10 research outputs found

    Transfixed Condylar Plate (TCP) Provides Better Biomechanical and Weight Bearing Possibilities for the Fixation of Trochanteric Fracture

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    The goal of this research was to find the implant which would provide a better possibility of the fractured osteoporotic bone weight bearing after trochanteric fracture fixation. The authors constructed a new implant based on the conventional condylar plate, as part of a stabile triangular system. Because of the special oblique form of the screw which absolutely stabilizes vertical and horizontal arm of the plate, this plate was named the transfixed condylar plate (TCP). Analysis showed 6 kN of tolerant loading elastic in TCP with a longer horizontal arm, while this value in the conventional condylar plate was 2.5 kN. Also, dynamic resistance was 2.4 times higher in TCP then in the control model. These improved biomechanical results of this plating fixation system are expected to be found in the clinical use of this plate. This would enhance an early rehabilitation and a better functional outcome

    Operative treatment of proximal humeral fractures

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    Iznose se vlastiti rezultati kirurÅ”kog liječenja prijeloma proksimalnog dijela humerusa u posljednje 4 godine u 64 bolesnika operiranih po AO metodi ili perkutanom osteosintezom uz pomoć triju Kirschnerovih žica. Prijelomi su klasificirani po Neeru, s tim da su bolesnici od treće skupine najviÅ”e liječeni kirurÅ”ki, dok su oni s prijelomima prve i druge skupine liječeni konzervativno. Analizirani su i uspoređeni konačni funkcionalni rezultati u bolesnika operiranih jednom i drugom metodom i doÅ”lo se do zaključka daje za dobar rezultat važniji dobro restauriran kolodijafizarni kut, a indirektno i normalna ekvidistancija srediÅ”ta glave humerusa i glenoidalne artikulacijske plohe nego izabir kirurÅ”ke metode. Rezultati su uspoređeni i prikazani tablično.The authors present the operative results in 64 patients with fractures of the proximal humerus. The osteosythesis was performed by the AO method or by percutaneous fixation with three Kirschner wires. The fractures were classified according to Neer. The patients with type I and II fractures were treated conservatively, while the patients with type III and IV fractures were operated on. From our results we can conclude that a successful result depends more apon the correct restoration of the collodiaphyseal angle and the normal equidistance of the humeral head center to the glenoid articular surface than on the method used for osteosynthesis

    Osteosynthesis of pertrochanteric fractures in the elderly by the Ender\u27s method

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    Pertrohantemi prijelomi najčeŔće pogađaju osobe u starijoj životnoj dobi. Uzrok je većinom pad kod kuće kao posljedica miÅ”ićne diskoordinacije, uznapredovale osteoporoze, ateroskleroze i drugih kroničnih bolesti. Operacijsko liječenje ovih prijeloma posve je opravdano pa se u literaturi predlaže niz kirurÅ”kih metoda stabilizacije. U ovom su radu prikazane indikacije, kontraindikacije i komplikacije za primjenu Enderovih čavala, te standardna tablica za procjenu postoperacijskih rezultata. Prema naÅ”em iskustvu, liječenje pertrohantemih prijeloma u starijih osoba primjenom Enderove metode ima prednost zbog jednostavnosti i kratkotrajnosti zahvata, minimalne traume i gubitka krvi, vrlo rijetke pojave infekcije te zadovoljavajuće fiksacije ulomaka. Navedene prednosti mogu imati presudni značaj u oporavku bolesnika starije životne dobi zbog naruÅ”enog općeg zdravstvenog stanja popraćenog brojnim kroničnim bolestima koje ne dopuÅ”taju izlaganje organizma većem intraoperacijskom stresu.Pertrochanteric fractures usually happen to elderly people. They are mostly caused by a fall at home as a consequence of muscular discoordination, advanced osteoporosis, atherosclerosis or other chronic disease. Operative treatmant of these fractures is absolutley justified, so that several surgical stabilization mhetods can be found in literature. In this paper indications, contradictions and complications of the use of Enderā€™s nails are presented as well as the standard table for the assessment of postoperative results. Our experience shows that the treatmant of pertrochanteric fractures in the elderly by the Enderā€™s method has advantages due to its simplicity and short procedure, minimal trauma and blood loss, very rare infections and satisfactory fragment fixation. These advantages can be of decisive value for rehabilitation of elderly patients, who due to frequent chronic diseases, should not be exposed to a major intraoperative stress

    Kritički osvrt na dodatke europskim prednormama (NAD) za djelovanja na konstrukcije u RH

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    Donesenim tehničkim propisima za betonske, drvene i zidane konstrukcije uvedene su pripadne europske (pred)norme. Uočeni su grubi promaÅ”aji u nacionalnim dodacima HR ENV (pred)normama za opterećenja (snijeg, vjetar, seizmika), Å”to hitno treba promijeniti. Meteorolozi, geofizičari i seizmolozi nužni su partneri i suradnici za prikupljanje i obradu podataka, a inženjeri ā€“ konstrukteri dužni su u suradnji s njima utvrditi pristup obradi podataka, usvajati zaključne vrijednosti i način primjen

    The Changes of Bone-Specific Alkaline Phosphatase (BsALP)Associated With Callus Formation and Rate of Bone Healing

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    The aim of this study was to examine whether the volume of bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (BsALP) as a biochemical parameter in the early posttraumatic phase may indicate the speed of fracture healing. The evaluation of the bone healing process has been based on the patient\u27s subjective statement and radiographic findings. The activity of bone-specific alkaline phosphatase has been measured in the sera of 41 patients who have been diagnosed with fractures of long bones. All the patients have been surgically treated. The activity of BsALP was measured on each seventh day during a four-week period. On the same patients the radiologically follow-up tests have been made during a period of seven months. Our research has shown that the increase of alkaline phosphatase correlates with an increase of BsALP levels. The volume of callus correlates with the level of ALP and BsALP. The result leads us to a conclusion that by monitoring the changes of biochemical parameters: alkaline phosphatase and bone-specific alcaline phosphatase, we can be able to predict the dynamics of the bone healing

    Research on the efficacy of prophylactic use of AcidosalusĀ® probiotic in women with recurrent cystitis

