1,119 research outputs found

    Mapping of Three Genes to Pig Chromosome 7q Demonstrates the Similarity with Human Chromosomes 14q and 15q

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    Previous data have suggested the presence of pork quality quantitative trait loci (QTL) on pig chromosome (SSC) 7q. Improving the resolution of the pig-humanmouse comparative map in this region can facilitate the search for candidate genes for these possible QTL. Therefore, three genes, the cytochrome P-450, subfamily I, polypeptide 1 (CYP1A1), somatostatin receptor 1 (SSTR1), and transcription termination factor 1 (TTF1) genes, all with expected location on pig chromosome 7 based on painting studies, were selected for mapping in the pig. Porcine sequence tagged sites (STSs) spanning 0.9 - 1.5 kb genomic DNA sequence were generated and all genes were physically assigned to SSC7q12-q23, q26 using a pig/rodent somatic cell hybrid panel. Direct sequencing of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products from different breeds revealed single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in all genes. The SSTR1 and CYP1A1 single SNPs allowed simple genotyping with PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis, and were informative for linkage mapping with the PiGMaP reference families. This revealed that SSTR1 is closely linked to CYP1A1 (0.0 cM; LOD = 11.1) and ANPEP (0.0 cM; LOD = 9.0), which refined the localization of a breakpoint in the linkage map between regions with homology to human chromosome 15q (represented by CYP1A1 and ANPEP) and proximal 14q (represented by SSTR1). Moreover, multipoint linkage data suggest inverse homology between human chromosome 14q11-q13 and and pig chomosome 7q. The TTF1 SNP was confirmed by allele-specific PCR but was not informative in any of the families used for linkage analysis.

    Quantitative Measurement of PIT1, GH, and PRL mRNA and Circulating Hormone Levels in Pig Families Segregating PIT1 Genotypes

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    PIT1 is a member of the POU-domain family gene and is a positive regulator for growth hormone (GH), prolactin (PRL), and thyrotroph-stimulating hormone β(TSHB) in several mammalian species. Previous studies in pigs have shown an association of PIT1 polymorphisms with growth and carcass traits in which the primarily Chinese alleles were associated with heavier birth weight and greater backfat. To further investigate the role of PIT1 in controlling pig growth traits, Chinese Meishan (MS) pigs segregating PIT1 polymorphisms were used to study the differences of GH and PRL at both mRNA and circulating hormone levels. A total of 60 animals from nine litters was used to collect both pituitary and blood samples at day 1, 15, and 30 after birth. A novel procedure that involves standard curve quantification was used to quantify mRNA amount for GH, PRL, PIT1-α, and PIT1-β. Conventional hormone assays were done to measure the circulating amount of GH and PRL from the blood. Statistical analyses of PIT1 genotypes, sex, and days on either mRNA (PIT1 alternative transcripts, GH, and PRL) or circulating hormone (GH and PRL) were done by using the leastsquares procedure. This study investigates GH and PRL at both mRNA and circulating hormone levels in MS pigs segregating PIT1 polymorphisms. Results from this study will provide useful information on the role of PIT1 in controlling pig growth traits

    Mapping five new candidate genes in the pig

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    Five new candidate genes for growth and carcass traits have recently been mapped in the pig by using either linkage analysis or analysis of a hybrid cell line panel. The genes mapped include the very long chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase gene (ACADVL) mapped to pig chromosome 12, the adenylate cyclase activating peptide, pituitary 1 gene (ADCYAP1) on chromosome 6, the calpain large polypeptide L3 gene (CAPN3), the myocyte-specific enhancer factor 2A gene (MEF2A) on chromosome 1, and the thyroid stimulating hormone receptor gene (TSHR) on chromosome 7. All five genes have the potential to influence carcass traits in the pig. Future studies will be conducted to investigate if any of the genes actually do influence these traits

    Associations of the porcine immune response and genetic polymorphisms with the shedding of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium

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    A major focus of our collaborattve research is to investigate the porctne response to Infection with Salmonella to 1) identify porctne genes differentially regulated during Infection and 2) Identify and associate genetic polymorphisms within these genes with infection status across swine populations In the current study, 40 crossbred pigs were intranasally inoculated with Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium and monitored for Salmonella fecal shedding and blood 1mmune parameters at 2, 7, 14 and 20 days post-inoculation (dpi). Using a multivariate permutation test, a positive correlation was observed between Salmonella shedding and Interferon-gamma (IFNG) levels at 2 and 7 dpi (p\u3c0.05), with a greater number of Salmonella shedding 1n the animals with higher IFNG levels

    Development of New Placental and Fetal Expressed Sequence Tags (EST) for Gene Discovery in Pig Reproduction

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    One major problem that has high economic impact on pig reproduction is the unexplained loss of potential porcine conceptuses during the first month of gestation. To better understand when and how these losses occur, it is imperative to investigate the underlying genetic regulatory mechanisms. We have recently initiated a large-scale cDNA sequencing project to provide molecular information regarding the genes expressed in female reproductive tissues. cDNA libraries are planned for ovary, hypothalamus, pituitary, placenta, uterus, and several stages of embryonic development. Sequence information will also be highly useful in developing sequence-tagged sites for physical mapping and developing comparative links between the human, mouse, and pig genome maps. We have previously reported the creation of two cDNA libraries, porcine fetal (day 20), and conceptus (day 17). Sequencing of these libraries produced 220 Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs), with 180 sequences analyzed by clustering algorithms, and 139 clusters identified within these sequences. We now report the creation of two more libraries from porcine fetal (day 45) and placental tissues. The day 45 fetal library has 971,150 independent clones (average insert: 1.4 kb), whereas the placental library has 1,320,000 independent clones. Initial sequencing of the fetal library has produced 119 ESTs (81 clusters), whereas we have obtained 1411 ESTs (1056 clusters) from the placental library. After clustering all sequences thus far obtained, we have identified 1,233 unique clusters. Sequences obtained in this project will be deposited into Genbank dbEST, and all comparative homolog

