10 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Kualitas Air Minum Pam DKI Jakarta

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    A study was conducted to evaluate the quality of water supplied by the Water Supply Company of Jakarta. The monitoring of the water quality was done by both the Jakarta Health Service and the Water Supply Company of Jakarta, based on the Regulation No. 01/BIRHUKMAS/I/1975 issued by the Minister of Health. Several parameters of the quality standard were not met. On the average 0-35% of the samples did not meet the standard for fluoride. Other parameters which deviate from the standard were: hard­ness (43-93%), ammonium (21-49%), nitrite (27-30%) and organic substances (1-6%). The factors mentioned as possible causes were, aging of distribution pipes, lack of awareness in the community to maintain the water distribution system, water source pollution and limited ability of water processing units in the Water Supply Company

    Kadar Logam Cu, Pb, Cd Dan Cr Dalam Ikan Segar Dan Kerang Dari Teluk Jakarta Tahun 1995/1996

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    A study on trace metal concentration in freshfish and shellfish from Jakarta bay was conducted in order to know trace metal contamination in freshfish and shellfish consumed by Jakarta community. This study was carried out for JO months. Samples were taken from fish market and fishpond at Muara Angke once in a month. These metals were determined by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer using nitrogen-acetylen flame for Cr and the others (Cu, Pb and Cd) using air-acetylen flames. The results showed that average concentration of these metals in freshfish and shellfish were not exceeding the permissible concentration except Cd in shellfish. The average concentration of Cd in shellfish was 0,45 ± 0,05 ppm, higher than the permissible concentration and the concentration of these metals in dry season were higher than rainy season

    Kandungan Logam Berat (Hg, Cd, dan Pb) dalam Air Tanah pada Perumahan Tipe Kecil di Jabotabek

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    A survey of heavy metals (Hg, Cd, Pb) in drinking water at small and very small houses was conducted in Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang and Bekasi (Jabotabek), in 1992. The purpose of this study was to get information about water quality and environmental condition of water sources at low cost housing and very low cost housing in Jabotabek. Forty to sixty water samples were taken from each location and analyzed by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The mercury concentration was analyzed using Cold Vapor Technique, whereas Cd and Pb were analized using The Air-acetylene method. Water samples were collected in dry season and rainy season. Interview of the owners of the house and of environmental observation of the water sources were done to get information about the condition of drinking water sources. The highest concentration of mercury detected in Jakarta was in the rainy season (2.50 mg/l). Cadmium and Lead were detected in Bogor, (Cd: 0.26 mg/l) in the rainy season and Pb : 0.16 mg/l in dry season). However 41.5% water samples from Jakarta were exceeding the mercury concentration standard, 25.4% water samples from Bogor were exceeding cadmium concentration standard, and 41.1% water samples from Bogor were exceeding lead concentration standard Heavy metals concentration in drinking water at Bekasi and Tangerang were relatively lower than Bogor and Jakarta. The environmental condition of shallow wells in Bekasi and Tangerang were also better than Bogor and Jakarta

    Evaluasi Pencemaran Nitrat-nitrit Pada Air Minum Pdam Di DKI Jakarta

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    A survey on drinking water quality was conducted in 1990/1991 to evaluate the impact of organic matters particularly of nitrate-nitrite contamination in raw water. Water samples were taken from Water Supply Enterprices (WSE) in Jakarta, i.e Pejompongan WSE and Pulogadung WSE. The results showed that the treatment efficiency of Pejompongan WSE to reduce nitrate and nitrite concentration was 5% and 82.1% respectively, and that of Pulogadung WSE were 50.0% and 63.2%. The concentration of nitrate in water the supply from Pejompongan WSE and Pulogadung WSE in general is in accordance with the water quality standard. The nitrite level in the water supply from Pejompongan also met the standard, while from Pulogadung did not. It has been observed that the nitrite concentration in water from Pejompongan distribution pipe is increasing with the distance from water treatment installation

    Pemantauan Kualitas Udara di Daerah Rawasari dan Pulogadung, Jakarta

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    Total suspended particulate matter (TSP), sulphur dioxide (S02) and nitrogen dioxide (N02) have been monitored at Rawasari district and industrial area Pulogadung in Jakarta as part of the Global Environmental Monitoring System (GEMS/WHO)/Air Network since 1978. This study reports the yearly trend of TSP, S02, N02 during 1986-1995, and water soluble sulfate and nitrate content in particulate during 1986-1990, in both sites. There are similar patterns of the yearly change of TSP, SO2, NO2 in both sites during the monitoring period of 1986-1995, and sulphate and nitrate during the monitoring period of 1986-1990. The TSP levels in Rawasari and Pulogadung area are stable during 1986-1995 in the range of 150-300 pg/m3. The annual average concentrations of S02 and N02 up to 2.50 pg/m3 and 14.71 pg/m3 respectively, are observed. The sulphate levels in both sites tend to decrease, while the nitrate levels tend to increase. The sum of sulphate and nitrate content comprised at maximum of 8.20% of the total mass of TSP in Rawasari site, and 7.40% of mass of TSP in Pulogadung industrial site

