6 research outputs found

    Effect of Resveratrol on a Penicillin-Induced Epilepsy Model in Rats

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    Objective:Epilepsy, one of the most common chronic neurological diseases, is characterized by spontaneous recurrent seizures. Many studies, using various experimental epilepsy models, have shown that resveratrol reduces epileptiform activity and has neuroprotective effects. Using an epilepsy model created with penicillin, we aimed to investigate the effect of resveratrol on epileptiform activity in rats.Methods:A total of 40 Wistar albino rats were divided into 5 groups of 8. In the control group, only 2.5 μL of saline was administered intracranially (ic). In the penicillin group, 500 IU of penicillin was given intracranially with no additional procedure. In the resveratrol group, 40 mg/kg of resveratrol was administered intraperitoneally (ip) 20 minutes after penicillin was given intracranially. In the sodium valproate group, 20 minutes after penicillin ic, 300 mg/kg of sodium valproate was administered intraperitoneally. In the resveratrol + sodium valproate group, 20 minutes after penicillin ic, 40 mg/kg of resveratrol was administered intraperitoneally to the right side and 300 mg/kg of sodium valproate ip to the left side. The rats were placed in a stereotaxic device after the procedure and electrocorticogram recordings were captured for 180 minutes.Results:The number of spikes and the average amplitude of the spikes (peak-to-peak) were calculated from the electrophysiological recording data. In the resveratrol group, there was no statistically significant difference in spike frequency and amplitude values. In the resveratrol + sodium valproate group, the spike frequency values decreased significantly from the 30th minutes (P = .028 < .05) and the amplitude decreased significantly from the 60th minutes (P = .018 < .05). Conclusion:In this rat experimental epilepsy model created with penicillin, administration of resveratrol alone did not create a statistically significant difference in epileptiform activity; however, administration of resveratrol with sodium valproate significantly decreased epileptiform activity

    Demirin indüklediği serebellar purkinje hücre kaybının flunarizin tarafından iyileştirilmesi

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    Aim: In this study, we investigated the effect of intracerebroventricular-injected iron neurotoxicity on the total number of cerebellar Purkinje cells in rats and the possible neuroprotective effect of flunarizine, a piperazinederived calcium channel blocker. Materials and Methods: Rats were divided into four groups: control, flunarizine, iron, and iron + flunarizine groups. Rats in the iron and iron + flunarizine groups received intracerebro-ventricular iron (FeCl36H2O, 200 mM, 2.5 &amp;#956;l), while those in flunarizine and iron + flunarizine groups were intraperitoneally injected with flunarizine (10 mg/kg/day) once a day after the operation for 10 days. After 10 days, all rats were perfused intracardially and then sacrificed. Brain tissues were removed and standard histological techniques were performed. The total numbers of Purkinje cells were estimated using unbiased stereological techniques. Results: Means of the total numbers of Purkinje cells in the cerebellum were estimated as 310441 &plusmn; 6558, 298658 &plusmn; 9636, 200201 &plusmn; 6822 and 282658 &plusmn; 6327 in the control, flunarizine, iron, and iron + flunarizine groups, respectively. Comparison between iron and iron + flunarizine groups revealed that flunarizine significantly attenuates the iron-induced neuron loss from 35.5% to 8.9% (P &lt; 0.05). Conclusions: Findings of the present study suggest that flunarizine has a neuroprotective effect on ironinduced Purkinje cell loss in the rat cerebellum via blocking influx of calcium ions into neurons.Amaç: Bu çalışmada, intraserebroventriküler olarak verilen demirin, sıçan serebellar Purkinje hücrelerinde oluşturduğu nörotoksisiteyi ve bir piperazin derivesi kalsiyum kanal blokörü olan flunarizinin muhtemel nöroprotektif etkisini araştırdık. Yöntem ve Gereç: Sıçanlar, kontrol, flunarizin, demir ve demir + flunarizin grupları olmak üzere dört gruba ayrıldı. Demir ve demir + flunarizin gruplarındaki sıçanlara intraserebroventriküler olarak demir (FeCl36H2O, 200 mM, 2.5 ?l) verildi. Flunarizin ve demir + flunarizin gruplarındaki sıçanlara operasyonu takiben on gün süreyle 10 mg/kg/gün dozunda flunarizin intraperitoneal olarak verildi. On günün sonunda, hayvanlar intrakardiyak yolla perfüze edildikten sonra dekapite edildiler. Beyin dokuları çıkarılarak standart histolojik doku takibi uygulandı. Toplam Purkinje hücre sayıları tarafsız sayım metodu olan stereolojik yöntemle hesaplandı. Bulgular: Ortalama toplam Purkinje hücre sayıları, kontrol, flunarizin, demir ve demir + flunarizin gruplarında sırasıyla 310441 ± 6558, 298658 ± 9636, 200201 ± 6822 ve 282658 ± 6327 olarak bulundu. Demir ve demir + flunarizin grupları karşılaştırıldığında, flunarizin demirin indüklediği Purkinje hücre kaybını % 35.5’den % 8.9’a anlamlı olarak gerilettiği bulundu (P < 0.05). Sonuç: Bu çalışmanın sonuçları, sıçan serebellumunda demirin indüklediği Purkinje hücre kaybı üzerine flunarizinin nöroprotektif etkisinin, kalsiyumun nöron içine girişinin bloklanması yoluyla olabileceğini göstermektedir

