23 scale rows between lateral line and anal-fin origin; 15-17 scales between lateral line and adipose-fin insertion; 17-19 gill rakers on the outer side of first gill arch; 10-13 large and oblong parr marks along the lateral line in all individuals.Yeni bir tür olan Salmo duhani Türkiye'nin güney Marmara Denizi drenajından tanımlanmaktadır. Türün yakın havzalarda dağılım gösteren diğer Salmo türlerinden farkı: maksiller kısadır (% 8-10 SB); baş boyu kısadır (% 24-28 SB); ligne lateral pul sayısı 115-121; ligne lateral ile dorsal yüzgecin başlangıcı arasındaki pul sıra sayısı 26-29; ligne lateral ile anal yüzgecin başlangıcı arasındaki pul sıra sayısı 20-23; ligne lateral ile adipoz yüzgecin başlangıcı arasındaki pul sıra sayısı 15-17; birinci solungaç yayının dış tarafında bulunan solungaç dikeni sayısı 17-19; bütün bireylerde yanal çizgi boyunca büyük ve dikdörtgen şeklinde 10-13 par bulunmasıdır

    Oxynoemacheilus marmaraensis, a new species from the Susurluk River, Türkiye (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae)

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    Oxynoemacheilus marmaraensis, new species, is restricted to the Susurluk River. It is distinguished from all the named species of Oxynoemacheilus in the northwestern Anatolian by the flank with a vermiculate pattern and the presence of a suborbital groove in males, and no axillary lobe at the base of the pelvic fin. It also differs from the closest species, Oxynoemacheilus kentritensis, by having 58 nucleotide substitution sites. The genetic distance is 10.49% between O. marmaraensis and O. kentritensis. Phylogenetic analyses and species delimitation tests (Poisson tree processes and assemble species by automatic partitioning) support the validity of O. marmaraensis as a distinct species

    Oxynoemacheilus fatmae, a new species from the Guzelhisar Stream in the Aegean Sea basin, Turkiye (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae)

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    Oxynoemacheilus fatmae, a new species, is found in the Guzelhisar Stream in the northern Aegean Sea basin. It is differentiated from all other species of Oxynoemacheilus in the northern Aegean Sea and adjacent basins by having four to eight irregularly shaped narrow black bars on the posterior part of flank, and anterior parts of the flank with a marbled pattern. O. fatmae is differentiated from the closest species Oxynoemacheilus theophilii by having 14 fixed diagnostic nucleotide substitution sites, and the pair-wise genetic distance is 2.22%. It further differs from O. theophilii by having a slenderer body (body at dorsal-fin origin: 15%-17% standard length [SL] vs. 17%-18%), a slenderer caudal peduncle (10%-12% SL vs. 12%-13%), a more forked caudal fin (length of middle caudal-fin lope: 16%-19% SL vs. 19%-23%), and the absence the dorsal and ventral adipose crests on the caudal peduncle behind the vertical of the posterior anal-fin base (vs. present). Three species delimitation tests (assemble species by automatic partitioning (ASAP), automatic barcode gap discovery (ABGD) and generalized mixed yule-coalescent (GMYC)) and phylogenetic analyses reinforce the validity of O. fatmae as a distinct species

    Phoxinus abanticus, a new species from the Lake Abant drainage in Turkiye (Teleostei: Leuciscidae)

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    Phoxinus abanticus, a new species, is described from the Lake Abant basin. It is distinguished from Phoxinus species in Turkiye and adjacent waters by the presence of fewer lateral line scales (60-69, vs. 75-91 in Phoxinus colchicus, 75-90 in Phoxinus strandjae); a deeper caudal peduncle (caudal peduncle depth: 1.8-2.3 times in length, vs. 2.4-2.9 in P. colchicus; 2.5-3.2 in P. strandjae); the absence of scales in the breast of males (vs. present); and ventral body reddish in nuptial colouration pattern for male (vs. brackish). The new species, P. abanticus, is also distinguished from its closest relative, P. strandjae, by a minimum of 3.40% genetic distance in the mtDNA cytochrome b (cyt b) gene

    Chondrostoma smyrnae, a new nase from the Tahtali reservoir drainage in the Aegean Sea basin (Teleostei, Leuciscidae)

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    Chondrostoma smyrnae, a new species, from the Tahtali reservoir drainage is distinguished by having a slightly arched lower jaw with a well-developed keratinised edge, a deep and cylindric body, a complete lateral line with 47-52+1 total scales, 8-9 scale rows between the lateral line and the dorsal-fin origin, 4 scale rows between the lateral line and the pelvic fin-origin, and 19-23 gill rakers on the first gill arch. Moreover, molecular analyses using full cyt b (1141 bp) and partial coI (652 bp) sequences of the mitochondrial genome from specimens of the new species, C. smyrnae and specimens belonging to other Chondrostoma species from central and western Anatolia demonstrated that the C. smyrnae is easily differentiated by their high pairwise genetic distances of cyt b and coI data set (>2.20 and 1.03%, respectively) and by their position in the phylogenetic trees obtained through Maximum Likelihood (ML) methodology