    Pengaruh Kualitas Lingkungan dalam Ruang (Indoor) terhadap Penyakit Ispa-pnemonia di Indramayu, Jawa Barat

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    A case-control study was done in Indramayu, West Java, about the association between housing characteristics, indoor air pollution and childhood Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI)-Pneumonia. Using the Respirable Suspended Particulate (RSP), nitrogen dioxide (N02), sulfur dioxide (S02), carbon monoxide (CO), formaldehyde (HCHO) and amonia (NH3) as determinants of indoor air pollutants, mites as allergens and interview of ventilation and cooking as housing characteristics. In this study, 140 children with ARI-pneumonia and 227 controls were involved. Levels of air pollutants, except of RSP was found to be smaller than those levels of pollutants recommended by WHO. There was a significant association between ARI and level of RSP due to the habit of mothers taking their babies and children while cooking in the kitchen. Two species of mites were identified as allergens found in this study, although the significance of the association with respiratory desease(s) was not clear yet

    Kuat Medan Listrik dan Medan Magnet pada Peralatan Rumah Tangga dan Kantor

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    Measurements of electric and magnetic fields strength of electronic household appliances and office equipments were conducted in Jakarta (Duren Sawit and Paseban sub-districts). Samples of home appliances include television, radio, electric bulb, refrigerator, microwave oven, iron, washing machine, heating jar, AC, and fan. The only samples of office equipment are computers. In addition to home appliances and office equipment, electric and magnetic fields strength were also measured in living rooms, and in office working rooms. The instrument used for the electric and magnetic fields strength measurement is Holaday portable field strength meters model HI 3604. Among all the household samples, television (310 V/m in 100 cm from the source), and iron (1680 V/m in 3 cm from the source) exposed the highest electric field. While the highest magnetic field exposure is from microwave oven (8,25 µT in 3 cm from the source; 4,45 µT in 30 cm from the source; 0,72 µT in 100 cm from the source). The highest electric field exposure of the living room was detected in Paseban district (44,6 V/m) and the higest magnetic field exposure was detected in the working rooms (0,073 µT).In this study the electric and magnetic fields exposures measured from various home appliances, office equipments, and office working rooms were still under the value of International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA)ZWorld Health Organization (WHO) recommendation in 1990

    Risiko Kesehatan Sistem Pernafasan Akibat Pemanfaatan Bahan Bakar Briket Batubara

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    . A Study was conducted during 1997-1998 inPedan, Klaten, Central Java for collectinginformation on health effects of using coal briquet fuel. The odds ratios (OR) for 95% confident intervals(CI) were analysed by comparing the risk of the respiratory disease between people who use coal briquet fuel in their houses and similar households not using such fuels for cooking. Result of analysis show: OR95%CI of mother for: whooping cough 5.07(0.61-42.35),chronical sputum 4.05(0.46-35.43), air way resistance 0.17 ( 0.02-1.37), while asthma, chest pain, and tuberculosis were not detected. The analysis ofOR among children under five years old for: whooping cough 1.27(0.64-2.52),chronical sputum 0.51(0.13.68),asthma 4.05(0.46-35.43), air way resistance 1.35(0.35-5.83), whereas wheezing, chest pain, andtuberculosiswere not detected. Less significant OR was shown for mother (whooping cough andchronicalsputum),and for children under five years old (whooping cough, asthma, and air way resistance). The studysuggeststhat coal briquet fuel should be used with precautions and care. Used carefully, it can be used for long-term heating

    Studi Pencemaran Merkuri dan Dampaknya terhadap Kesehatan Masyarakat di Daerah Mundu Kabupaten Indramayu

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    A study was conducted in 1992 in Mundu area, lndramayu regency, to observe the impact of mercury contamination on community health and the environment. This was a case control study and some samples were taken from the community such as human hair, vegetables, rice, and feathers of poultries (chickens, ducks) in Kedokan Bunder Wetan and Rambatan Wetan villages. The results showed that the concentrations of total-Hg in human hair in the study area was still below the standard, though there was a significant difference between the exposed area (Kedokan Bunder Wetan village) and the control area (Rambatan Wetan village). We found that the concentration of total-Hg in environmental samples either in the exposed area or the control area was higher than the standard but there was no significant difference between the study areas. The health examination for those with mercury intoxication syndromes among the hair donors in the study areas (exposed and non-exposed) did not show any of the symptoms, probably because the level of mercury in the hair samples were also low. Since the level of mercury in the environmental samples were high, it is recommended to monitor mercury concentration in the environment as a routine activity