165 research outputs found

    From Reg Elta to Spatial Station: four decades of ZEISS electronic tacheometers (Trimble).

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    This paper presents a basic overview of the historical\ud development of electronic tachymeters, through\ud solutions developed by the German manufacturer\ud Zeiss. This factory is responsible for the first\ud instrument of its kind in the world, which is described\ud with special attention. Subsequently, the possibilities of\ud different tachymeters are illustrated in chronological\ud order, over their three decades of evolution. Finally,\ud an overview on the current state of development and\ud production of Zeiss tachymeters is given, since the plant\ud became an integral part of Trimble's large concern

    A Comparison of Aquatic Invertebrate Diversity between Paddy Fields under Traditional and Modern Management in Western Japan

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    We compared aquatic invertebrate diversity in paddy fields under traditional and modern management practices. We also examined the general factors that may be related to diversity within each paddy field. The Kitadan area was farmed with traditional management practices, with much longer periods of irrigations compared with the Kahoku area, which was farmed with modern agricultural practices using intermittent irrigation. We measured physicochemical factors and collected aquatic invertebrates from the two areas. Collected animal specimens were taxonomically identified and classified based by desiccation tolerance ability. At Kitadan, the total biodiversity parameters increased over time, while, biodiversity fluctuated temporally at Kahoku. The mean Shannon-Wiener diversity index was higher at Kitadan than at Kahoku. However, the mean taxon richness was not significantly different between locations. Both paddy fields were dominated by highly desiccation-tolerant invertebrates at the beginning of the rice cultivation period. Over time, the ratio of desiccation-sensitive invertebrates increased more at Kitadan than at Kahoku. Our canonical correspondence analysis showed that the time since rice transplanting, water permanence, pH, water depth, and chlorophyll a were significant factors affecting faunal assemblage composition. Our results indicate that water management practices have important roles in the aquatic biodiversity of paddy-field ecosystems

    A Simulation Analysis on the Expected Horizontal Accuracy of a Bridge Stakeout

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    The positioning of an object in space, i.e. "transfer" of data from the design to the field is an extremely significant and important geodetic operation. This activity requires great and well-deserved attention, especially when it comes to sensitive structures such as bridges. The position of a stakeout point in the field depends on a variety of different influences, all determining the actual accuracy of the stakeout. The aim of this Article is to investigate the dependency of horizontal setting out of the bridge axis accuracy (abutments and piers of the bridge) from the distance between the station and the setout point, the datum of the geodetic control network, and the precision of angular and linear measurements. The authors use an innovative visualization technique for the assessment of spatial variation of the horizontal stakeout by error ellipses

    Notes on the lesser dung flies emerged from fungi in Japan (Diptera, Sphaeroceridae).

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    金沢大学理工研究域 自然システム学系キノコ類より発生した日本産フンコバエ科(改称)7種を記録した。日本においてフンコバエ類がキノコより発生した例は従来知られておらず, 今回が初めての記録である。フンコバエ類と発生したキノコ種は以下のとおりである。アシマダラオオフンコバエ, 新称Crumomyia annulus (Walker), キララタケ;ヤマトオオフンコバエ, 改称(マダラオオハヤトビバエ)C. nipponica (Richards), アミガサタケ;アシジロツヤホソフンコバエ, 新称Minilimosina (Svarciella) furculisterna (Deeming), キララタケ;モリフンコバエ, 新称Paralimosina japonica Hayashi, アミガサタケ;ヒメフンコバエ, 改称(ヒメハヤトビバエ)Spelobia luteilabris (Rondani), キララタケ・ヒトヨタケ・オオイチョウタケ・シカタケ;ホソカドマルフンコバエ, 改称(ホソカドマルハヤトビバエ)Terrilimosina longipexa Marshall, キララタケ;コガタカドマルフンコバエ, 改称(コガタカドマルハヤトビバエ)T. nana Hayashi, キララタケ。なお本科の科名には従来ハヤトビバエ科という和名が使われてきたが, 飛翔力が非常に弱い本科には実体に合わないので, 英名Lesser dung flyにちなみ, フンコバエ科という和名を新たに提唱した。 Seven species of the lesser dung flies emerged from fungi are recorded. Japanese records of fungi as food for sphaerocerid larvae are presented here for the first time. Two species, Minilimosina (Svarciella) furculisterna (Deeming, 1969) and Terrilimosina longipexa Marshall, 1987 are newly recorded from Hokkaido

