11 research outputs found

    Investigation of properties and sowing qualities of forest seeds of european larch

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    The paper dwells upon size-quality characteristics of cones and sowing qualities of European larch seeds harvested from different plantations (forest cultures and seed plantation), their age being different. As a result of the investigation it has been identified that qualitative and quantitative characteristics of European larch forest seeds harvested from forest and seed plantations show no considerable differences. A significant difference has been found for sowingqualities of seeds. It has been stated that with increasing age the seed germination increases from 0–20% (biological age of 8 years) to 34.5–35.6% (biological age of 10 years). The paper gives some recommendations on European larch cones harvesting taking into account its biological features

    Selection of European larch for seed productivity

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    The values characterizing size and quality parameters of raw materials of European larch forest seed and sowing properties of seeds. It is noted that in the procurement of European larch cones should be taken into account that in the same tree may be cones like last year and the current one. Seeds from last year’s cones do not germinate, so they can not collect. The main feature of the cones of this year from last year is a shade of color scales. Last yea r’s cones are tarnished brown color, and the current – light brown. Furthermore, in the last year cone scales usually bent more than the cone of the year. There exist forms of European larch cones with sprouted shoots, but significant differences between them and conventional forms of cones are not revealed. Scientific interest for further research are cones with late ripening. Studies have shown that the seeds of which have a higher germination, they are significantly wider than usual, but the seeds germinate later by an average of 5 days. When conducting selection of European larch seed production need to select trees with large cones. Lined reliably, that the longer the cones, the more seeds contained therein, the greater the number of falls during the drying cone and the greater the weight of 1,000 seeds

    Specific features of the growth of scots pine originating from controlled crossing in nemansko-predpolessky forest site area

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    In the given work we study the growth characteristics of hybrids pine ordinary in 1 to 3 years of age, resulting in a controlled crossing with various ecotypes. Found that the differences among hybrids in height were more pronounced in the 1-year old, and when the plants age of 3 years, there smoothing growth rate. Better control (40.8 cm) in 3-years of age are growing hybrids from crosses involving aimed ecotypes Estonia (58.8 cm) and Volyn (57.4 cm) of origin. In other cases crosses hybrids pine ordinary grow at or better than the control (41.6–51.6 cm), but the differences were not statistically significant

    Dynamics growth of forest plantations of pine ordinary sort “Negorelskaya”

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    Conducted a study on the dynamics of growth of cultures of Pinus sylvestris brand “Negorelskaya” created in the Krasnoslobodsky fo restry (Berezinskii Predpolessky forest growth area subzone spruce-hornbeam oak). Received information that the culture of pine bran d “Negorelskaya” characterized by high growth rates. By the age of 7 in the culture begins to grow significantly intraspecific competition for trees growing conditions, so that there is a mark ed differentiation families grow. At the time of transfer of forest crops in forest ed area final stabilization rank of families of pine brand “Negorelskaya” adjustment has not come yet. Since the establishment of pine varietal planting material observed differentiation progeny height, increasingly growing to 7 years of age. By this age in culture, the varietal planting material, 9 families were significantly higher than the control height, 10 families grow at the level of control and height deviation in one direction or another are irrelevant and unreliable and only one family (6–7) significantly behind in growth control

    The examination of seed posterity of scots pine hybrid seed plantations in different forest

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    In this paper we studied the characteristics of growth sort of pine ordinary in test cultures of different ages, created Nemansko-Predpolessky, Beresinsko-Predpolessky and Polessko-Pridneprovsky forest plant districts. Found that the progeny pine is characterized by intensive growth in height and of extended 9-year tests retains its inherent high growth. Currently the progeny pine state strain testing on the economic usefulness in Mozyr sort-test station public institution

    Age dynamics of growth separate families of a hybrid-seed plantation pines ordinary in various forest growth areas

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    In this work the age dynamics of families growth of hybrid-seed plantations of Pinussylvestris in test cultures of different ages, created inNemansko-Predpolessky and Berezinsko-Predpolessky forest growing areas is studied. It is established that the seed-bearing breed of hybrid-seed plantations of Pinussylvestrisis characterized by the intensive height growth and preserves the inherent high growth energy over a period of 10-year tests. At present the breed-population of Pinussylvestris Negorelskaja is put on the State register of plants kinds by the state institution «State inspectorate on testing and protection of plants kinds»of the Ministry of agriculture and provisions of the Republic of Belarus