43 research outputs found

    Acute cerebral MCA ischemia with secondary severe head injury and acute intracerebral and subdural haematoma: Case report

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    Generally, according to international literature, cerebral ischemia is a secondary posttraumatic lesion produced by direct compression in the context of a cerebral herniation syndrome or indirect by vasospasm produced by posttraumatic subarachnoid, subdural or intraventricular hemorrhages. We present the case of a patient with an acute MCA ischemia with severe head injury due to a fall with subsequent intracranial acute intracerebral and subdural hematoma which evolved with acute left uncal, parahipocampal and subfalcinecerebral herniation (coma, GCS 6, left mydriasis, right severe hemiparesis). Surgical emergency aspiration of the hematomas was performed. Postoperative treatment of cerebral ischemia and residual hematomas was properly done. We consider important and underdiagnosed the association of cerebral ischemia and secondary posttraumatic brain injuries. Abbreviations: MCA-middle cerebral artery, GCS- Glasgow Coma Scale, ICA-internal carotid artery, PCA-posterior cerebral artery, ACA-anterior cerebral artery. Conclusion: We present a case of a patient with an acute MCA ischemia with secondary head injury due to a fall with subsequent intracranial acute intracerebral and subdural hematomas. Surgical emergency aspiration of the hematomas was performed. The treatment was performed for both lesions (cerebral ischemia and posttraumatic hematomas) with vitamins B, neurotrophycs, pain killers, antibiotics. Unfortunately, due to aggravation of the Mendelson syndrome, the patient died 7 days later

    Primary tuberculomas of the thoracal spinal cord: Case report

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    The authors present an unusual case of intramedullary tuberculoma in a HIV-negative patient from the southeast part of Romania who demonstrated no other signs of tuberculous infection. Clinical exam: extreme spastic paraparesis in triple flexion, dorsal pain and bladder and bowel incontinence. Gd enhanced MRI revealed ring enhancing lesion with central hypointensity, suggesting granulomatous pathology. Surgical excision of the intramedullary lesions was carried out followed by anti-tuberculous chemotherapy and Baclofen tablets . !0 days postoperative MRI showed total resolution of the lesion. Two years follow up showed progressive resolution of spasticity. Following surgical excision, the patient improved significantly sensitive and modest the motility and spasticity. The management of this rare lesion is discussed and the literature reviewed

    Design of the Prototype Instrument for Measuring Freshness of Fish Based on Resistance

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    The freshness of the dead fish is very difficult to be known visually whereas the use of chemical analyses is not only time consuming but also is not readily available at for market. Therefore, it is considered necessary to find out a newmethod for that purpose. In this. research, a prototype instrument for measuring freshness of the dead fish was designed based on the fish electrical resistance. The sensor was made of a couple of steel wires with diameter of 0.5 mm. During measurement, the wires sensor was inserted into the fish body with the distance of 2 cm to each other. Result of the research showed linear relationship between dead fish freshness and its resistance. The linear relationship was also found between water content of the fish body and its resistance

    The Spatial Economy in the Urban Informal Settlement

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    In the rapidly urbanizing world, the informal settlement has been forming a significant part of the common urban scene in many cities in the developing countries. It holds a particular role in the city as it houses millions of urban poor who has no access to the public housing. However it does not only offer accommodation but also economic opportunities that enables the inhabitants to survive. The informal settlement displays a very specific and particular mechanism of survival that is significantly characterized by the notion of flexibility in term of production and spatial occupation. This research aims to investigate the local spatial economy or the spatial dynamic of survivability in the informal settlement. It focuses on the notion of space and locations of the process of survival in such settlement by analyzing the way the spaces are organized and negotiated as one of the most important tool of production and the place of production. It analyzes the dynamics by relating it to the notions of the social capital and the life chances in the informal settlement. Moreover in order to offer a deeper understanding of the problem, apart from the looking at the actual and the localized problem, it will also look at the root of the problems by relating it to its past as an element of a colonial city; and analyse the major economic forces that contribute to its creation by relating it with the Dual City theory in order to accentuate the nature of the problem and its position in the metropolitan context. The research employs the case of kampong to illustrate the case of the informal settlement in the city of Jakarta, Indonesia. The result of the research shows that the dynamic of the survivability in the informal settlement is characterized by a multi-tier relationship between the formal and the informal economy. The continuity of its production is related to the wider economic sector; namely the formal sector, that creates demands and economic opportunities for them. It is also strongly bounded with its actual location; dislocation would therefore destroy the local livelihood. The local economic activities are also determined by the flexibility of the local spatial organization and production. These particular characters enable the inhabitants to manoeuvre in order to survive amidst the limited capital and resource. The process of production is highly depended on the intensity social relation that makes the spatial negotiation and the flexible production possible to take place. The local survivability therefore is in the same time very flexible and fragile.Architectur

    Designing megacities

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    Governance of megacities

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    The Dutch context

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