    Multiple blood feeding and host-seeking behavior in aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus (diptera: Culicidae)

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    The body size of mosquitoes can influence a number of bionomic factors, such as their blood-feeding ability, host attack rate, and fecundity. All of these traits are important determinants of their potential to transmit diseases. Among abiotic and biotic factors, high temperature and low nutrition in the developing stages of mosquitoes generally result in small adults. We studied the relationship between body size and multiple feeding in a gonotrophic cycle and some fecundity attributes by using three strains of two competent vector species, Aedes aegypti (L.) and Aedes albopictus (Skuse). We raised small and large mosquitoes under low and high food conditions in the laboratory to measure parameters of fecundity and blood-feeding behavior. Fecundity was positively correlated with body size in both species, whereas the number of bloodmeals, the frequency of host-seeking behavior, and egg retention were negatively correlated with body size in the Ae. albopictus Nagasaki strain. We found that multiple feeding and host-seeking behavior were negatively correlated with body size, i.e., small mosquitoes tended to have more contact with hosts. We found that two mechanisms that inhibit engorged mosquitoes from seeking out hosts, distension-induced and oocyte-induced inhibition, were not strong enough to limit host-seeking behavior, and multiple feeding increased fecundity. Size-dependent multiple feeding and host-seeking behavior affect contact frequency with hosts and should be considered when predicting how changes in mosquito body size affect disease transmission. © 2013 Entomological Society of America


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    Antidepressants are routinely used by General Practitioners (GP) as well as Psychiatrists to treat Depression. They are tolerated well. However, in certain patient populations, they are associated with SIADH (Syndrome of Inappropriate Anti-Diuretic Hormone Secretion) and Hyponatremia. Various research studies have shown that all antidepressants are associated with Hyponatremia. Hyponatremia as a side effect of antidepressant therapy is more commonly seen in old age, chronic Kidney disease and Hypothyroidism. Untreated Hyponatremia could lead to life threatening emergencies including Cerebral oedema, brain damage and coma. In this article, the authors discuss a 63 year old patient who suffered from Bipolar Disorder Type 2. He was treated with antidepressants (mainly Paroxetine) on and off for 30 years, without much side effects, until 2014. In July 2012, he underwent subtotal colectomy with ileorectal anastomosis as a management of adeno carcinoma of Colon. In April 2013, Paroxetine was stopped as he was well. He developed first episode of mania in July 2014. This was managed with Olanzapine. However, he soon developed a Depressive episode and severe Anxiety. He was restarted on Paroxetine and the dose was increased up to 50 mg along with Olanzapine 15 mg per day. As he did not improve, he was switched to Sertraline with which he developed Hyponatremia. Further to this, he was tried on Venlafaxine and Lofepramine and he developed Hyponatremia with both of them. Considering the severity of Depression, he was started on Mirtazapine and the dose was titrated to 45 mg. With this dose his serum Sodium levels were stable but his Depression persisted. Fluoxetine augmentation at this stage by the GP led to another episode of Hyponatremia. Hence, he was started on Aripiprazole 5 mg as an augmentation agent. His Depression improved reasonably (though he did not remit fully). Recently, he has been started on Vortioxetine and the dose has been titrated to 15 mg OD and in addition, he is on Mirtazapine 45 mg OD and Aripiprazole 5 mg OD. His Sodium levels have been stable and his Depression has improved. This is the first time we have come across a patient with colectomy developing severe Hyponatremia. In this article, we have discussed possible reasons for Hyponatremia following colectomy and the management strategies that could help

    Impact of climate change on the distribution of Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) in Northern Japan: Retrospective analyses

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    The impact of climate change on the distribution of Aedes albopictus (Skuse) was analyzed in northern Japan, where chronological distribution records are incomplete. We analyzed local climate data using linear regression of the thermal suitability index (TSI) for the mosquito and mean annual temperature as functions of time. In northern Japan, thermal conditions since the early 20th century have become increasingly suitable for Ae. albopictus, more as a result of decreasing coldness in the overwintering season than increasing warmth in the reproductive season. Based on recent discovery records of Ae. albopictus in the northern border range, we determined thermal criteria for estimating when its persistent establishment became thermally possible. Retrospective analyses indicated that those criteria were reached in most coastal lowlands of northern Honshu before the accelerated temperature increase after the mid-1980s and the first records of this species after 1990; at some sites, temperature criteria were reached during or before the early 20th century. Expansion of the thermally suitable range after 1990 was supported only for inland areas and the northernmost Pacific coast. The estimated expansion rate was ≈26 km per decade. Our analyses also demonstrated the importance of local climate heterogeneity (apart from north-south or altitudinal temperature gradients) in determining the expansion pattern. © 2014 Entomological Society of America