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    Cilj ovog prospektivnog ispitivanja bio je ispitati djelotvornost profilaktičke primjene probiotika AcidosalusaĀ® u žena s rekurentnim cistitisom. AcidosalusĀ® je jedinstvena kombinacija Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus i bifidobakterija u visokim terapijskim koncentracijama živih bakterija spremnih za razmnožavanje. Sadrži nadalje vitamine B skupine, folnu kiselinu, lako topive laktate, kalij, željezo, fosfor, te ima mogućnost stvaranja antimikrobnih supstanci - mliječne i octene kiseline, diacetila, laktocidina, acidofilucina, acidocina i acidofilina. Ispitivanje je provedeno u Ambulanti za urogenitalne infekcije Klinike za infektivne bolesti ā€žDr. Fran Mihaljevićā€œ u Zagrebu u razdoblju od 01.01.2006. do 31.12.2009. godine. Ispitivano je 117 bolesnica u dobi od 18 do 65 godina s dijagnozom rekurentnog cistitisa - s viÅ”e od dvije epizode cistitisa u posljednjih 6, odnosno viÅ”e od 3 epizode u posljednjih 12 mjeseci. Uvjeti za uključivanje su bili: prisutnost simptoma infekcije donjeg urotrakta (dizurija, polakizurija, urgencija), identičan mikrobioloÅ”ki nalaz obriska rodnice i urinokulture, leukociturija, te ultrazvukom isključena abnormalnost mokraćnog sustava. Sve su bolesnice kroz 7 dana liječene adekvatnom antimikrobnom terapijom, a zatim su nasumce podijeljene u dvije skupine. U jednih je odmah po prestanku antimikrobne terapije primijenjena profilaksa s probiotikom AcidosalusĀ® te su kroz najmanje tri mjeseca kontinuirano uzimale peroralno AcidosalusĀ® uz istovremenu vaginalnu primjenu AcidosalusĀ® vaginaleta kroz najmanje 7 dana. Planirana primjena profilakse bila je 3 mjeseca. Na kontroli 1-2 tjedna nakon zavrÅ”ene sedmodnevne antimikrobne terapije, sve su bolesnice bile klinički i bakterioloÅ”ki izliječene. Do kontrole 3 mjeseca nakon zavrÅ”ene sedmodnevne antimikrobne terapije u skupini od ukupno 56 žena koje su primale profilaksu probiotikom rekurentne epizode cistitisa imalo je njih 3 (5,4%), a u skupini od ukupno 61 žene koje nisu primale profilaksu broj rekurentnih epizoda bio je 11 (18,3%). Tri mjeseca nakon zavrÅ”ene 7-dnevne antimikrobne terapije uropatogene bakterije su dokazane čeŔće u rodnici žena koje nisu primale profilaksu probiotikom (u 44 od ukupno praćenih 50 bolesnica - 88%) nego u žena koje su primale profilaksu probiotikom (u 18 od ukupno 53 bolesnica - 34%). Rezultati ove studije pokazuju da je profilaktička primjena mjeÅ”ovite kulture probiotika sadržane u medicinskom proizvodu AcidosalusĀ® u žena s rekurentnim uroinfekcijama djelotvorna i sigurna. Ističemo važnost istovremene oralne i vaginalne primjene, čime se uspostavlja obnavljanje i poboljÅ”anje funkcije autohtone mikroflore crijeva i rodnice, smanjuje rezervoar uropatogenih bakterija u crijevu i jača imunitet općenito.The aim of this prospective research was to investigate the efficacy of prophylactic use of probiotic AcidosalusĀ® in women with recurrent cystitis. AcidosalusĀ® is a unique combination of Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus and bifidobacteria in high therapeutic concentrations of live bacteria ready for multiplication. It consists of group B vitamins, folic acid, highly soluble lactates, potassium, iron, phosphorus, and has the possibility to produce antimicrobial substances - lactic and acetic acid, diacetyl, lactocidine, acidophilucin, acidocin and acidophylin. The research was conducted at the Outpatient Department for Urogenital Infections of the University Hospital for Infectious Diseases ā€žDr. Fran Mihaljevićā€œ in Zagreb in the period between 01.01.2006. until 31.12.2009. We investigated 117 patients aged between 18 and 65 years with diagnosed recurrent cystitis ā€“ more than two episodes of cystitis in the past 6, i.e. more than three episodes in the past 12 months. The inclusion criteria were as follows: presence of symptoms of lower urinary tract infection (dysuria, polakisuria, urgency), identical microbiological finding of cervical swab and urinary culture, leukocyturia, ultrasound excluded urinary tract abnormality. All patients received adequate antimicrobial therapy for 7 days and then were randomly divided into two groups. One group received AcidosalusĀ® probiotic as a prophylaxis immediately after the end of antimicrobial therapy ā€“ and at least three months continuously received AcidosalusĀ® orally with simultaneous vaginal administration of AcidosalusĀ® vaginalettes for at least 7 days. Planned duration of prophylaxis was three months. Follow up visit performed 1-2 weeks after completion of seven day course of antimicrobial therapy showed that all patients were clinically and bacteriologically cured. Until the follow up visit three months after completed 7-day antimicrobial therapy, recurrent episodes of cystitis were recorded in 3 (5,4%) out of a total of 56 women who received probiotic prophylaxis and in 11 (18,3%) out of a total of 61 women who did not receive probiotic prophylaxis. Three months after completed 7-day course of antimicrobial therapy, uropathogen bacteria were more often detected in vagina of women who did not receive probiotic prophylaxis (in 44 out of a total of 50 monitored patients - 88%) than in women who did not receive probiotic prophylaxis (in 18 out of a total of 53 patients - 34%). The results of this study have shown that prophylactic use of mixed probiotic culture present in medicinal product AcidosalusĀ® in women with recurrent urinary tract infections is efficient and safe. We would like to stress the importance of simultaneous oral and vaginal application, by which we achieve regeneration and improved function of autochthonous intestinal and vaginal microflora, reduce a reservoir of uropathogen bacteria in intestines and boost immunity in general