    Evaluation of Karataş stream (Pazaryolu-Erzurum) in terms of some hydrobiological, hydrological and physicochemical water quality characteristics, fish fauna and hydro-electric power plant project

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    Bu çalışmada Erzurum iline bağlı Pazaryolu ilçesinin Karataş köyünden geçen Karataş deresinin bazı hidrobiyolojik, hidrolojik ve fizikokimyasal su kalitesi özelliklerinin belirlenmesiyle akarsu üzerinde planlanmış bir HES projesinin kurulacağı dere yatağı alanının incelenmesi ve balık popülasyonu, fizikokimyasal su kalitesi ve hidrolojik parametreler açısından değerlendirmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla Karataş köyü girişinde bulunan mansaptan akarsuyun membasına kadar su ve balık örneklemeleri yapılmış, akarsu yatağı boyunca tarım arazilerine bağlanan su kanallarında akış hızı ölçülerek her arkın debisi belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Çalışma süresince akarsu yatağında yapılan ölçüm ve gözlemler neticesinde Karataş deresinde Salmonidae, Leuciscidae ve Cyprinidae familyalarına ait 5 farklı balık türünün yaşadığı, fizikokimyasal su kalitesinin kıta içi su kalite standartlarına göre 1. sınıf veya çok temiz statüsünde olduğu ve akarsu havzasının etrafında dere suyu kullanılarak tarımsal ürünler üretilmesi sebebiyle habitatın çok iyi korunduğu, gerek su kalitesi ve gerekse akarsu yatağının bitki örtüsü sayesinde dere yatağı üzerindeki sulama kanalları ağızlarında önemli bir doğal balık üretim ve besleme bölgesinin oluştuğu gözlemlenmiştir. Dolayısıyla bu sucul yaşam alanının korunması gerektiği ve Karataş deresi akarsu yatağı üzerinde kurulması planlanan HES projesinin gerek akarsu sucul yaşamına ve gerekse akarsu havzası karasal alanlarındaki tarımsal üretimine geri dönüşümsüz etkiler oluşturabileceği kanısına ulaşılmıştır.In this study, it was aimed to determine some hydrobiological, hydrological and physicochemical water quality characteristics of Karataş stream passing through Karataş village of Pazaryolu district of Erzurum province, to examine the creek bed area where a HEPP project planned on the river will be established and to evaluate it in terms of fish population, physicochemical water quality and hydrological parameters. For this purpose, water and fish samples were taken from the downstream at the entrance of Karataş village to the upstream of the stream, and the flow rate of each channel to agricultural garden was tried to be determined by measuring the flow rate in the water channels connected to the agricultural lands along the stream bed. As a result of the measurements and observations made in the riverbed during the study, it was found that five different fish species belonging to the families Salmonidae, Leuciscidae, and Cyprinidae live in the Karataş stream, that the physico-chemical water quality is first class or very clean according to the standards for water quality of inland waters, and that agricultural products are produced by using the stream water around the river basin. It has been observed that an important natural fish production and feeding area has been formed at the mouths of the irrigation channels on the stream bed, thanks to both the water quality and the vegetation of the stream bed. Therefore, it has been concluded that this aquatic habitat should be protected and that the HEPP project planned to be built on the riverbed of Karataş creek may cause irreversible effects both on the aquatic life of the river and on the agricultural production in the terrestrial areas of the river basin

    Two new Oxynoemacheilus species in western Anatolia (Teleostei, Nemacheilidae)

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    Oxynoemacheilus sakaryaensis sp. nov., is restricted to the Sakarya River basin, and O. melenicus sp. nov., is distributed in both the Sakarya River and Büyükmelen Stream. Oxynoemacheilus sakaryaensis is distinguished by having a flank plain or with numerous irregularly shaped pale brownish bars and a caudal-peduncle depth 2.8–3.2 times in its length. Oxynoemacheilus melenicus is distinguished by having a flank with 10–13 irregular shaped brownish bars or blotches and the caudal peduncle depth 1.9–2.8 times in its length. Oxynoemacheilus banarescui, O. samanticus, O. simavicus, O. fatsaensis, O. sakaryaensis, and O. melenicus are valid, which belong to the O. bergianus species group. O. melenicus and O. sakaryaensis were differentiated from all other Oxynoemacheilus species in western Anatolia by two diagnostic and unique nucleotide substitution sites in the COI barcoding region. Also, species delineation tests (ABGD, GMYC, ASAP) and phylogenetic analyses support the validity of O. melenicus and O. sakaryaensis as distinct species