43 research outputs found

    Kebijakan Pemungutan Pajak Restoran dalam Meningkatkan Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) pada Dinas Pendapatan Kota Manado

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    This watchfulness is done to detect the increase region original income and detect tax acceptance restaurant tax influence towards region original income.This watchfulness aim : (1) how to detect restaurant tax harvest policy execution procedure in increase region original income (2) detect increase region original income in Manado city.Method that used qualitative and data that used restaurant list in Manado city and procedure with regency region original income realization data Manado period 2010 up to year 2015. Data collecting technique that field research (field watchfulness) by interview and observation.Research from this watchfulness has showed that restaurant tax harvest execution procedure as according to this matter by law can influential towards restaurant tax acceptance contribution in regency region original income in Manado city. From year 2010 up to year 2015 experience increase and depreciation. This is caused by restaurant closing existence and development restaurant. This activity is enough influential restaurant tax acceptance, apart from taxpayer obedience is itself

    Implementasi Kebijakan Tunjangan Kinerja Pegawai di Lingkungan Kementerian Pertanian (Studi di Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Sulawesi Utara)

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    This research moved from the initial observation that the Employee Performance BenefitsPolicy Implementation in the Agriculture Technology Assessment Unit in North Sulawesi indicated noteffective enough because encountered some conditions that indicate problems in implementation. Thepurpose of this study was to determine how the Employee Performance Benefits Policy Implementation inAgriculture Technology Assessment Unit in North Sulawesi.Research using qualitative methods.The informants as many as 10 employees. Collecting data withinterview techniques; while the data analysis using analytical techniques interactive model of Miles andHubermann. Implementation of the model that is used in this research is the theory of policy implementationof Van Metter and VanHorn.The results of this study demonstrate policy implementation performance benefits of employees inNorth Sulawesi in general has been quite good but needs to be improved, namely (1) the human dimension:the lack of supervision to be the cause of corruption time employees. (2) Dimensions implementing Attitude:There is still tolerable attitude of the parties has taken the performance benefits so that employees whoviolate the rules spared from cuts. (3) Dimensions organization communication between implementers, lackof communication with other parties regarding appropriate intake BPTP periodic reports causing delays inthe disbursement of performance benefits.Referring to some of the findings in this study it is necessary to give somesuggestions as solutionsto problems, as follows: (1) it is necessary to increase the security guard or officer who recorded employeeout during office hours, it is important for improving employee discipline. (2) Regulations or provisionsconcerning the calculation of the performance benefits cuts should be done properly and consistently withtougher sanctions. In order for the parties that deal cutting performance benefits can work consistently andfirmly, so that employees who violate the rules will not be spared from cuts. (3) In need of facilities / specialapplications in support of coordination andcommunication between the Ministry of Agriculture

    Penanganan Keluhan Publik di Kantor Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Minahasa Utara (Studi pada Pelayanan E-ktp)

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    Some government-issued regulations to handle and provides a variety of complaints into thesystem of complaints should be cared for properly in various government agencies managing the complaintshould have been look well in various government agencies. In order that the functions of the managementof complaints it could run well in order to improve the quality of existing services. The problems inherentin the grip of a public complains on the service of E-KTP in the service of the population and civilregistration distric of Minahasa Utara can be grouped into three types of complaints. First, complaint aboutthe delay of the process, Second, the unfriendly officers, third unclear information.This research uses qualitative research methods, descriptive. informant research by as much as 10(ten) informant: 1 person head of Department, 1 Secretary, 3 civil State apparatus, 5 people community.data collection techniques used i.e., interview techniques, techniques of observation/observation, andtechnical documentation. data analysis techniques used, namely the reduction of data, data presentation,and conclusion

    Promosi Pegawai Negeri Sipil dalam Jabatan Struktural di Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Kota Ternate

