75 research outputs found

    Indonesia during two big economic crises 1997/98 and 2008/09: How was the impact and what was the main difference between the two crises?

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    This paper aims to examine the Indonesian experiences with the 1997/98 Asian financial crisis and the 2008/09 global economic crisis. It has three main parts. The first part gives a theoretical explanation of the main transmission channels through which the two crises have affected the Indonesian economy. It also provides a list of key indicators of these types of economic crises. The second part is the empirical part about the impacts of the crises on economic growth, employment, remittances and poverty in Indonesia. One important finding from this study is that the Indonesian economy was much more resilient to the last crisis as compared to the first crisis. During the first crisis, Indonesian economic growth was negative and poverty increased significantly; whereas during the second one, Indonesia managed to keep a positive economic growth rate (though declined), and poverty kept declining. The third part provides a list of main reasons for the difference, and sound banking sector after the first crisis is among the list.2008/09 crisis, 1997/98 crisis, economic growth, remittance, poverty, unemployment JEL Classification: E24, F24, F43, I32

    Ongoing trade facilitation improvement: Its impact on export-oriented small and medium-sized enterprises in Indonesia

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    Data shows only a small proportion of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) export their products, and the paper makes recommendations on encouraging export activities through increasing awareness and training of MSMEs regarding trade facilitation information, and promotion of information communications technology. MSMEs and Micro Enterprises in Indonesia still have difficulties in accessing ICT or adjusting their ‘traditional’ business approach to ICT-based modern business. Government should subsidise assistance and facilitation of access to ICTs, plus education regarding trade facilitation measures for small enterprises

    Perekonomian Indonesia

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    Buku ini membahas perekonomian Indonesia sejak kemerdekaan 1945 hingga saat ini dengan penekanan dengan beberapa isu untuk memahami dinamika perekomian nasional. Secara garis besar buku ini berisi tentang: Bab 1 sistem ekonomi Indonesia Bab 2 sejarah ekonomi Indonesia Bab 3 pertumbuhan ekonomi, perubahan struktur ekonomi dan krisis ekonomi Bab 4 kemiskinan dan kesenjangan pendapatan Bab 5 pertanian dan ketahanan pangan Bab 6 kebijakan fiskal dan moneter Bab 7 APBN dan ULN Bab 8 pelaku-pelaku ekonomi Bab 9 kebijakan perdagangan dan investasi rii

    GLOBALISASI : Perdagangan Dan Internasional

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    xxv,; 373 hlm,; 23 c

    UMKM Di Indonesia

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    XIV + 281 hlm; 17,5 x 25 c

    Peran Usaha Mikro dan Kecil dalam Pengentasan Kemiskinan di Daerah

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    Abstrak Tujuan utama dari studi ini adalah mengeksplorasi peran usaha mikro dan kecil (UMK) dalam pengentasan kemiskinan di daerah. Lebih spesifik lagi, studi ini bermaksud menjawab dua pertanyaan penelitian berikut ini. Pertama, apakah keberadaan UMK bisa mengurangi kemiskinan di daerah? Kedua, apakah derajat pentingnya UMK bagi pengentasan kemiskinan bervariasi menurut daerah dan apa kemungkinan faktor-faktor penentunya? Penelitian ini didasarkan pada analisa data sekunder dengan memakai data kemiskinan dan UMK di industri manufaktur pada tingkat provinsi. Pentingnya keberadaan UMK diukur secara tidak langsung dengan lima indikator: jumlah unit usaha, jumlah pekerja yang dibayar, produktivitas, pangsa output, dan nilai ekspor. Hasil penelitian ini memberi kesan bahwa UMK memang penting bagi pengurangan kemiskinan di daerah (provinsi). Namun, perannya itu bervariasi menurut provinsi yang ditentukan oleh perbedaan-perbedaan dalam akses UMK ke input input penting seperti pendidikan, bantuan teknis, bahan baku dan permodalan.   Abstract The main objective of this study is to explore the role of micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in regional poverty alleviation. More specific, this study aims to answer the following two research questions. First, can the presence of MSEs reduce regional poverty? Second, does the degree of the importance of MSEs for poverty reduction vary by region and what are the likely determinants?This research is based on secondary data analysis by using data on poverty and MSEs in the manufacturing industry at the provincial level. The importance of MSEs is measured indirectly with five indicators: total units, total paid workers, productivity, output share, value of export. Finding of this research suggests that MSEs are indeed for poverty regional reduction (province). However, their role varies by province which is determined by differences in MSEs’ access to crucial inputs such as education, technical assistance, raw materials and capital

    Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah

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    viii, 260 hlm.; 25 c

    Tranformasi ekonomi di Indonesia : Teori r penemuan empiris

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    220 p. : il; 25 cm

    Perkembangan sektor pertanian di indonesia : beberapa isu penting

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    288 hlm,; 25 x 17 c

    Industralisasi di negara sedang berkembang

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    142hlm;25x17,5 cm
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