    Gene Discovery and Functional Genomics in the Pig

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    Advances in gene mapping and genomics in farm animals have been considerable over the past decade. Medium resolution linkage and physical maps have been reported, and specific chromosomal regions and genes associated with traits of biological and economic interest have been identified. We have reached an exciting stage in gene identification, mapping and quantitative trait locus discovery in pigs, as new molecular information is accumulating rapidly. Significant progress has been made by identifying candidate gene associations and low-resolution regions containing quantitative trail loci (QTL). However, we are still disadvantaged by the lack of tools available to efficiently use much of this new information. For example, current pig maps are neither of high enough resolution nor sufficiently informative at the comparative level for positional candidate gene cloning within QTL regions. As well, studying biological mechanisms underlying economically important traits such as reproduction is limited by the lack of molecular resources. This is especially important, as reproduction is very difficult to genetically improve by classical breeding methods due to the relatively low heritability and high expense in data collection. Thus, an improved understanding of porcine reproductive biology is of crucial economic importance, yet reproductive processes are poorly characterized at the molecular level. Recently, new methodologies have been brought to bear on a better understanding of pig molecular biology for accelerating genetic improvement in pigs. Several groups are developing molecular information in the pig, and the total Genbank sequence entries for porcine expressed genes have recently topped 100,000. Our Midwest EST Consortium has produced cDNA libraries containing the majority of genes expressed in major female reproductive tissues, and we have deposited nearly 15,000 gene sequences into public databases. These sequences represent over 8,900 different genes, based on sequence comparison among these data. Furthermore, we have developed computer software to automatically extract sequence similarity of these pig genes with their human counterparts, as well as the mapping information of these human homologues. Within our data set, we have identified nearly 1,500 pig genes with strong similarity to mapped human genes, and we are in the process of mapping 700 of these genes to improve the human-pig comparative map. This work and the complementary work of others can now be used to more rapidly understand and identify the genes controlling reproduction, so that genetic improvement of reproduction phenotypes can accelerate

    Addition of Thirteen Genes to the Porcine Comparative Gene Map Reveals New Regions of Conserved Synteny

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    Thirteen genes were mapped to the porcine genome by using either linkage mapping of the PiGMaP families (eight genes) or typing of a porcine somatic cell hybrid panel (12 genes). The genes were chosen from interesting locations in the human genome. The physical gene assignments to pig chromosomes (SSC) with corresponding human chromosome (HSA) locations include the following: FGF7 (HSA15), MADH4 (HSA18), and MC4R (HSA18) to SSC1, RXRB (HSA6), and SSTR1 (HSA14) to SSC7, UCP1 (HSA4) to SSC8, PGR (HSA11) to SSC9, TTN (HSA2) and ANT1 (HSA4) to SSC15, GRIA1 (HSA5) to SSC16, AR (HSA-X), and GRIA3 (HSA-X) to SSC-X. Additionally, CD59 (HSA11) was linkage mapped to SSC2. The majority of the assignments confirm results from bidirectional chromosome painting (4). A rearrangement in gene order was detected within the region of correspondence between SSC1 and HSA15. Two assignments were made that were not expected from the painting results (MC4R and GRIA1) and one assignment of a gene from a region where the painting study was not informative (ANT1)

    The Agricultural Genome to Phenome Initiative (AG2PI): creating a shared vision across crop and livestock research communities

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    Predicting phenotype from genotype is a central challenge in biology. By understanding genomic information to predict and improve traits, scientists can address the challenges and opportunities of achieving sustainable genetic improvement of complex, economically important traits in agriculturally relevant species. Converting the enormous, recent technical advances in all areas of genomics and phenomics into sustained and ecologically responsible improvements in food and fuel production is complex. It will require engaging agricultural genome to phenome (G2P) experts, drawing from a broad community, including crop and livestock scientists and essential integrative disciplines (e.g., engineers, economists, data and social scientists). To achieve this vision, the USDA NIFA-funded project inaugurating the Agricultural Genome to Phenome Initiative (AG2PI) is working to: Develop a cohesive vision for agricultural G2P research by identifying research gaps and opportunities; advancing community solutions to these challenges and gaps; and rapidly disseminating findings to the broader community. Towards these ends, this AG2PI project is organizing virtual field days, conferences, training workshops, and awarding seed grants to conceive new insights (details at www.ag2pi.org). Since October 2020, more than 10,000 unique participants from every inhabited continent have engaged in these activities. To illustrate AG2PI’s scope, we present survey results on agricultural G2P research needs and opportunities, highlighting opinions and suggestions for the future. We invite stakeholders interested in this complex but critical effort to help create an optimal, sustainable food supply for society and challenge the community to add to our vision for future accomplishments by a fully actualized AG2PI enterprise
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