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    Abctract: The purpose of this research is to find out how the promotion of CIVIL SERVANTS in the Office of the Civil Service Agency in the area of structural Ternate city. This study uses qualitative methods. Informant this study as much 6 officials/employees at BKD, i.e.: Secretary (1 person), head (2), the head of the subfields (1 person), CIVIL SERVANTS ever in the promotion (1 person), and CIVIL SERVANTS have never been in the promotion (1 person). Data collection techniques used are interviews. Data analysis was done with a qualitative analysis techniques, interactive analysis models from Miles and Hubernann. Based on research results drawn conclusion:(I) requirements for the promotion of structural officials (i.e. rank/category, educational level, work achievement, competency, training, structural seniority, experience, and age) applied with a fairly consistent and objective enough. (2) Promotion of structural officials also consider it pretty consistently and fairly objective factor of dedication and loyalty, and morality. Shove off from the results of this research, suggested:(I) forward, the process of the promotion of structural officials at BKD Ternate city be done openly through the term of the auction system was implemented in some areas. (2) Team Baperjakat be more rigorous and objective selection process in the promotion of CIVIL SERVANTS in the structural position in accordance with the mandate of the ACT. No. 5 Year 2014

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Publik terhadap Kinerja Organisasi (Studi pada Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara)

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    This study originated from the results of the pre-survey which found that the performance of the organization in the Department of Population and Civil Registration Minahasa sicapai Tengga yet optimal. This is presumably related to the quality of public services is still relatively low. Thus, this study aims to determine and quantify the effect of Organizational Performance against Public Service in the Department of Population and Civil Registration Southeast Minahasa Regency. Descriptive and quantitative approach applied to problem solving. Samples drawn by purposive sampling of respondents as many as 36 employees / service personnel, then spread Questionnaire (a questionnaire) and the results are analyzed by applying the techniques of regression and correlation analysis product moment.The research results presented as follows:The result of identification of variables showed that in general, both the variable quality of public services as well as organizational performance variables Department of Population and Civil Registration Southeast Minahasa Regency are in the category of 'high'. However, there are two dimensions of quality of public services have not achieved optimal, the empathy dimension and the dimension of direct evidence. This is due to the relative weakness of supervision conducted leadership.The quality of public services and very significant positive effect on organizational performance. Both variables have a linear patterned functional relationship and are contributive. If the improved quality of public services, it will boost the performance of the organization, particularly in the Department of Population and Civil Registration Southeast Minahasa Regency.Thus, it can be concluded that the proposed research hypotheses have been tested empirically enforceability as well as to justify the theory underlying terori. It is recommended that local governments streamline supervision attached, as well as training programs to improve the quality of public services and organizational performance

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan terhadap Efektivitas Kerja Pegawai pada Kelurahan Bahu

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    Economic progress, organizations and government agencies are increasingly rapidly thesedays makes human resources becomes a very important element for the progress of the organizationin terms of human resources such as, obedience work, the effectiveness and performance anddiscipline will be of benefit to an organization in the government when the led by a leader in order toachieve organizational goals. basically work discipline in the effectiveness of the organization has agoal to steer the behavior of subordinates with a number of regulations that support the achievementof objectives.Formulation of the problem in this research are: leadership influence what is being implementedby the employer in accordance with the perception of employees on the municipality's shoulder, howthe effectiveness of employees working on the municipality's shoulder, how much influence theleadership of the effectiveness of employees on keluraha shoulder. netode research used in thisresearch use descriptive research method. descriptive method qualitative research aims to describeand understand carefully the phenomena that will be made in research for hypothesis testingpurposes or to answer research questions and as a tool to control the variables that affect theresearch. the results of this study include: communication, responsibility, coaching and motivationcan be concluded that concludes the influence of leadership to the staff of the shoulder, veryinfluential in the spirit and work effectiveness due to the influence of environmental leadership in theravine the shoulder can make the effectiveness of the work in the shoulder become more disciplined,responsible for employment and more courteous in serving the community