    Endomedullary radiofrequency ablation of metastatic lesion of the right femur 5 years after primary breast carcinoma: a case report

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    Metastatic tumors of the long bones usually present with severe pain refractory to analgesic therapy. Pathologic fractures of the bone may lead to the significant decrease of patient's quality of life and necessitate further surgical therapy. We present 66 year old female with metastatic left breast carcinoma (T2N0M0) diagnosed 5 years before presentation of the metastatic lesion of the right femur causing severe pain in the middle of the right upper leg. Pain persisted after palliative irradiation therapy. We performed radiofrequency ablation of the metastatic lesion of the right femur using R.I.TA. Medical System Generator. This resulted in total necrosis of the tumor mass that caused osteolysis of the internal part of the femoral cortex. First three months after RFA procedure, the pain and tenderness were absent and normal daily activities were performed without restrictions

    SveučiliŔna biblioteka Osijek : programska koncepcija

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    SveučiliÅ”te u Osijeku osnovano je 1975. g. Samoupravnim sporazumom o udruživanju kao samoupravna zajednica fakulteta, znanstvenih instituta i viÅ”ih Å”kola, te istraživačkih centara i drugih samoupravnih organizacija koje su ispunjavale uvjete postavljene Zakonom i Statutom SveučiliÅ”ta. Osnivanje SveučiliÅ”ta u Osijeku rezultat je značajnog druÅ”tveno-ekonomskog razvitka slavonsko-baranjske regije, naglaÅ”enih potreba za visokoobrazovnim kadrovima i ustavne transformacije visokoÅ”kolskog obrazovanja. Gradska knjižnica Osijek po svojoj orijentaciji i kvalifikacionom rangu jedina je ustanova te vrste na području slavonsko-baranjske regije. Osnovana je 1949. godine kao gradska knjižnica za Å”iroke profile korisnika, Å”to je u prvim godinama i uvjetovalo nabavnu politiku. Tako se u knjižnicu nabavljala beletristika domaća i strana, politička literatura, dječja književnost i si

    SveučiliŔna biblioteka Osijek : programska koncepcija

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    SveučiliÅ”te u Osijeku osnovano je 1975. g. Samoupravnim sporazumom o udruživanju kao samoupravna zajednica fakulteta, znanstvenih instituta i viÅ”ih Å”kola, te istraživačkih centara i drugih samoupravnih organizacija koje su ispunjavale uvjete postavljene Zakonom i Statutom SveučiliÅ”ta. Osnivanje SveučiliÅ”ta u Osijeku rezultat je značajnog druÅ”tveno-ekonomskog razvitka slavonsko-baranjske regije, naglaÅ”enih potreba za visokoobrazovnim kadrovima i ustavne transformacije visokoÅ”kolskog obrazovanja. Gradska knjižnica Osijek po svojoj orijentaciji i kvalifikacionom rangu jedina je ustanova te vrste na području slavonsko-baranjske regije. Osnovana je 1949. godine kao gradska knjižnica za Å”iroke profile korisnika, Å”to je u prvim godinama i uvjetovalo nabavnu politiku. Tako se u knjižnicu nabavljala beletristika domaća i strana, politička literatura, dječja književnost i si