3 research outputs found

    Monitoring pertumbuhan mangrove di area modulasi karang dan mangrove Kampus Tateli Politeknik Negeri Manado

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    Research conducted in the Coral and Mangrove Modulation Area of the Tateli Campus of the Polytechnic of Manado State, in January to October 2019 aims to identify and differentiate the types of mangroves and then obtain data on mangrove growth in the Coral & Mangrove Modulation Area of the Tateli Campus. Retrieval of data using an area of 20 m2 of mangrove modulation and divided into four quadrants measuring 10 m2, while the tools used are: a compass to determine the direction or azimuth of research, a meter to measure distances., A photo camera for documentation tools, computers and other stationery which is used for data processing and writing research, rope, Tally sheet., Height measuring devices. Observations and data collection in this study included the measurement of trees, saplings, seedling height, seedling leaves, and seedling branches. From the existing mangrove modulation, four quadrants of mangrove observation were obtained. There are a number of mangrove individuals whose growth is observed and seen from the height, number of leaves and branches of the mangrove. Based on observations, it was found that in quadrant one there were two types of mangroves in the seedling phase, namely Rhizophora Apiculata and Rhizophora Mucronata with a total of 17 individuals. The average leaves of R. Apiculata are 7 strands. Then in the second quadrant two mangrove species were found, namely R. Apiculata and Sonneratia Alba, with a total of 15 individuals where the average height of Rhizophora Apiculata seedlings was 78cm, while Sonneratia Alba was 25.71cm. Furthermore, in this third quadrant only one species of mangrove Sonneratia Alba was found in the seedling phase. In this quadrant there are 15 mangrove individuals, with an average height value of 28.33 cm, an average value of leaves of 7.8 strands, an average value of 0.27 branches and the last in the fourth quadrant there are four types of mangrove seedlings namely R. Apiculata, R. mucronata, Brugueira Gymnoriza, and Sonneratia Alba. In this quadrant, 30 individual mangrove seedlings were found. Based on these results it can be concluded that from the existing mangrove modulation, obtained four quadrants of mangrove observation. There are several mangrove individuals whose growth is observed, as seen from the height, number of leaves and branches of the mangrove. Then the average mangrove growth is dominated by R. mucronata species. Whereas the highest rate of mangrove growth for 10 months is Brugueira Sp. Keywords: Mangroves, Growt


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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the ecological conditions of mangrove ecosystems in the Manado Bay and analyze the suitability of the mangrove ecosystems as a new tourist destination, examine the oceanographic conditions in the Manado Bay area, study the data on the development of coral reef ecosystems to be able to produce artificial coral reefs and produce mangrove areas and coral reefs artificial as a new tourist destination. This research was conducted in April - September 2019 with the location of Manado Bay and the location of the Manado Bay coral reef ecosystem survey set at 3 sample points, equipped with 3 points in front of the BOBOCA Malalayang monument, in front of the Malalayang gas station and ANTRA Sario. Retrieval of coral reef data is by using the Line Intercept Transect (LIT) method. LIT observations were carried out with SCUBA diving at a depth of 6m. Observations were made by recording coral lifeforms found along the transect line, and calculating the percentage of the selection. The data taken is the percentage of dead coral cover, live coral, and type of life form, diversity index taken at 3 sample points. From field observations found on Site 2 (Front of Malalayang gas station) the condition of coral reefs is included in the good category, with the percentage of live coral cover (Hard Coral) of 55%. At this station found various types of coral growth, but the highest at this station is a form of growth of Coral Masive (CM) of 19.2%, while the least found were corals in the form of Coral Mushrooms (Mushroom Coral) with a percentage of 0.4 %. Then Site 3, namely in ANTRA Sario obtained from coral reefs is included in the bad category, with the percentage of live coral cover (Hard Coral) only 7.1%. Coral Diversity in the three survey stations is different. Of the three stations determined above the Tugu Boboca Malalayang site with an index value of 2.54, followed at site 2 namely the Malalayang gas station with an index value of 2.36 and the lowest at site 3 at ANTRA Sario with an index value of 1.33. Furthermore, oceanographic conditions in the Gulf of Manado region are seen in the receding period, most of the air moves westward at the beginning of the period, then moves northeastward in the next period. While in the tide period the water moves northward, starting the period and then it is seen moving northeast and at the end of the period, the east direction.Key words : Coral reef, Oceanographic conditio


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    Arakan village has great potential and opportunities in the field of tourism and as a touristattraction, so it is necessary to follow up with the management of the Dugong tourist attraction in thewaters of Arakan village. The problem formulated in this study is how to develop dugong tourismpotential inthe watersof Arakanvillage. This studyuseddescriptivemethod. Dataretrieval carriedoutinthis study was to directly visit the research site in Arakanvillage and in Arakan waters to makeobservations about the attraction of Dugong as tourism potential in Arakan village. Dugong orcommonly known by the locals as duyung is one of 35 species of marine mammals found in Indonesianwaters, especially in seagrass habitats. In this study, it was found that the attraction of Dugong as atourism potential in the waters of the Arakan village, the South Minahasa regency, North Sulawesiprovince, although it is only of particular interest to Dugong lovers. From observations made throughthis study, twodugongs were found in the Kolam Dugong area in the waters of Arakan village in aseagrasshabitat of 176.25 ha.Keywords: Dugong, Arakan Village ABSTRAKDesa Arakan memiliki potensi dan peluang yang besar dalam bidang pariwisata dan sebagaisalah satudayatarik wisata makaperluditindaklanjutidenganpengelolaan dayatarikwisata Dugong dikawasan perairan desa Arakan dan masalah yang dirumuskan dalam penelitianini adalahbagaimanamengembangkan potensi wisata dugong di kawasan perairandesa Arakan. dengan menggunakanmetode deskriptif. Pengambilan data yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan mengunjungilangsung tempat penelitian di desa Arakandan di perairan Arakan serta melakukan pengamatantentang daya tarik Dugong sebagai potensi wisata di desa Arakan. Dugong atau biasa dikenal dengannama duyung merupakan satu dari 35 jenis mamalia laut yang dijumpai yang tersebar di perairanindonesia, khususnyadi habitat padang lamun. Pada peneltian ini didapati daya tarik Dugong sebagaipotensi wisata di peraiaran desa Arakan kecamatan Tatapan kabupaten minahasa selatan provinsisulawesi utara, walaupun hanya diminati secara khusus oleh pencinta Dugong. Dari pengamatan yangdilakukan malalui penelitian ini di jumpai 2 hewan Dugong di area kolamDugong perairan desa Arakanpada habitat lamun seluas 176,25 ha. Kata Kunci: Dugong, Desa Araka