    Sağ koroner arterin karşı taraftan anormal çıkışı : 17 vakalık seri

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    Amaç: Sağ koroner arterin sol sinüs Valsalva'dan anormal çıkışı, aort ve pulmoner arter arasında seyretmesi, ateroskleroz olmaksızın göğüs ağrısına, akut miyokard enfarktüsüne ve hatta ani ölüme sebep olabilir. Özellikle genç hastalar ciddi klinik olaylar açsından risk altında olsa da, orta-ileri yaştaki hastalarda da farklı klinik seyirler gözlenebilir. Bu çalışmada, orta-ileri yaştaki hastalarda sol sinüsten Valsalva'dan çıkan sağ koroner arterin anjiyografik varyasyonları, klinik bulguları ve uzun dönem bulguları incelenmiştir. Gereç ve Yöntemler: 1999-2005 yılları arasında farklı merkezlerde koroner anjiyografi yapılan 70.850 hastanın kayıtları en az iki girişimsel kardiyolog tarafından incelendi. Sağ koroner arterin ayrıntılı değerlendirilmesi gerektiğinde, çok kesitli bilgisayarlı tomografi de kullanıldı. Tüm hastalar ortalama 50 ay takip edildi. Bulgular: Toplam 17 hastada (%0.024) karşı taraftan çıkan sağ koroner arter tespit edildi. Bu hastaların 12 (%71) sinde sağ koroner arter sol sinüs Valsalva'dan, 5 (%29) inde çıkan aortada sol sinüs Valsalva üzerinden çıkmaktaydı. Sağ koroner arterin başlangıç kısmının retro-aortik seyri 2 (%12) hastada gözlenirken, 15 (%88) inde inter-arteryel seyretmekteydi. Hastaların 9 (%53) unda aterosklerotik tutulum gözlenmedi. 3 (%18) hastaya, bunlardan birisinin aterosklerotik tutulumu yoktu, anormal sağ koronere bağlı koroner by- pass yapıldı. Hastalardan birisine de anormal sağ koroner arter nedeniyle stent takıldı. Takip süresince 3 hasta kalp dışı nedenlere bağlı olarak kaybedildi. Diğer 14 hasta olaysız olarak takip edildi. Sonuç: Sol sinüs Valsalva kaynaklı sağ koroner arter saptanan orta-ileri yaştaki hastalarda, akut koroner sendrom ya da istirahat EKG'sinde iskemi olmaksızın, tıbbi tedavi uygun bir seçenektir.Objective: Anomalous origin of the right coronary artery (RCA) from left sinus of Valsalva (LSV), coursing between the aorta and pulmonary artery can lead to angina pectoris, acute myocardial infarction or even sudden death in the absence of atherosclerosis. Especially young patients have the risk of serious clinical events, but middle-aged-to elderly patients have variable clinical courses. In this study, we presented angiographic variations, clinical findings and long term follow-up data of RCA originating from left side in middle-aged-to elderly patients Material and Methods: We reviewed the records of 70,850 patients undergoing coronary angiography between 1999-2005 years. At least two invasive cardiologists examined the angiogram of each patient. If necessary, multislice computerized tomography was used for detailed investigation of the RCA. All patients were followed up for approximately 50 months. Results: Seventeen patients (0,024%) were found to have anomalous origin of RCA from contralateral side. The anomalous RCA originated within the LSV in 12 (71%) patient, from ascending aorta above the LSV in 5 (29%) patients. The retroaortic course of the initial RCA was seen in 2 (12%) patients while 15 (88%) patients showed interarterial course . No atherosclerotic involvement was seen in 9 (53%) patients. Three patients (18%), one of them had no atherosclerotic lesion, underwent CABG due to anomalous RCA. One patient was also treated by stent implantation to the anomalous RCA. Three patients died during the follow up period due to noncardiac causes. Other 14 patients have been followed up uneventfully. Conclusion: Medical treatment is a plausible choice of treatment in anomalous RCA originating from LSV in middle–aged-to elderly patients in the absence of ischemia on 12-lead resting ECG and/or acute coronary syndrome

    Barbaloin attenuates ischemia reperfusion-induced oxidative renal injury via antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects

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    The goal of this research is to find out the protective effects of barbaloin on kidney injury by ischemia-reperfusion. In this research, the rats were allocated into four groups. Study groups are programmed as; sham control, ischemia-reperfusion, ischemia reperfusion+DMSO and ischemia reperfusion+barbaloin. When the study was completed, various oxidative stress parameters like total oxidant status, total antioxidant status, oxidative stress index, myeloperoxidase, and cytokine levels such as tumor necrosis factor-&#945; and interleukin-1&#946; were measured in all groups. Oxidant and inflammatory parameters increased, and antioxidant parameters decreased in the ischemia reperfusion group, but antioxidant parameters increased while oxidant and inflammatory parameters decreased in the treatment group. These results have shown us that barbaloin has a protective effect against oxidative renal injury caused by ischemia-reperfusio [Med-Science 2020; 9(1.000): 246-50

    Mihmanlı’nın MİDE KANSERİ VE CERRAHİ TEDAVİSİ’’ 3. Baskı

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