3 research outputs found

    Towards a Greener University: Perceptions of Landscape Services in Campus Open Space

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    [EN] Universities are showing a growing interest in becoming green institutions and improving campus open space management. Well-designed urban landscapes guided by green criteria integrate eco-friendly infrastructure which may be effective in facing urban challenges in the context of climate change. Student preferences and uses of campus outdoor environment should draw the attention of campus landscape planners. This study aims to analyse how the university community perceives landscape services provided by the Spanish Universitat Politecnica de Valencia's campus open space. An online questionnaire was sent to the university community to check its opinions, level of satisfaction, and their demands related to the current situation of the outdoor areas. Campus open spaces with different urban green infrastructure have a high potential to provide cultural, provisioning, and regulation landscape services. Respondents perceive the main benefits provided by campus open spaces to be that they are a place to relax, meet friends, and pass through. Their needs related to the welfare of outdoor areas and their preferences differ according to age, occupation, and time spent at the campus. This paper intends to help the university to meet environmental guidelines and to help other universities in their endeavour to reach sustainability and ensure the university community's well-being.This research was funded by European Commission, European Union's Horizon 2020, Green Cities for Climate and Water Resilience, Sustainable Economic Growth, Healthy Citizens and Environments; grant number 730283.Tudorie, CA.; Vallés-Planells, M.; Gielen, E.; Arroyo-López, MR.; Galiana, F. (2020). Towards a Greener University: Perceptions of Landscape Services in Campus Open Space. Sustainability. 12(15):1-26. https://doi.org/10.3390/su121560471261215Raising the standard. 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The restorative potential of a university campus: Objective greenness and student perceptions in Turkey and the United States. Landscape and Urban Planning, 187, 36-46. doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2019.03.003Abu-Ghazzeh, T. M. (1999). Communicating Behavioral Research to Campus Design. Environment and Behavior, 31(6), 764-804. doi:10.1177/00139169921972344Hanan, H. (2013). Open Space as Meaningful Place for Students in ITB Campus. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 85, 308-317. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.08.361Lau, S. S. Y., Gou, Z., & Liu, Y. (2014). Healthy campus by open space design: Approaches and guidelines. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 3(4), 452-467. doi:10.1016/j.foar.2014.06.006Caselles, V., L�pez Garc�a, M. J., Meli�, J., & P�rez Cueva, A. J. (1991). Analysis of the heat-island effect of the city of Valencia, Spain, through air temperature transects and NOAA satellite data. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 43(4), 195-203. doi:10.1007/bf00867455Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial https://ich.unesco.org/esFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) http://www.fao.org/news/story/en/item/1252906/icode/2029Memoria del Curso Académico 2017–2018 https://www.upv.es/organizacion/la-institucion/memoria-curso-upv-es.htmlVallés-Planells, M., Galiana, F., & Van Eetvelde, V. (2014). A Classification of Landscape Services to Support Local Landscape Planning. Ecology and Society, 19(1). doi:10.5751/es-06251-190144Ibrahim, N., & Fadzil, N. H. (2013). Informal Setting for Learning on Campus: Usage and Preference. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 105, 344-351. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.11.036Schipperijn, J., Stigsdotter, U. K., Randrup, T. B., & Troelsen, J. (2010). Influences on the use of urban green space – A case study in Odense, Denmark. 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    Impacto del uso de la APP GROW GREEN, como recurso tecnológico didáctico, en la población educativa del distrito de Benicalap

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    [ES] La motivación y la implicación del alumnado para el aprendizaje son fundamentales en su formación y en el desarrollo de las competencias propuestas por el Espacio Europeo de Educación. La introducción de materiales docentes innovadores en el uso de la infraestructura verde urbana como entorno educativo son estrategias didácticas, descritas con éxito en la literatura, y que pueden ayudar en ese sentido. El objetivo es analizar el impacto del uso de la APP GROW GREEN, como recurso tecnológico didáctico en la población educativa del distrito de Benicalap. En concreto, se presenta una propuesta de estrategia de captación de población con el objetivo de educar al público formal e informalmente usando una herramienta eco-consciente, que es el resultado de una de las acciones de divulgación de los proyectos pilotos del proyecto H2020 Grow Green. Con el fin de difundir el uso de la app, desde febrero de 2020 se han organizado una serie de actividades y talleres con la app, y se ha observado un incremento en la frecuencia general de visitas y en la interacción con los puntos de interés (localización de flora y fauna local), especialmente los que están geolocalizados dentro del parque de Benicalap y en la zona de los proyectos piloto. La app ha sido usada como recurso de educación formal en una actividad en el parque de Benicalap, por los alumnos de primaria y se ha observado una satisfacción y motivación general para el aprendizaje a través de los juegos. La intención es buscar otras vías de difusión para ampliar su uso fuera de las actividades docentes organizadas por centros escolares, porque la app tiene potencial en el fomento de la participación en procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje, en el seguimiento de los beneficios de las estrategias verdes y en los estudios de impacto social.[EN] The motivation and involvement of students in learning are fundamental in their training and in the development of the competences proposed by the European Education Area. The introduction of innovative teaching materials in the use of urban green infrastructure as an educational environment are didactic strategies, successfully described in the literature, which can help in this sense. The objective is to analyse the impact of the use of the APP GROW GREEN, as a didactic technological resource in the educational population of the district of Benicalap. Specifically, a proposal is presented for a population recruitment strategy with the aim of educating the public formally and informally using an eco-conscious tool, which is the result of one of the dissemination actions of the pilot projects of the H2020 Grow Green project. In order to disseminate the use of the app, a series of activities and workshops have been organised with the app since February 2020, and an increase in the overall frequency of visits and interaction with the points of interest (location of local flora and fauna) has been observed, especially those geolocated within the Benicalap park and in the area of the pilot projects. The app has been used as a formal education resource in an activity in the Benicalap park by primary school pupils and a general satisfaction and motivation for learning through the games has been observed. The intention is to look for other ways of dissemination to extend its use outside the educational activities organised by schools, because the app has potential in promoting participation in teaching-learning processes, in monitoring the benefits of green strategies and in social impact studies.Tudorie, CA.; Vallés-Planells, M.; Gielen, E.; Galiana Galán, F.; Beltrán, G.; Diaz Maiquez, J. (2023). Impacto del uso de la APP GROW GREEN, como recurso tecnológico didáctico, en la población educativa del distrito de Benicalap. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 261-269. https://doi.org/10.4995/INN2022.2023.1574126126

    Grow-Green pilots monitoring

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    [EN] The H2020 project “Green Cities for Climate and Water Resilience, Sustainable Economic Growth, Healthy Citizens and Environments" (GROW GREEN, Grant Agreement: 730283), developed green infrastructure pilots in: Manchester, Valencia and Wroclaw. The monitoring framework supported the pilot analysis and its impact assessment through the development of core Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) through all pilots. The historical evolution of these core KPIs are available on the Grow-Green Open Data platform sharing the software architecture for the smart city platform of Valencia City. It is an implementation of Telefónica’s Thinking Cities platform, which is based on the FIWARE standards and interfaces. All monitoring data are included on this dataset grouped on the core KPIs structure.This research was co-funded by the European Commission through the H2020 project “Green Cities for Climate and Water Resilience, Sustainable Economic Growth, Healthy Citizens and Environments (GROW GREEN)” Grant Agreement: 730283.Orozco Messana, J.; Calabuig Moreno, R.; Vallés Planells, MC.; Galiana Galán, F.; Tudorie, CA.; Alfonso Solar, D.; Peñalvo López, E.... (2022). Grow-Green core KPIs. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Dataset/10251/19186