    Fungal defense against mycophagy in milk caps

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    Some Basidiomycetes exude latex, but very little is known about the nature of fungal latex. In this study, we examined the nature of latex in Lactarius Pers. 1797 spp. to clarify the role on fungivorous predation. In the field, we compared the degree of predation on taxonomically closely related latex-exuding Lactarius spp. and latex-non-exuding Russula Pers. 1796 spp. (Russulaceae) at developmental stages of sporocarps. We clarified that Russula spp. suffered more infestation than did Lactarius spp. at young and mature developmental stages, whereas Lactarius spp. did only at decaying stages. We measured the amount of latex exuded varied according to developmental stage and sporocarps parts in Lactarius spp.: mature sporocarps exuded more latex than did younger ones, while decaying sporocarps exuded the least, and the same patterns were observed at sporocarps parts: the amount of latex was more intense at hymenophore and cap than at stripe. At feeding experiments, three-band garden slugs Ambigolimax valentianus F´erussac, 1822 avoided feeding on sporophores of Lactarius spp. when they exuded latex, but fed on them when they did not. Our observations suggest that fungivores generally escape higher density of the latex at feeding using signs volatized by sporophores with exuding latex


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    Antidepressants are routinely used by General Practitioners (GP) as well as Psychiatrists to treat Depression. They are tolerated well. However, in certain patient populations, they are associated with SIADH (Syndrome of Inappropriate Anti-Diuretic Hormone Secretion) and Hyponatremia. Various research studies have shown that all antidepressants are associated with Hyponatremia. Hyponatremia as a side effect of antidepressant therapy is more commonly seen in old age, chronic Kidney disease and Hypothyroidism. Untreated Hyponatremia could lead to life threatening emergencies including Cerebral oedema, brain damage and coma. In this article, the authors discuss a 63 year old patient who suffered from Bipolar Disorder Type 2. He was treated with antidepressants (mainly Paroxetine) on and off for 30 years, without much side effects, until 2014. In July 2012, he underwent subtotal colectomy with ileorectal anastomosis as a management of adeno carcinoma of Colon. In April 2013, Paroxetine was stopped as he was well. He developed first episode of mania in July 2014. This was managed with Olanzapine. However, he soon developed a Depressive episode and severe Anxiety. He was restarted on Paroxetine and the dose was increased up to 50 mg along with Olanzapine 15 mg per day. As he did not improve, he was switched to Sertraline with which he developed Hyponatremia. Further to this, he was tried on Venlafaxine and Lofepramine and he developed Hyponatremia with both of them. Considering the severity of Depression, he was started on Mirtazapine and the dose was titrated to 45 mg. With this dose his serum Sodium levels were stable but his Depression persisted. Fluoxetine augmentation at this stage by the GP led to another episode of Hyponatremia. Hence, he was started on Aripiprazole 5 mg as an augmentation agent. His Depression improved reasonably (though he did not remit fully). Recently, he has been started on Vortioxetine and the dose has been titrated to 15 mg OD and in addition, he is on Mirtazapine 45 mg OD and Aripiprazole 5 mg OD. His Sodium levels have been stable and his Depression has improved. This is the first time we have come across a patient with colectomy developing severe Hyponatremia. In this article, we have discussed possible reasons for Hyponatremia following colectomy and the management strategies that could help

    Influence of the Datum Definition on the Accuracy of Horizontal Geodetic Control Networks for Engineering Objects

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    For the construction of various civil engineering structures, particular care should be taken in the perspective of geodetic control. Therefore, the design and implementation of the geodetic network deserves special attention. This paper is focused on various aspects of datum definitions for tested micro-triangulation network. It was shown that the geometrical distribution of datum points in a minimally constrained solution has a great impact on the accuracy of the geodetic network. Estimates of the accuracies of individual station y-x coordinates, error circles and error ellipses, obtained by free adjustment, where the datum selection was independent of errors in fixed coordinates, revealed much better quality of control points