78 research outputs found


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    Within this paper, pumice is investigated in general and its importance is emphasized for our county's economy. Pumice which has a hardness of 5-6 with a specific gravity of 1-2 g/cm 3 owns many pores from micro to microscale. Its heat and sound insulation is extremely high whereas its permeability is too low due to its pore's independence from each other. It has got wide use areas in industry today due to those vital physical properties. Pumice which is produced by very simple mining and processing methods, has been used in many different fields, such as construction, textile, chemical and agricultural industries. This work aims to reveal scientific, technical and statistical information about pumice whose importance has been increasing day by day for our country's economy as an industrial mineral and try to raise the common interests of both industrialists and scientists about its mining and processing


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    Trona, sodyum karbonat minerallerinin doğal olarak bulunan bir şekli olup, kimyasal literatürde «scsqtic karbonat*, «unu» veya «trona» adiyle geçer, [NajGO).N'aHCOj.2H2OJ formülüyle tanımlanır. Ru çalışmada, doğal olarak trona mineralleriyle birlikte bulunan diğer bileşikler ve killerin trona analizlerine girişimini görmek, gidermek ve trona örnekle­rinin analizini doğru ve seri olarak yapabilmek için uygun yöntemlerin önerilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yanılgıları en aza indi­rerek seri sonuçlar verebilecek bir yöntemin önerilmesi için trona örneklerinde kullanılabilecek çeşitli yöntemler irdelenmiş, deneysel veriler teorik sonuçlarla kıyaslanmıştır. Beypazarı trona \e soda örnekleri üzerinde yapılan potansiyomeırik tit- rasyon, gümüş nitrat dış indikatör ve BaCI; titrasyon yöntemleriyle bulunan sonuçlar «Studcnt'st» kullanılarak teorik de­ğerlerle karşılaştırılmışım. Analitik kimya laboratuvannda daha çok kullanılan % 95 güvenilirlik düzeyi esas alınmıştır.Buna göre yedi örnek için analiz sonuçlarının teorik sonuçlarla kıyaslamaları yapılmış, R değerçizelge NajCOj yüzdcleri için BıQy yönteminde 0.008, AgNOj yönteminde 3.25, potansiyometrik yöntemde 3.26, NaHCC>3 yıızdctcri için ise BaClj yönteminde 0.59, AgN'Oj yönteminde 2.83, potansiyometrik yöntemde 3.59 olarak bulunmuştur. R> 1 olduğu durumlar sistematik hata varlığım belirlemektedir. Ayrıca, analizlenen örneklerin XRD sonuçları alınmış 1 uyum halinde olduğu görülmüştür

    Financial risk management in renewable energy sector: Comparative analysis between the European Union and Turkey

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    AbstractRenewable energy is clean sources of energy that have a much lower environmental impact than conventional energy technologies. Renewable energy sector plays a very important role in the strategic energy planning process in any country. Most renewable energy investments are spent on materials and workmanship to build and maintain the facilities, rather than on costly energy imports. In this context, renewable energy provides innovative, cost effective renewable energy risk management and insurance programmes, helping this increasingly competitive industry meet the challenges it faces. At the same time, the speed of change in renewable energy technology requires specialists able to provide expert risk advice and insurance broking services. Meanwhile, focus on the renewable energy sector has never been higher, with governments around the world setting tough targets for the amount of energy provided by renewable sources. The main aim of this paper is to examine the financial risk management instruments that are evolving to meet the needs of the renewable energy sector in both the EU and Turkey. Finally, we provide the research findings according to our objective and discuss their managerial and theoretical implications related to renewable energy investment

    Renewable hydrogen energy and energy efficiency in Turkey in the 21st century

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    WOS: 000395842000054Earth does not have an equal distribution of energy sources. Despite the advances in renewable energy, fossil fuels seem to continue to dominate the energy sector in near future. Hydrogen energy is seen as a renewable power system that is an alternatively convenient storage and transmission vector. The present study aims to contribute to the discussion on the implementation of the hydrogen power plants through encouraging state sector investments in renewable energy and private sector investments in hydrogen energy. In this respect, the contribution of hydrogen energy to energy efficiency is that it can reveal the potential of suitable and sustainable energy as a natural source at a competitive price in the future. The study also aims to contribute to energy efficiency by emphasizing the significance of maintaining an international strategic planning process for public and private sector officials to accelerate the effective development of the hydrogen economy infrastructure. The study also underlines that it is essential for the governments to encourage initiatives concerning renewable energy and fuel cell in the process of transition to hydrogen economy in the 21st century. (C) 2016 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved