314 research outputs found

    Effects of long term feeding diets differing in protein source and pre-slaughter starvation on biometry, qualitative traits and liver IGF-I expression in large rainbow trout

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    The effects of feeding two complete extruded diets differing in protein source (fish meal-FM vs. vegetable proteins-VP) over 30 weeks and subsequent 30 days of starvation on biometry, fillet composition and liver IGF-I mRNA were studied in large rainbow trout. At the end of the feeding period, the dietary protein source little affected major biometry traits, dressing out yields and overall adiposity (P>0.05) but fish given the VP diet resulted in higher content of PUFA n-6 fatty acids in mus- cle (0.46 vs. 0.22 g/100g fillet, P0.05) and of all fatty acids in fillet (P<0.05), except DHA. Liver IGF-I mRNA content was little affected by the test diet and starvation

    Growth performance of sea bass fed increasing levels of pea-wheat protein in diets varying in fish meal quality

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    A 11-week trial was carried out to compare the growth performance of sea bass (D. labrax) fed six isonitrogenous isocaloric diets where protein from two fish meals of different nutritive value was replaced with graded levels (0, 50 or 75%) of a mixture made up by a pea protein concentrate and wheat gluten. Fish meal quality did not affect (P>0.05) weight gain or feed efficiency in fish fed graded levels of plant protein in the diet. Feed intake decreased (P<0.05) as the level of plant protein was increased in the diet but this did not led to impaired growth or feed conversion rate. Protein efficiency and retention were equally improved (P<0.05) only with diets where a poor quality fish meal was substituted by protein rich-plant ingredients. Calculations based on the mass balance of nutrients of sea bass proven the inclusion of a mixture of highly purified plant-protein derivatives in complete diets for the sea bass, to be beneficial in reducing pollution load

    growth and nitrogen metabolism of sea bass fed graded levels of nucleic acid nitrogen from yeast or rna extract as partial substitute for protein nitrogen from fish meal

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    Some studies carried out in mammalian models have shown de novo synthesis and salvage of nucleotides to be a costly metabolic process and a dietary supplementation with nucleic acids (NA) or nucleotides has been suggested to result in a protein sparing action (Sanderson and He, 1994). On the other hand, high levels of dietary NA could have toxic effects and lead to disturbance in protein, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism in monogastric animals lacking uricase activity, an enzyme involved in NA degradation (Clifford and Story, 1976). So far, there is no clear indication of such effects in fish fed nucleic acid-enriched diets (Tacon and Cooke, 1980; Rumsey et al., 1992; Fournier et al., 2002). The aim of this experiment was to investigate growth response and N metabolism in juvenile sea bass (D. labrax) fed diets supplying graded levels of nucleic acid N from dry brewer's yeast or RNA extract as partial substitutes for protein nitrogen provided by fish meal

    Functional fish: improving nutrition for the elderly

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    Elder people need highly digestible foods that can also provide health benefits even to those suffering from chronic diseases. Furthermore, such foods should be palatable as well as familiar for elder consumers. Fish is a high-protein, low-fat food that potentially provides a range of health promoting effects which may be further improved with suitable approaches in the production systems. The present mini-review intends to report possible aquaculture interventions to enhance the positive impact of fish on elder health and to promote its function in terms of prevention and recovery of specific diseases. Some fish species during their lifespan experience periods of food restrictions that can be mimicked in aquaculture without affecting fish welfare. Under these circumstances fish can modify the fatty acid profile and increase the use of muscle proteins to fulfill their energy requirements, by activation of muscle endogenous proteases. Degradation of muscle proteins can enhance their digestibility and possibly the release of encrypted bioactive peptides, showing a plethora of biological actions, including the antihypertensive activity. The degree of myofibrillar protein degradation and the fatty acid profile of fish fillet can then be managed by suitable and sustainable feeding protocols in the context of farming conditions

    Digestibility of extruded peas, extruded lupin, and rapeseed meal in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and turbot (Psetta maxima)

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    Apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) of nutrients and energy of extruded peas, extruded lupin and rapeseed meals were determined in juvenile rainbow trout and turbot. Extruded lupin was found to be a promising substitute for fish meal in the diets of trout and turbot, with an acceptable digestibility of its dry matter (70% in trout and 81% in turbot) and a high digestibility of its protein (96% in trout and 98% in turbot) and its energy (77% in trout and 85% in turbot). Extruded peas had a lower digestibility of its protein in trout (88%) than in turbot (92%), and the ADC of energy, mainly supplied as starch, was relatively low (69% in trout and 78% in turbot). The digestibility of rapeseed meal was improved by a thermal treatment. Without thermal treatment, rapeseed meal had a low digestibility of its dry matter (57%) and energy (69%) in turbot. The availability of phosphorus was higher for extruded lupin (62% in trout and 100% in turbot) compared to the other plant-ingredients. When compared to a solvent-extracted meal, the availability of phosphorus from rapeseed meal was improved by heat treatment in both species (42% vs. 26% in trout and 65% vs. 49% in turbot). (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V

    Postprandial kinetics of digestive function in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss ): genes expression, enzymatic activity and blood biochemistry as a practical tool for nutritional studies

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    Postprandial kinetics of genes expression of gastric (chitinase, pepsinogen) and intestinal (alkaline phosphatase, maltase) digestive enzymes and nutrient transporters (peptide transporter 1, sodium-glucose transporter 1), Brush Border Membrane (BBM) enzymes activity (alkaline phosphatase, leucine aminopeptidase, maltase, saccharase) and blood biochemistry (triglycerides, cholesterol, protein, albumin, glucose, amino acids) through NMR spectroscopy, were investigated in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fed a commercial aquafeed. For this purpose, fish were starved 72 h and digestive tract and blood were sampled before the meal and at 1.5, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 24 h after feeding (T0, T1.5, T3, T6, T9, T12 and T24). The postprandial kinetic showed that the expression of the genes involved in digestion and nutrient transport, the activity of BBM enzymes, and the presence of metabolites in blood were stimulated in different ways by the presence of feed in the digestive tract. The expression of most genes peaked 3 h after meal except gastric pepsinogen and maltase in distal intestine that peaked at T9 and T12, respectively. The activity of BBM enzymes were stimulated differently based on the intestine tract. The plasma proteins level increased from T1.5 until T9, while the other blood parameters unvariated during the postprandial period. This study supplied useful information about the physiological effects a single meal as a potential tool for planning nutritional studies involving the digestive functions

    Welfare and quality of farmed trout fed high plant protein diets. 1 Growth performance and quality traits

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    AbstractThis study was performed to evaluate the effects of high levels of inclusion of plant protein sources to replace fish meal in rainbow trout (O. mykiss) diets on growth performance and quality characteristics. Two isoproteic (44.8%) and isolipidic (19.6%) extruded diets were fed to eight groups of trout (IBW 106.6g) for 103 days. Diet FM, containing only fish meal as protein source, was used as control treatment and compared to diet PV80, where a plant protein mix (pea protein concentrate and wheat gluten) was included to replace 80% of fish meal protein. Growth performance (FBW: 318.5g; SGR: 1.06%) and feed to gain ratio (0.79) of the fish were not affected by dietary treatment (p>0.05). Dry matter and protein ADCs, measured in vivo after stripping, resulted higher in fish fed the high vegetable protein diet relative to the fish meal one (p<0.05). Trout fed diet PV80 were characterised by higher agility index (2.02 vs 1.72, p<0.05), carcass yield (91.95 vs 91.18%, p<0.05), lower hepatosomatic inde..

    Insect-based aquafeeds modulate the fatty acid profile of zebrafish: a comparison on the different life stages

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    Insects are considered as an alternative and sustainable ingredient for feed production. In this study, Hermetia illucens (Hi) prepupae (fed on coffee roasted by-product added with 10% Schyzochytrium sp., a marine protist rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids) was processed into meal and included at graded levels in five experimental diets to replace dietary fish meal (0, 25, 50, 75, 100%) offered to zebrafish (Danio rerio) as experimental model. The fatty acids (FAs) profile of fish larvae (20 days), juveniles (2 months, deprived of the viscera) and adults (6 months, male and female, deprived of the viscera) specimens was investigated to evaluate the impact of dietary FM replacement with full-fat Hi prepupae meal. For the first time, the quantification of FAs in Danio rerio, performed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, was computed in absolute terms (mg 100g-1 dw), identifying the real variation in the content of any single FA. In fish, quantified total FAs in larvae, juvenile, adult male and adult female were 134±2, 235±8, 266±3 and 266±8 mg g-1 dw, respectively. With respect to zebrafish fed the control diet, specimens fed diet with increasing level of Hi prepupae meal showed significantly higher content of saturated and omega6 FAs, and significantly lower content of poly-unsaturated and omega3 FAs, reflecting partially the FAs composition of the administered diets. At the same time, the docosahexaenoic/eicosapentaenoic acid ratio increased significantly. Moreover, adult female showed a higher content of PUFA with respect to adult male, which could be justified by the needs of physiological reproductive processes. The principal component analysis demonstrated that the FAs composition in Danio rerio depends on both the life stage and the diet
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